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They have an internal staff administration problem and will no doubt be open shortly. Nothing whatsoever to do with unfounded comments about food poisoning.

I had dinner last night at The Bite, which is the reincarnated Bite Me! on the same premises near the corner of Third Road and Soi Lengkee. I had one of the two daily specials- escalope of chicken wi

LOL. I was trained by the US Army to inspect mess halls, restaurants, snack bars on military bases for food sanitation. I have 4 years experience conducting monthly inspections. When a restaurants sta

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I have my 3090a549679a02d966e493635ef17e4b.png that one way or another we'll be able to continue to enjoy the great food for which Bite Me Bistro was noted and it won't disappear under waves of breakfast specials and meat pies with chips and gravy.


There's not much point in further comments until we see how the "merger" is handled and how distinct the former Bite Me menu remains. Here's hoping for the best!




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I have my attachicon.gif3090a549679a02d966e493635ef17e4b.png that one way or another we'll be able to continue to enjoy the great food for which Bite Me Bistro was noted and it won't disappear under waves of breakfast specials and meat pies with chips and gravy.


There's not much point in further comments until we see how the "merger" is handled and how distinct the former Bite Me menu remains. Here's hoping for the best!





I just thought that the distinctive Retox sign over the door was worth a mention.....

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I just thought that the distinctive Retox sign over the door was worth a mention.....


Definitely worth a mention. I just meant I'm not going to speculate about the next step- will the re-branded Bite Me be more Bite Me or Retox? Only time will tell.




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  • 1 month later...

Any updates to the change over?

Walked passed yesterday. From the front it looks the same with "Barrel tables" accross the door but I think some work has been done on the upper floor and the new bar area...


My prediction? Open for Songkran cos I think the view from the front is um er a front........

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Walked passed yesterday. From the front it looks the same with "Barrel tables" accross the door but I think some work has been done on the upper floor and the new bar area...


My prediction? Open for Songkran cos I think the view from the front is um er a front........


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Was getting so excited about this Bite me bistro place when I started reading this thread with all the great pictures posted of the dishes to just get to the point reading it closed down to be merged with
an english sportsbar to be reexited it will open again on its previous location.


I really hope it opens by the time I arrive in April.

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  • 1 month later...

I have my attachicon.gif3090a549679a02d966e493635ef17e4b.png that one way or another we'll be able to continue to enjoy the great food for which Bite Me Bistro was noted and it won't disappear under waves of breakfast specials and meat pies with chips and gravy.


There's not much point in further comments until we see how the "merger" is handled and how distinct the former Bite Me menu remains. Here's hoping for the best!





Walked passsed today.. It has been open a week already.....with a board outside advertising a 98 baht breakfast special... :allright


I chatted to 2 blokes outside. It seems Bite Me has re opened in Naklua.....


I now feel like Woody when Buzz Lightyear arrived on the scene..... No more Barolo, no more seared tuna...just Retox Eggstra...

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Walked passsed today.. It has been open a week already.....with a board outside advertising a 98 baht breakfast special... :allright


I chatted to 2 blokes outside. It seems Bite Me has re opened in Naklua.....


I now feel like Woody when Buzz Lightyear arrived on the scene..... No more Barolo, no more seared tuna...just Retox Eggstra...

I don't think the information re Bite Me opening in Naklua is reliable. The Bite Me Facebook page has not been updated since the end of Jan and there has been no promotion by the owner on the various Pattaya food groups on FB.
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I don't think the information re Bite Me opening in Naklua is reliable. The Bite Me Facebook page has not been updated since the end of Jan and there has been no promotion by the owner on the various Pattaya food groups on FB.




I don't use FB. Was there an anouncement or promotion that this place was openning (given that it was a Simon/Addicts joint venture)??


I don't want to say who the 2 blokes were but I would appreciate any clarification so that I may shoot on up there...

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In the past, the management of Bite Me didn't miss a beat in using the punter boards and social media to keep customers informed. I strongly doubt they would open a re-incarnated Bite Me without extensive promotion on the Internet.


Things can get well rowdy at Retox on Soi Lengkee on game nights and Retox Xtra could be a way of offering the same Retox products and prices in less enthusiastic surroundings as well as reducing crowding. It's also possible there may be other plans for it in the future, depending on how things work out for the other Retox places.




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In the past, the management of Bite Me didn't miss a beat in using the punter boards and social media to keep customers informed. I strongly doubt they would open a re-incarnated Bite Me without extensive promotion on the Internet.




Yep, that was Peter's doing. Funnily enough I bumped into a Bite Me girl in the street on Saturday but failed to ask how Peter was doing..


I also thought at one time that BM "Tallguy" was Peter...

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  • 2 months later...

This is a bit of a double post, but I think it is justified in that everyone may look for information about the reincarnated Bite Me in the other thread.


Good news! I plan on visiting tomorrow for the soft opening.




