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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Hi Folks!

I have a touch question. I am going to be spending a few months in Pattaya. I like the idea of having a "girlfriend" for a couple of weeks at a time.

Is there a clinic in Pattaya where a person can have a girl tested for HIV/STD? If so, what is the coname/cost?

thank you very much! peace

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Any of the Hospitals are good.  Cost about 1500 - 2000 baht per series if I recall correctly.


I know what you are thinking but remember birth control also!  We don't want to be leaving pregnant TGs around now , do we?

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not true, two different tests, one will identify any HIV infection after just two weeks. I was tested in BKK at Bangrumgaup? hospital, the only internationally accredited hospital in SE Asia. The Dr. was very explicit in explaining the differences in both HIV tests...get both.

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not according to my local g.u hospital.

they tell you to wait untill at least 3 months after the risk of infection.

i think this is a standard uk health service policy.

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I went to Pattaya Memorial Hospital at 10 AM weekday(Second Rd and Central) on June trip (last trip).

Went to Information and we filled out our forms. I showed a copy of my passport for ID.

TG picture ID. 10 minute wait and about 20 minutes for the test results. The nurse that took the blood did a great job of finding a vein (I've got deep ones and have had trouble in the past).


The Method used is the Enzyme Immunoassay Screening Test.


Do a google search on HIV EIA lots of info.

Basically, if you come up positive you need a Western blot test to confirm.


Looking at the Bill it was 520 baht each. No extra farang charge.


TG had tubes tied so, the baby issue was a non-issue in my case.

Both tests were Negative. Not that I had much doubt in the outcome.


One thing about the test results they are in English. The bills on the other hand are Thai for TG and English for farang. Still had to pay both.

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Be very very careful with these tests.  I brought my TG to Pattaya Memorial Hospital last year for the full check up.  They looked me right in the eye and told me she was STD free but a few months later I found out from an old friend of hers that she had been HIV+ for over a year.  It was the worst 7 days in my life waiting for my HIV tests to come back here in the states and thank God I came up negative.  Unless you speak and understand Thai I would not risk my life on someone that with a little wink/wink can get false results.



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  • 2 months later...

You want a PCR-DNA HIV test.  It will find it within 2 weeks of exposure.  The Elisa test is the old school test that cane hide for up to 6 months.


We use PCR-DNA in the adult industry.  I know they do it in Bangkok, but I'm not sure about Pattaya.

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And I am sure that a girl can get a "negative" test result for the right amount of money like they used to get their VD books stamped negative in the old days.

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The girls used to have VD books back in the 70's and were supposed to be checked weekly.  For a small fee the Doc would stamp 'em negative whether they had VD or not.  Also, Armed Forces Radio used to give the daily VD report - bar name and girl's number.  If a soldier/sailor/airman.marine caught a dose, the local military hospital (Fifth Field on Soi 63 if memory serves me) would give you a card written in Thai offering free treatment to anyone you had contact with - though most of the girls were afraid to go to a US military hospital.

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Hi Folks!

I have a touch question. I am going to be spending a few months in Pattaya. I like the idea of having a "girlfriend" for a couple of weeks at a time.

Is there a clinic in Pattaya where a person can have a girl tested for HIV/STD? If so, what is the coname/cost?

thank you very much! peace

Sure, get a girlfriend for a few weeks but the HIV test will be meaningless for 3 months. Also, she might get some extra business on the side !


Girlfriend or not, get bagged up and protect yourself, the girl and the next punter.


You would of course be getting yourself tested at the same time - yes ?

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I'm afraid to find out if I'm HIV + or not.    I don't think I am, but who knows.  Hope I didn't catch Herpes on my last trip.  I heard most people don't even know if they have Herpes II.  Tests show that 1 out of 5 men have herpes and don't even know it.  Maybe I'm just paranoid after screwing 13 girls in Philippines, Cambodia, and Thailand.  Mostly with condoms, but not always.   :-/

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I'm afraid to find out if I'm HIV + or not.    I don't think I am, but who knows.  Hope I didn't catch Herpes on my last trip.  I heard most people don't even know if they have Herpes II.  Tests show that 1 out of 5 men have herpes and don't even know it.  Maybe I'm just paranoid after screwing 13 girls in Philippines, Cambodia, and Thailand.  Mostly with condoms, but not always.   :-/


Most UK blokes on a 2 weeker screw that many.


One English bloke last year got a small discharge after 10 days and went for a check up. They told him it was nothing, probably caused by too much beer and straing to piss. He said it was his one and only shag without a condom (that was his version,anyway)


2 weeks after he got home he called me and told me he went to his local Clap clinic who told him he had Chlamydia and he was waiting for the results of an HIV test. (which I later found out was negative).


Sorry but I just wouldnt trust any medical check up in


Bangkok, possibly in one of the Major Hospitals, but not Pattaya.


wEAR A CONDOM. cos if you give your sweetheart back home in your own country a dose of Chlamydia, she isnt going to like you much, (sterility, pelvic inflammatory disease etc etc etc).

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wEAR A CONDOM. cos if you give your sweetheart back home in your own country a dose of Chlamydia, she isnt going to like you much


She'll like you even less if she finds out where you got it from.


be seeing you


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When in Pattaya during June 2003 Soi 8 BG happily informed me that she had been 'tested' and was 'clean'.


She then paused for a moment and then added with a pained expression "But me only bar girl and they tell me anything they like".


Seems like even the BG's are not convinced by these 'tests'.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

after the 7 prem footie players were supposed to rape that girl in the grosvenor hotel the papers reported she had to wait 3 days for a test result so pehaps the 13 weeks isnt valid anymore but do we believe the english newspaper reports?

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I have been to LOS four times in the last 2 years and have been unlucky enough to have split a condom at least once on every trip, on my return home I have had the full STD and HIV tests but have always had to wait for at least 3 months before they would do them, thankfully all have been negative results and what peace of mind that is. On one occasion my former G/F surprised me when I got to PTY by telling me she loved me so much and proving it by showing me a negative HIV  test result from the hospital that she had done just for me before I arrived, it cost her 900baht and was her way of saying she cared, she was a great girl and I do miss her, shame it didn't work out,( been a butterfly ever since).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another option on your way out of Thailand...

   The Soi 11 Clinic off Sukumvik Av in BKK is open late (but you have to wait for the results 'til the next day).  They will tell you in person, by phone or e-mail you with the results.  It's on a small sideroad off Soi 11 actually but there is a sign.  This last trip I stopped there in the evening before flying out in the morning and the test results were waiting for me when I got home 24 hrs later.  500 baht /person for HIV screening and they confirmed my results and the Pattaya girl who saw me off at the airport.



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