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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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It's been 18 months since my last visit to Pattaya and it was noticeable that quite a few of the Tailor shops have gone out of business. The price advantage for Europeans has narrowed considerably and the hoards of Chinese favour designer labels or high end made to measure.


I visited four shops. two at random and NINI and Siam international from recommendations on this thread. It transpires that NINI and Siam are both owned by the same extended family but run as separate businesses. My first port of call was NINI but they were about to go on holiday to Canada and were reluctant to take on the business. Their initial price was a little high and it may have been that they would have made the suits had I agreed to it. On to SIAM international and after a little gentle negociation I ordered three three piece suits and some shirts. First fitting went well and I arranged to go back for a second fitting three days later after a side trip to Bangkok. Turned up at the appointed time and instead of a second fitting I got completed suits! Jackets and trousers seemed Ok but the waistcoats were poorly made. Too tight and completely the wrong type of buttons. Got the buttons changed but unless I lose a little weight the waistcoats aren't going to be much use. Got back to Uk and have started to wear the trousers. Three trousers three different fits. One perfect, one with too big a waist and the other with legs one and a half inches shorter than the other two. In short only a very qualified recommendation for Siam International from me

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  • 3 months later...

I didn't want to start a separate thread for this thought, so I just did a search for any tailor thread to post this to.


Someone -- I forget who -- on this board was going around and purposefully shaking the hand of every tailor they passed. Just to kind of turn the tables on them hitting everyone who passed their shop.


I just arrived from Tokyo early last night, giddy from finishing a work project and was in a kind of stupid mood. So, after dinner, drinks and bar fining a young woman of the "you boom boom too mutt" persuasion, on the way back to the hotel I started shaking the hand of all the tailors we passed. I was just being dumb, happy, etc.


Hint to everyone on this board: Some TGs get annoyed when you're acting stupid. I got totally hate fucked last night and this morning. Then, she left quickly.


It may be that I'm just an asshole. Or I'm such a lousy lay that even P4P women hate it. But for now, I'm blaming the stunt involving shaking all the tailors hands and it's the story I'm sticking to.


Carry on, lads.

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  • 5 months later...

On my latest trip i reconnected with my old Burmese Tailor who used to work out of " Mr Happy " between soi 5 and 6 before it was redeveloped. He is currently working out of Hi Fi fashion on beach road, in the lobby of the J House Hotel just past the Royal Garden Plaza towards walking Street. I had three three piece suits and three shirts in the material of my choosing for 20,000 baht and was happy with the results. The bad news is that he may have to move again at the end of the month as the lease is for sale at a price that is too high for him.


He gave me permission to post his contact details on here which are Rajish2010@gmail.com and his phone number is 0875166143

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  • 6 months later...

I'm thinking of buying my first tailored suit in nearly 50 years. I cared more about fashion/appearance in my teens I guess.


I easily find clothes off the peg that....,,'fit like a glove' so I've never bothered with the bespoke route.


I recently gave away to a security guy at my condo a load of clothes and my last suit....(kept my Tux)....And of course straightaway something has turned up for which it would I need a suit.


A couple of days ago I started my 'due diligence'.......I began with all the 'tailor threads' (no pun), on here and on 'Thai Visa'....I asked around too. Lot's of recommendations but some of it conflicting........... "I tried them and they were rubbish'.


In the end I settled on one of the ones mentioned here.


Also as part of my homework I read-up on suits. I found the style, the colour and the material I want it made in. And to avoid seeming a complete beginner, ('It will ride up with wear sir"), I mugged-up on the jargon too........


I went along today having memorised the most important applicable info'. Lightweight, quality 100% wool/linen/cotton....or blend.....notched lapels...flat-front trousers...(no pleats)...low-rise waist....double vent.... no belt loops...... braided stitching on the shoulders.....slightly padded .....3 buttons but you only see two....and tight but forgiving round the chest and shoulders etc.


Now none of this info' was really needed because the style I wanted was, 'An O'connor'. All I really expected was that it would only be necessary for me to mention the style, choose the colour, the material and then haggle over the price. Then it would be a case of telling them what side I dressed on and getting my inside leg fondled. My only question then would have been: 'Why should I pay a premium for a suit through you when any tailor I go to will go to the same outwork shops behind Tuk com?'


