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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by PattayaPete

  1. That's pretty wierd ??? I have no idea what would be causing that. Anyone else having a similar problem?
  2. Have you loaded java? It's not standard with XP and IE6.
  3. Are you running Windows XP? If so you need to know that Microsoft pulled another dirty trick by leaving the standard Java engine out of XP and IE 6. Good news though, you can download it here - http://java.sun.com/getjava/download.html
  4. The new version of the Gallery does that. Before you could change your user name and have as many albums as you wanted to which was a bug. If you want I can move all your pics to the new album.
  5. I am still working on it. I have some more major changes in the pipeline but things are not working right yet. Hopefully, everything including links will be back to normal soon.
  6. Hi Dennis Not sure what is causing you problem. Iy you have the time and patience you could try downloading it again.
  7. The popup is promting you to download the macromedia flash player. That is because some elements of this site use flash, but you will not see them without the player. The download is free and is worth having as many web sites use flash for all sorts of things. Next time you see it, click on yes or download (can't remember exactly what it says). After that you will never see it again but you will see things here that you can't see now.
  8. Hi Emil I think I stuffed up. I did some maintanance work on the database and failed to reset the permissions correctly (if that means anything to you). Net result is you review has been dispatched into the nether regions of cyberspace. Sorry about that. If you still have it can you re-post it and I'll try again. Reviews normally appear after a day or so.
  9. Once every three months or so I go through and delete photos in the gallery. Look like yours got deleted. As per the FAQ if you have a photo you wish to use in your posts, name it ID and it wont be deleted.
  10. FLB of course No but seriously, this question is a real newbie thing and generally means the asker has not been to Pattaya. The first thing a newbie has to get to grips with is that there are literally thousands of bars in Pattaya. Some guys think they need to know the secret location where the "naughty bars" are hidden away from prying eyes. Wake up guys, in Pattaya it's all out in the open and unless you are deaf, dumb and blind, it's gonna hit you in the face wherever in Pattaya you happen to be. The bar girl population is estimated to be 15,000 to 20,000. How the heck cou
  11. Running now at around 55 gigs a month. My ISP was nice enough to increase my quota at no extra charge.
  12. You can access a page of information on parties coming up at FLB Bar here http://www.freelancerbar.com/parties.html. You can access the same page by clicking any of the adverts for parties that appear at the top of this board and also from the home page and the FLB page. Parties are free to attend, start at 8pm and finish at 2am unless otherwise advertised. Food and entertainment are free. Drinks are normal prices. Everyone is welcome. Remember each party is hosted by a member or two, or four, who meet the expenses so you might like to shout them a drink if you attend.
  13. hmmm. I'd quite like to know why you are not seeing the menu properly. Netscape 4.7 had some known problems with java which is used in the menus. Can you try it with IE or a different version of Netscape? Anyway to log off you could try moving your cursor to Visa on the menu that starts with Home (can you see that one?) and then lower it a bit until the cursor changes to a hand again and then click. If that doen't work then the brute force approach is to go to your cookie folder, find the cookie with FLB in the name and delete it. If you have to do this, make sure that stay logged
  14. It is indeed in that bar to the left of Index. Are you running a Mac?
  15. It was the Top Secret Bar. Not so secret it would appear. This bar was well known as an after hours place for people who liked the "rave" culture. Not so smart in Thailand. They have lost their license permanently and around 12 farangs who tested positive for drugs are in deep do do. From Tuesdays Nation . . . Drug-party tourists to be deported Published on Aug 20, 2002 Police said yesterday that they would deport a group of foreign tourists who tested positive for drug use following a raid by Bangkok police on a pub in Pattaya. Meanwhile, Interior Minister Purachai
  16. It seems the Go to top and Bottom are a casualty of the upgrade. I have tried reinstalling that feature but at present I can't get it to work. Meanwhile Eneukman seems to have a good answer to the problem.
  17. In order to protect people who may not wish to be exposed to such discussion. That's why we have a members area. It's free to join and you will find a lively discussion there on ALL aspects of Pattaya.
  18. I have just completed a major upgrade to the boards. You should not notice much difference as it has mainly been done to fix some bugs. The biggest change you will notice is that the option to stay logged in, when you connect is now back. Please be careful with this option. If it is checked and you do not log out at the end of a session, anyone with access to that computer will be able to get into the system without logging in. This is quite handy if its your own computer and secure. You can come back to the board anytme without having to log in. However if you leave
  19. I have just completed a major upgrade to the boards. You should not notice much difference as it has mainly been done to fix some bugs. The biggest change you will notice is that the option to stay logged in, when you connect is now back. Please be careful with this option. If it is checked and you do not log out at the end of a session, anyone with access to that computer will be able to get into the system without logging in. This is quite handy if its your own computer and secure. You can come back to the board anytme without having to log in. However if you leave yous
  20. You are registered for this board but you are not a member. When you emailed me about joining the members site, I advised you to go to www.freelancerbar.com/amform.htm and follow the instructions there. You can also access this page by clicking on the link at the top of every page in the forum which says click here to join the members site. Sorry to be pedantic but I have my reasons. When you follow the instructions you will be upgraded to member. If you don't then you wont. Pete
  21. I suggest you join the members forum and read the the Thai Culture and Relationships board. You'll have plenty of company.
  22. You can't access it till your membership is approved. Usually takes less than 48 hours but I've been away. I'll process all outstanding applications in the morning.
  23. ..... or every street corner, railway station, shopping centre, department store, eletrical shop in Bangkok. There are outlets selling these things everywhere - how anyone makes money is the real question ;D
  24. Thailand and Pattaya are very safe destinations. Certainly safer than most large western cities. When travelling a certain amount of caution is good but you are far less likely to get into trouble in Thailand than say the USA. I'll happily walk around the back streets of Bangkok or Pattaya on my own at 3 am. I would not do that in LA or New York or London or Paris or Sydney or Auckland.
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