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Everything posted by whilliam_mancon

  1. Cute, reminds me of my brother and his dog when we were kids back in Michigan, they were inseparable and it would not surprise me if the dog and him did their prayers together!
  2. It works here in Geneva, but I did have problems last week in London as well as in Stockholm!
  3. September/October are the rainy season, but that do not mean that it rains all the time! There will be all the girls that you can handle so you don´t have to worry and all the bars and gogo clubs will be open! And I suppose that you do not plan to camp outside, so the rain, (IF it rains), will not really be a problem! Good luck and have a great time!
  4. Nice behinds, looks good enough to eat, and I love hoi! Thanks for the pics!
  5. I have to agree with nohlsson, that it´s going to be interesting to check the place out, as well as checking out the pics of the girls and the place when they will be posted? Looking forward to it!
  6. Thank you for the info, looks like a good deal, I will check it out in the future!
  7. Going with Finn air used to be an okay experience, I have used them about 8 or 9 times from Europe to Thailand from 1996 to November 2007. To my experience they have had nice modern clean planes, good and swift service and good price deals on and off, (like this one). Right now they are having a big campaign with good prices to Asia, (Beijing, Tokyo, Manila, Bangkok). The stopover in Helsinki has always been okay, nice good airport, good tax free shopping, some god food, and they used to have a sauna with servings of beer, (I don´t know if it´s still there although, It was the last
  8. I had no idea that they still had that deal going! It´s a great place and the steak dinner is really worth it´s price. Thanks for the info!
  9. I have gone past the building site and that was impressive. Now it seems like the apartments/rooms are as good as it looked. Thank you for the report, I will definitely check it out!
  10. I fully agree with geedeeo, that the Sandy Spring next door. is a great place with good staff, it´s Highly recommended and good value for your money!
  11. Thank you for the info, Axeslinger, It is one of the parts of Pattaya that I always tell myself that I should look up, but never get around doing! I will definitely look it up when I get back! Sounds promising!
  12. Thank you this is great info and great news! I heard whispers about it when I was in Manila earlier this year but I was not sure that the deal would go through. This is great, and a god way to go to Angles or Cebu without having to go via manila! Thanks!
  13. Growing up in Michigan and being an ex navy man myself, I would not have any idea what itishotiniraq is talking about! On the other hand I recall one place that a friend of mine from the navy, (now living in Pattaya and loving good food), took me for lunch! It is a meat shop/butcher/restaurant owned by a british guy about 5-7 minutes down on the left hand of Jomtien beach road! I do not recall the name, but I am sure that someone on the board could help you with that! When we were there they had all kinds of great food and among other things they served pork sausage with biscui
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