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sinbinjack last won the day on August 30 2022

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268 Excellent

About sinbinjack

  • Rank
    Elite Poster
  • Birthday 12/10/1951

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    ice hockey,sex

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  1. The accident was totally my own fault and I compounded that by not immediately going to the hospital and rather just treating it myself until it was so infected I needed to have the op. Luckily It has healed quite well so far ,I did get an MRSA infection when it was almost healed but ,I got rid of that ,not easily, and its well on the mend now as its completely scabbed over and just adding skin now.
  2. I am still recovering from a wound on my lower leg that was caused by a motorbike accident because I was trying to avoid getting soaked . That entailed me with a week in hospital and operation and a further week in hospital when I flew home 12 days early, costing me a nice £3000 I did not expect to pay. I detest their stupid Songkran more for the idea that it now lasts a week and that Farangs seem to the worst offender with stupid water cannon whilst most Thais are quite happy to just sprinkle you . I am hoping my leg is enough better so I can come for my usual month but this year that month w
  3. OHH . I of course read about the sniper shooting at Trump and thought what a shame he was such a poor shot, but what on earth has that to do with the IRS?.
  4. Not being an American ,what am I missing?.
  5. A bit of a Mad Man Across the Water
  6. I didn't get this at first but after looking at the tits for a while I suddenly noticed Superman
  7. This pic is disturbing on many levels and only funny on one . Funny wins.
  8. All I did was ask a question about a supposed joke so bite me.
  9. ??? I'm not American. I recognise the first Lady but have no idea who the other woman is but I do know it's not Monica.
  10. I know its a bit late but AirBnB places do seem to add water and electricity at the end of your stay but they are generally at the Government rate rather than an inflated rate some places charge, you just have to ask in advance. The prices are much better than some hotels but they also don't usually cover cleaning and bedding so that is also usually extra unless its stated in the offer but again ask first and assume nothing. I Like condos because they are usually better equipped than hotels and less hassle with guests. If you have that sort of budget then here are many great condos around cen
  11. Thanks a lot for the effort

  12. Thankyou very much . thats up on what I got 4 years ago
  13. I'll be there for a month form the 9th april and whilst there dont mind the odd afternoon game if there is any going
  14. Whats the current rate on the street for the UK £
  15. I know this is a bit late but did you know that you can take your own Mobility scooter on the plane for free. I only found out a couple of years ago after spending a fortune hiring them in various places around the world . I take my own everywhere and it will travel with me in April when I next get to pattaya
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