It's still the same location on Third Road near the intersection with Soi Lengkee, but under the name The Bite. That's an improvement to start with.







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I knew they intended to re-open but this was quicker than I expected...Well Done!


Unfortunately I am off the booze until middle of August but I shall try to slip in for a snifter after visiting the Doctor but before I fly to UK for a couple of weeks..


I can't wait for Lek to do me a garlic mash .....The best in Pattaya!!!

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I had dinner last night at The Bite, which is the reincarnated Bite Me! on the same premises near the corner of Third Road and Soi Lengkee. I had one of the two daily specials- escalope of chicken with a four-cheese and mozzarella sauce and sauteed potatoes and a garden salad on the side for 245 baht. Basically, it was a chicken cutlet topped with cheese, grape tomatoes and herbs. This was the pic on The Bite's Facebook page ...




and this is how it looked when it can down in front of me:




The boneless cutlet was tender and moist, although the cheese topping was a bit bland. The potatoes sauteed with onions were good, but lacked the lardons seen in the FB photo. The garden salad was made from fresh ingredients that had flavor and lightly dressed with balsamic vinegar. The quality and freshness of the ingredients made it better than most of the generic garden salads you get in Pattaya; however, I can't get too excited about even the best garden salad.




The portion was large and I wouldn't have been able to finish a bigger one. It was well cooked and went down easily, but in terms of flavor, Saturday's special fell short of the dishes that had been served at the old Bite Me, What had distinguished the old Bite Me! menu was the creative use of herbs and spices to give a new take on familiar dishes. Quality ingredients, bold flavors and impressive plating had been the hallmarks of the old Bite Me and the new Bite with have to play a bit of catch up to match the old one.




I did discuss my observations with The Bite's owner. He told me that the Thai chef who prepared the meal had been working for the past four months in the kitchen of the Robin Hood Tavern. That could be part of the problem. The diners at the Robin Hood could have had different expectations than the fans of the old Bite Me.




I don't want to sound too harsh. The meal I got Saturday night at The Bite was far better than most of the farang food available in Pattaya and definitely value for money at 245 baht. And it's still early days for The Bite. It may take a few more days to bring The Bite up to Bite Me's standard.


I wish I had eaten at The Bite on Friday night. The special had been chicken piccata:




... or chicken breast chicken with a lemon butter, white wine and caper sauce, served with sauteed peppers and a choice of couscous, pasta or potato. That sounds more like the old Bite Me!

Naando's Indian Restaurant continues to operate out of the same premises, but there isn't anything noticeable Indian in the dining area. The kitchen for Naando's is on the second floor, separate from The Bite's kitchen on the ground floor. Although Naando's seems to be aiming mainly for take-away and delivery, you can have any dish from its menu on the premises.

This was just a quick review of one special at The Bite. I'll be making a return visit soon to take a look at its full menu to see if it's much different from the old Bite Me.

Anyway, best of luck to The Bite and I'll be back in hopes of more great meals. The Bite is open from 1.00 p.m. and 10 p.m. I read that between 8.00 a.m. customers can order breakfast dishes from the nearby Retox, with coffee and tea brewed on site.




Thanks EP..


Yep, I walked passed the other day and saw the breakfast special was still advertised on the chalkboard ... but what is unclear is if the previous full wine list has been re-established, or even the craft beers. As long as nobody from the group can be arsed to tell us I can't be arsed to go in there and try.... Fuck me, when craft beers arrived in the RH there was a big sign outside saying "craft beers" but no menu, no tasting notes and no bloody prices....I was just told to " go look in the fridge"!!! A business run with no concept of customer service except gettem in, gettem fed, gettem out...


3 diverse catering businesses being run from the same small location.....??...As long as that remains, Bite will never regain the popularity of Bite Me.....You can't replicate that wholistic experience of good wine, good food and most importantly good, fun, staff...


At the moment it is nothing more than a scabby mongrel ....

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Walked past this afternoon.....place looked empty and almost abandoned as the chalkboard menu was flat on the floor....


Not going to get many customers that way. Duble offer,sasame tona......


Getting careless.....



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I know it was closed Sunday because they were working on the kitchen, but it was supposed to be open again today. Last week they ran into a real hassle as half the kitchen equipment intended for The Bite got stolen.


The spelling mistakes are probably down to a Thai staffer's difficulties with English.




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I know it was closed Sunday because they were working on the kitchen, but it was supposed to be open again today. Last week they ran into a real hassle as half the kitchen equipment intended for The Bite got stolen.


The spelling mistakes are probably down to a Thai staffer's difficulties with English.





I passed by again today,and all the menu boards were upright and the lights were on....but not a customer to be seen!


You are probably correct about the signwriter.


Here is todays' board......



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I passed by again today,and all the menu boards were upright and the lights were on....but not a customer to be seen!


You are probably correct about the signwriter.


Here is todays' board......




Never a big fan of lamp


Tough to chew and hard to digest.

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