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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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The police have been enforcing closing times, a bit sporadically, but effectively over the last 5 days or so.


Insomnia disco has a 30 day closure hanging over it, but how that will turn out after the negotiations remains to be seen.


Ibar, complicit in Insomnia's continuing to do business after the police gave the "all close" warning, was shut tonight until about 1:30am...but had a 2 day closure hanging over their heads which was negotiated away.


Tonight, most of the late night gogos were closed by 3am. I won't name them, but anyone in town knows who they are.


Ibar had to close about 4am after opening at 1am or 1:30am, so it wasn't a big night for them.


There are lots of disco punters and girls on the streets wondering "where do we go, where do we go?" because the other late night venues were closed as well (Marine, Lucifers).




Honestly, tonight looked like a scene from the "Walking Dead" series.


The word is that the Chonburi regional police (as opposed to Pattaya police) have been brought in to lean hard on Pattaya late night businesses.


Since no one has thought to pay them, they have free rein to do as they will.


This too shall pass.

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Any impact on 'showing ' and places like Babydolls/ Windmill?

Or is it mainly a late night thing.

Apparently under-aged and foreign staff was also part of the target that affected me last week.


Doesn't this happen every year at the tail end of peak season?

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  On 2/3/2012 at 12:05 AM, jacko said:
Any impact on 'showing ' and places like Babydolls/ Windmill?

Or is it mainly a late night thing.

Apparently under-aged and foreign staff was also part of the target that affected me last week.


Doesn't this happen every year at the tail end of peak season?

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TBH, i'm not sure if there's a seasonal, predictable pattern, but it's clear that it happens from time to time, likely based on political activities at a higher level than we are aware of...power struggles, jockeying for a cut of the graft, even legitimate attempts to bring the nightlife into line with existing law...I can't say I know why or when these crackdowns occur. That's for the statisticians and political wonks to say.

I just look at them as seasonal disruptions that happen Willy Nilley, same as weather variations.


If you can go back and document these activities related to time of year, i'm all ears.


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  On 2/3/2012 at 1:22 AM, MM said:


If you can go back and document these activities related to time of year, i'm all ears.

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I thought it happened about this time last year..... perhaps more related to enactment of NY resolutions?

Or new car envy someplace.

Or common sense.... a good time to act is on the way to the bank after a good spell!

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  On 2/3/2012 at 1:51 AM, jacko said:
I thought it happened about this time last year..... perhaps more related to enactment of NY resolutions?

Or new car envy someplace.

Or common sense.... a good time to act is on the way to the bank after a good spell!

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Prove it by finding similar posts from this time last year.

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I for one have always been a late starter. I go out tennish, eat and hit the streets at say 11pm. All that a crackdown will do for my nights out in Pattay is to get me on the streets earlier. This of course will get me into more happy hours and so my drinking becomes cheaper


.Lets see the place as a half full glass because as sure as hell I can get into all sorts of shit in Pattaya wahtever the hours. I can start early in Ban Chang for that matter if thats what I have to do. If however I decide to start late as usual perhaps I will get better value from bar fines as I will be less pissed and into the sack a little earlier.


This is not the end of the world, just the start of another phase.

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  On 2/2/2012 at 10:27 PM, MM said:

The police have been enforcing closing times, a bit sporadically, but effectively over the last 5 days or so.

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Same thing is happening in Bangkok. Climax, Insomnia and the other Suk area discos are forced to close at 2.00 a.m. The girls who work the mobile bars along Suk Road mostly don't show up now until the pick-up discos close. Before, they'd work the mobile bars between 11.00 p.m. and 2.00 a.m. or 3.00 a.m., then hit the pick-up discos. The girls said it is much better business now for the mobile bars. They attribute that to two factors - mainly the enforcement of closing times, but also the disappearance of the African contingent along Suk Road in the wee hours. Apparently the current government doesn't have a soft spot for them.




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  On 2/3/2012 at 8:50 AM, jacko said:
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Thanks, jacko. You obviously put some effort into that.


Unfortunately, not one of those stories had to do with late night closures, which is the main enforcement that is affecting the town.


