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Are moderators responsible for all areas of the forums or do they have sections that they are responsible for?


If responsible for all sections, that is a tremendous amount of posts to keep up with.


Just curious.

Edited by midlifecrisis
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All areas.


And why this needed to be a new thread, instead of a PM to any moderator, I have no idea.



Edited by keyman
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  On 9/19/2017 at 5:09 AM, keyman said:

All areas.


And why this needed to be a new thread, instead of a PM to any moderator, I have no idea.



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I thought the answer might be of interest to others.


It was put in this section for that reason.


Feel free to delete the post. The question has been asked and answered.

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  On 9/19/2017 at 1:53 PM, midlifecrisis said:


I thought the answer might be of interest to others.


It was put in this section for that reason.


Feel free to delete the post. The question has been asked and answered.

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That's very kind of you to ask on behalf of others, even though they could have asked themselves if they thought it necessary, but they obviously didn't as they didn't ask.

I honestly don't know where the interest is on whether we moderate all or part of the board, but it does make me a little suspicious of your motives for asking.



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  On 9/19/2017 at 3:20 PM, keyman said:




That's very kind of you to ask on behalf of others, even though they could have asked themselves if they thought it necessary, but they obviously didn't as they didn't ask.

I honestly don't know where the interest is on whether we moderate all or part of the board, but it does make me a little suspicious of your motives for asking.



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Fine. Lock the thread or delete it. What motive? You may not like my question but it was just a question.


You do tend to read things into what people post that are contrary to their intent. That is on you, not me. You seem to be the one who wants conflict here. I do not.


But as we said in the army, you salute the rank and not the man. I have the utmost respect for the rank and responsibilities of all moderators and appreciate the difficult job they have.

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  On 9/19/2017 at 4:06 PM, midlifecrisis said:


Fine. Lock the thread or delete it. What motive? You may not like my question but it was just a question.


You do tend to read things into what people post that are contrary to their intent. That is on you, not me. You seem to be the one who wants conflict here. I do not.


But as we said in the army, you salute the rank and not the man. I have the utmost respect for the rank and responsibilities of all moderators and appreciate the difficult job they have.

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I never said I didn't like it, I was just suspicious of your motive

No I don't read things into posts that are contrary to their intent, unless you can prove otherwise. I only have a few hundred posts for you to check, whereas you have over 12,000 - possibly increasing rapidly as you seem to be posting on every single thread on the board over the last couple of months - some posts relevant, some not so. That's not reading anything into it, that's a fact. But then again, if you start going back through my posts it will just be your opinion of if I am misreading a post, no-one else's, so realistically it matters not a jot.


Regarding your army comment, I'm reading into that that you are respecting what we, as moderators do, whereas as an individual (me) you do not. I can live with that, I'm not that thin-skinned to be bothered by your opinion. Crack on, as we say in OUR army!


Hope that helps




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  On 9/19/2017 at 5:06 PM, keyman said:



I never said I didn't like it, I was just suspicious of your motive

No I don't read things into posts that are contrary to their intent, unless you can prove otherwise. I only have a few hundred posts for you to check, whereas you have over 12,000 - possibly increasing rapidly as you seem to be posting on every single thread on the board over the last couple of months - some posts relevant, some not so. That's not reading anything into it, that's a fact. But then again, if you start going back through my posts it will just be your opinion of if I am misreading a post, no-one else's, so realistically it matters not a jot.


Regarding your army comment, I'm reading into that that you are respecting what we, as moderators do, whereas as an individual (me) you do not. I can live with that, I'm not that thin-skinned to be bothered by your opinion. Crack on, as we say in OUR army!


Hope that helps




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Keyman, I have nothing against you. I have been chastised by you, jacko, Fiend and MM. I have nothing against any of you. Of all of you I have only met MM maybe three or four times so I know none of you personally and I do not make judgements about who an individual is based on an online persona. So, my opinion of you is neutral. I do not know you. You are likely a fine person. So, again, you read something into my comment that was not there, yet you claim you do not read into things. I was quite complimentary about all moderators, here and elsewhere and yet I sense you think I have something against you. I do not. I have no idea who you are and likely never will. I wish you success in all aspects of life.


As to how much I post, I am retired and have the time to contribute. If my contribution is not welcome, I can find other things to do.


I never intended this to be a post of conflict. May I suggest locking it?

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  On 9/19/2017 at 8:20 PM, ttk said:

He who dies with the most posts wins.

