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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi guys, So... taking control of this site and the associated server was quite the learning experience, as many of you remember. I know much more about how it all works and more importantly what it needs to do that work than I did when I first set this server up. The result of that is that the server itself - the hardware and core operating system - are not very well optimized for running this forum software. On top of that, there is a pretty large update available for the forums that I need to upload. So... I have decided to try to upgrade the hardware at the same time.
    1 point
  2. @frostfire and @BeerBelly Here's the clip I was telling you about. And to all other members- it's worth watching, funny as hell, but American-style humor. Evil
    1 point
  3. My first visit to Pats was in 2001 with a pal who I had previously visited Spanish resorts - ie Benidorm, Lloret etc. We had heard rumours of Thailand and the Thai girls so on one fateful evening in a pub we decided to give it a go and booked flights on British Airways from Manchester to Bangkok via Heathrow. On the plane we got chatting to a guy who we gathered was an experienced monger and who obviously could see our inexperience. He enquired as to where we were heading for. This was before the internet was in full operation. We told him “Bangkok” to which he asked “what are you going for “
    1 point
  4. Middle 90s I arrived in Thailand sick from a nasty virus I was with a mate who was on a two week trip,Bangkok, Hua Hin,bang sapan then he left and I went to Laos. I spent 3 nights in Vientiane but I was not feeling good so I thought I would go back to Thailand and get down to the coast maybe visit some islands.fetched up midday in a bus station in Nakon nowhere looking in the rough guide for a place to go and a bus to take me there, a girl who spoke good English started talking to me and said she was on her way to Pattaya to meet her German boyfriend and I should go there the bus leaves i
    1 point
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