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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

DP Gumbypgh

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DP Gumbypgh last won the day on February 21 2013

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About DP Gumbypgh

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  1. Just did the training video for a car and got a pass certificate for Private driving license (car). Does anyone know if you have to also do the same thing again for motorcycle licence?
  2. 90 days report is due 90 days after your arrival in Thailand not after you get your visa. First one definitely has to be done at the office.
  3. Surprised you didn't trip over any bodies. ?
  4. From the BB FX pages TT buy rates Dec 30 33.2 Jan 4 open 33.12 close 33.18 Jan 5 33.05 Using Swift transfers can incur intermediate bank fees as it doesn't always go direct from Schwab to BB. To transfer funds from overseas, Bangkok Bank will charge the beneficiary on the rate of 0.25% of the transferred amount (minimum 200 baht and maximum 500 baht) Not sure if the $5 fee at NY bank applies to Swift transfers, that was only for ACH transfers when they were permitted.
  5. According to the drawings, the two small holes are connected via two check valves and shutoff valves to two submersible pumps. Doesn't show where the outlet goes to. Maybe is used to empty the sump of water to make it easier to clean, not sure.
  6. I always remove the 3 digit no on the signature side that is used for online purchases with a razor blade or sharp knife. That prevents them from making online purchases if they copy your card no. That seems to be a major problem here in Thailand. Keep a note of it somewhere safe and you can still use it for buying online.
  7. I use mine about 8 times a months (max withdrawal is $500) on average and never had a problem with getting back all atm fees immediately. If someone used it 30 times a month i am sure it might raise some red flags not only from Schwab but from the US government re money laundering. They do not state how many times you are allowed to use the ATM per month any where in any literature that I have read.
  8. I have Charles Schwab brokerage account and ATM card. It has no Foreign transactions fees and also refunds all ATM fees which at 220 baht per transaction can add up. It is also Thai friendly and let me use a Thailand address to open it.
  9. I tried to do so in early October, did all paper work in Pattaya which was then sent to Bangkok for approval. Waited till Nov 7th and still not received approval or getting any idea of a date when we would receive same, decided just to go to BKK and get married there. Had to pay an Agent 4000 baht to get a ticket for that day and was in and out in 45mins with everything complete and legal. Not sure how long the declaration is valid for but i would say that mine was dated 19 Sep 2018 and so was older than 30 days.
  10. Search for @ttexchange on facebook and like them and you will get daily posts of the exchange rate.
  11. A-Mego which is located right next to the stairs in Tukcom on the third floor I think. If you go up the main escalator turn to the left and it is right in front of you. They were slightly more expensive than the footmadstreams guys last time i checked.
  12. footymadstreams is also a member on here. Not active for a long time. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/66955-expat-tv/?hl=footymadstreams&do=findComment&comment=1170365
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