Relevance or value is not a consideration

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I certainly do not keep track of post count. I have been a member off and on for years and now have time on my hands. I am sure there are many with far more posts than I have. If one is active on a board, post counts go up. There are many who split their time between two or more boards. I have tried other boards but always preferred this one. I tend to consider post counts only when the count is very low.

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MLC it's been a while since I ran a forum, but thaigers had the same software as this albeit an earlier version. As I recall there was no software method of locking out or separately moderating certain sub forums, only hiding them or allowing those with specific permissions to view. It is possible in the ACP to alter mod permissions on an individual basis but it is more permissions than actual access on the forum restrictions.


That said, we had moderators in the USA, UK, Europe and Thailand so all time zones were effectively covered. If you alter your personal parameters to "view all new posts" then it highlights any threads with new replies, a majority of the time it's normally known to the mods which threads are becoming TF'd and which BM's might be posting stuff that needs to be looked at. There's also an option that every post a BM makes needs to be approved by a Mod before it is allowed to become visible. Much like in one area here in the political section.


Trying to remain impartial during emotive subjects isn't easy, especially when the job is voluntary. We always took the view that it is the contribution from the BMs who made the board, we were just there to tidy things up, keep things civil and most importantly, keep an eye on spam bots and comments which might be damaging by way of falling foul of Thai law.

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  On 9/19/2017 at 8:20 PM, ttk said:

He who dies with the most posts wins.

Relevance or value is not a consideration

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Oh great. And nobody knows what became of Joekicker who previously had the most posts!

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  On 9/19/2017 at 9:51 PM, Butch said:

MLC it's been a while since I ran a forum, but thaigers had the same software as this albeit an earlier version. As I recall there was no software method of locking out or separately moderating certain sub forums, only hiding them or allowing those with specific permissions to view. It is possible in the ACP to alter mod permissions on an individual basis but it is more permissions than actual access on the forum restrictions.


That said, we had moderators in the USA, UK, Europe and Thailand so all time zones were effectively covered. If you alter your personal parameters to "view all new posts" then it highlights any threads with new replies, a majority of the time it's normally known to the mods which threads are becoming TF'd and which BM's might be posting stuff that needs to be looked at. There's also an option that every post a BM makes needs to be approved by a Mod before it is allowed to become visible. Much like in one area here in the political section.


Trying to remain impartial during emotive subjects isn't easy, especially when the job is voluntary. We always took the view that it is the contribution from the BMs who made the board, we were just there to tidy things up, keep things civil and most importantly, keep an eye on spam bots and comments which might be damaging by way of falling foul of Thai law.

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I know TPC had levels. I was level 2, which Larry once asked me if I was level two so I could see the"good" stuff. I think he meant nudes. I heard rumors that there were more levels but I think is more of an inside joke aimed at newbies. As I noted earlier, TPC has had many posts from me but I choose this board.


I am guilty of TFing but it is generally because I lose track of the topic. When I become aware of it myself or by others I immediately stop. If I notice a topic going offtrack I give a gentle nudge. That bothered on BM who thought I was moderating but I wasn't. I agree with you that these forums are excellent because of the members.


I respect the moderators and the job they do. When they chastise me and I think it is misplaced, I push back but I always understand that they have the final say. I find all the moderators and MM to be very generous. They are not into knee jerk warnings. I don't blame them though when it gets out of hand and they tire of dealing with it and give a timeout to a member.


I also understand and appreciate your point that they are volunteers. No doubt it can be a thankless job at times. As to us, the members don't let it become:


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  On 9/20/2017 at 12:49 PM, Butch said:

Anyway, if any of the Mod team give me a warning, it'll be one less beer I buy them when the time comes!. :P

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If people behave we don't give out warnings...... I'm looking forward to my beer!!! :P

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  On 9/20/2017 at 2:59 PM, TheFiend said:


If people behave we don't give out warnings...... I'm looking forward to my beer!!! :P

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As I do not know any of you by sight and vice versa, good luck collecting.




However, since I have been known to buy strangers a drink in Pattaya, you may get lucky.


Happy hunting!



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  On 9/20/2017 at 3:15 PM, midlifecrisis said:


As I do not know any of you by sight and vice versa, good luck collecting.




However, since I have been known to buy strangers a drink in Pattaya, you may get lucky.


Happy hunting!



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My mugshot has appeared on bar-crawl photos...... so I'm not shy!!!

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