I park right outside the shop. There's an assistant hovering by the door. He looks unsure as to whether he should approach me, or maybe he was gambling that I had parked there because it was his shop I was heading for. I smiled and offered my hand and went in. He was pleased...As far as whoever was waiting in the shop was concerned he could have dragged me by the throat off the pavement...he might get a rise!!


Shelves of folded material cover the walls. Tailor's dummies with half completed armless and chalked jackets give a professional touch. This was Pattaya's Savile Row......No doubt about it! But with an unmistakable wafting of that buttery gee smell than sometimes emanates from South Asian bodies.


(English joke warning.....)


Hmm I thought....... I wonder if this blokes first name is Cecil......


Anyway, I was asked: 'What can we do for you today sir?'


"Well" I said .....all homework done and beaming confidently ........"I'd like a suit made.......An O'Connor style."


They looked at each other and showed me over to a section of shirts.....??? After a period where I admired the shirts and said what good quality they were and they got onto price......I said, "But really it's a suit I'm interested in. An O'Connor can you make one?"

Again they nodded their heads in time and exchanged glances......This time I was taken to a suit hanging on the wall.


'Is that an O'Connor?' I asked dubiously.


Fingering the jacket he says....."Yes sir ....it is most definitely a collar...... what type of collar you want?"


Now I realised why I'd been looking at shirts for 5 mins.......So as not to be rude and to show-off my new knowledge I said: "Yes I like this collar I want notched lapels just like this........I thought all O' Connor suits were notched though?"


They'd had three goes at this O'Connor thing and it wasn't getting through.


To be fair I'd never heard of the style myself......Perhaps I was expecting too much........But this wasn't an over-the-counter sales assistant in Central. This was Pattaya's most experienced firm of quality tailors.


From my study (for you reader, think of the Daniel Craig James Bond films), O'Connor style is all the rage these days. They are everywhere.


I tried again digging myself deeper: "The James Bond films? You know? "


"Ahh yes James Bond suits......" A glint of final understanding in his eyes......My spirits soared... He reached for his phone and showed me a picture of Rodger Moore in flares!


"No O'Connor. It's a famous style of suit........ Tom Ford, (blank looks), he's a famous Tailor, sells bloody thousands of them"............Er...... I'll tell you what why don't you give me your card .........I'll print out some information and come back"


Smiles handshakes and they were glad to see the back of me........Though I doubt if matey on the door will be getting that rise now!

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I bought a suit from a Turkish tailor in the Made in Thailand complex. I bought it yeara ago and only tried it on the other day. I wore it with chinos and it is very well made.

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I'll keep trying.....

Having a problem matching that yellow of your swimming trunks?

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Having a problem matching that yellow of your swimming trunks?


That picture I posted in the 'age now' thread must have stayed up longer than I thought...........

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I found this educational..........Most of it I didn't know.


The girl is cute but initially irritating......and the model ??? weird !!


But it's very informative.


Just thought I'd share.........I look around town and I'm reminded of dear Oscar......“Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not.”....at least partially true methinks.


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Here's my advice -- they're all thieves.


I've gone to tailors recommended by friends, recommended online, and I still get a shit suit. And they're getting greedier now.


If you do use an Indian tailor, give him the absolute minimum down payment and tell him if you don't like it you're not paying. Tell him several times.


Better yet, get a cheap suit in your home country rather than a tailored suit in Pattaya. You can get "easy order" at many haberdashers, which is a kind of halfway house between off-the-rack and tailored.


You're not getting a bespoke suit, anyway, which is not the same thing at all as a mere "tailored" suit.

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Here's my advice -- they're all thieves.


I've gone to tailors recommended by friends, recommended online, and I still get a shit suit. And they're getting greedier now.


If you do use an Indian tailor, give him the absolute minimum down payment and tell him if you don't like it you're not paying. Tell him several times.


Better yet, get a cheap suit in your home country rather than a tailored suit in Pattaya. You can get "easy order" at many haberdashers, which is a kind of halfway house between off-the-rack and tailored.


You're not getting a bespoke suit, anyway, which is not the same thing at all as a mere "tailored" suit.

That sounds harsh. I have seen many guys here post that they were very satisfied with some suit or other they had made in Thailand.

Thankfully I see no need to ever get one myself....

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