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Everything posted by midlifecrisis

  1. So much of the world's economies, paychecks, is thanks to governments. I worked for two military contracting companies, both private companies with publicly traded stock. My livelihood came from the US taxpayer. I think that at this particular time, the Thai government will keep up their support. People out of work is a real bummer for any government. I also agree that the Airline is a flag carrier and that is important for the morale of the country. I wish I could ask Warren Buffett.
  2. Yes. Something I am not factoring in that adds even more to my confusion.
  3. Reds don't matter, thanks for fixing it. I have done it accidently too. I have an intermittent issue with USB and my mouse. As an investor, not airline stocks, I look at the airline industry with great confusion. Everything from airlines to airplane manufacturers. There are many airlines with great debt. Some are state owned. Do they have an edge? I would think so. If there are a number of failures, what will the glut of available used assets do to Boeing and Airbus sales? I have no clue how all of this will play out and can't put my money in this sector.
  4. Thanks for changing it! Whoever it was. I could be wrong about Thai Airways. These are unprecedented times.
  5. On Monday, the state-owned airline announced that it had ended the year with a net loss of 12 billion baht ($383 million) in 2019. It was the third straight year with a net loss. The loss was larger by 3.6% compared to the previous year. Total revenue decreased 7.7% to 184 billion. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Transportation/Coronavirus-brings-another-year-of-struggle-for-Thai-Airways2 That was on March 2nd of this year. The government will likely continue to have the back of the airline but for how long? I'm not sure that this year will alter anyone's thinking. It is an aberrati
  6. That will go over the heads of many. I will kindly say there was a mentoring relationship. A single woman and a married man were involved.
  7. RT, you may be the only BM I am envious of!
  8. No worries. Normal confusion is good for my old brain.
  9. Force, thanks for the photos! It does show some improvement but such a long way to go.
  10. I thought we were on At Close Range but if not The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
  11. The last update was almost one month ago and I was wondering about the water situation in Pattaya now. Certainly less demand this year into next will help that situation at the expense of others.
  12. edit: I answered and then thought we might be off track.
  13. A Willie Nelson cover auf Deutsch!
  14. As a kid we didn't have a fancy hi-fi. For Christmas one year I got a transistor radio. AM only in those days. I took it with me everywhere on my bicycle listening to KSFO San Francisco which was jazzy and also broadcast Giants and 49er games. One year I got some childhood disease and was quarantined to my room with my radio where I recall the following songs playing. The first is Bossa Nova and I had no clue what that was.
  15. I'm am not melancholy but in these current times it might be appropriate to "keep dancing; let's break out the booze and have a ball"
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