But, I take your point. They do, thankfully, tend to pull this stuff outside of high season.


There was a crackdown for 3am closing last May though... http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/54830-police-closed-bars-on-ws-at-3am/page__view__findpost__p__891011

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  On 2/3/2012 at 9:17 AM, MM said:

Thanks, jacko. You obviously put some effort into that.


Unfortunately, not one of those stories had to do with late night closures, which is the main enforcement that is affecting the town.


But, I take your point. They do, thankfully, tend to pull this stuff outside of high season.

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Perhaps they won't bother (us) tonight... looks like rain.


We did have early closures last year...... but in early May.

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  On 2/3/2012 at 9:33 AM, alphacat said:

I like to get to bed early in anycase.


Why stay out spending money drinking stuff thats going to ruin performance .


2am is well late enough.

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Yes, that might be fine for you, but there are many people who come out later and expect to stay out till nearly sunrise in the clubs and discos. They are the ones primarily affected by the "early" closings (or in the case of Insomnia, 30 day closures).


Not everything is about you, Peter.

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  On 2/3/2012 at 9:49 AM, MM said:

Yes, that might be fine for you, but there are many people who come out later and expect to stay out till nearly sunrise in the clubs and discos. They are the ones primarily affected by the "early" closings (or in the case of Insomnia, 30 day closures).


Not everything is about you, Peter.

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How is it effecting JP bar?

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  On 2/3/2012 at 10:17 AM, MIGHTYONE said:

How is it effecting JP bar?

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I've been going home at 4am or so, so haven't seen the start up time for JP bar lately, but I heard from a mutual friend that he had picked up a girl in Marine in the wee hours, finished with her, and she was off to JP Bar at 8:30am a couple of days ago.

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  On 2/3/2012 at 10:20 AM, MM said:

I've been going home at 4am or so, so haven't seen the start up time for JP bar lately, but I heard from a mutual friend that he had picked up a girl in Marine in the wee hours, finished with her, and she was off to JP Bar at 8:30am a couple of days ago.

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Nice to know that when all else fails in Pattaya there is always JP to fall back on :lsmile

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  On 2/3/2012 at 10:24 AM, MIGHTYONE said:

Nice to know that when all else fails in Pattaya there is always JP to fall back on :lsmile

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I think the police have all gone to bed by the time JP starts rocking. I know I have!

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Didn't see them about last night.... but bars are wary of them.

No 'shows' in World Wide (how is it THEY can make a profit and sell beer at only 70 baht?)

Modified shows in Silver Star 1.

Nothing going on in the Walkway of Silver Star 3, but normal in the main room.

Sweethearts will soon be offering a free samosa with a beer. (Including a knife to cut it into 3 or 4)

Mistys in good boy mode.


Still plenty of fun to be had but I seem to spend more now... to have that fun you got to buy a few LDs (or God forbid a bucket of ping-pong balls)... even then it is a case of likely only someone who knows you, or the resident fat-drink-Dyson will be over to bug you. Failing that.... you will be another 'waiting for the wonder' for Gabor to write of. A few red or a purple bill on farewell may be required to help their memory. It is still crowded it town, into February on a wet day and they still roam mouth agape... packing the songtaews like sardines in a tin... I have even taken to using motorcycle taxis.... having the piss taken out of me by these baht bus drivers is becoming tiresome. Do they have a quota of people that they must deceive into thinking they are stopping for them?


Perhaps the police will be gone soon and a distant memory to talk of next year, they have accumulated sufficient for the Valentine's Day gifts.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 2/28/2012 at 5:27 PM, tko said:

Are the crackdowns over? Wheels up in 3 days!

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Haven't seen any early closings lately, but I've been heading home earlier than I was when I wrote the OP.


Any late owls to answer this?

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  On 2/28/2012 at 8:00 PM, scorpions said:

When will be the 30 days Isommia ban over? Back in 2 weeks and would like to join once a while the sausage party :-) ...

Always the same old stories who knows what is behind €$£¥ ...

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It's already over...they've been open nearly a week.

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