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Everything posted by Gonzo

  1. Great picture report. I must buy myself a new camera, as my old Canon digital camera can only take pictures half as good as yours. Any recommendations on what I should buy?
  2. Qantas does nor deserve any favours. They have been sacking a lot of their workers for quite some time and gave their jobs to cheap labour countries in Asia. I am pissd off with the English press coming down hard on the Engish cricket players, especially the top order batsmen. All of their playrs are still wotld class cricketers by any standard. Things did not go their way in this series and the Engish pess helped to demoralize them even more. The Aussies had a lean time after Mc Grath, Warnie and the two Whaugh brothers retired. The Australian people and their media always helped
  3. Thanks for some of the suggestions of some of the board members. There is a Norwegian/Swedish consulate a short distance away on Jomtien beach Road and will ask them about how to get Nordic ski poles.
  4. Don't get cantankerous every time I ask you a question. You once told me that you spent more time in Germany than I did and that you played football there. I was born in Munich and never forget that fateful day when that plane crashed at the Riem Munich airport with so many famous Man U players getting killed. I have been a Man U supporter ever since and had the pleasure of watching the two surviving Charlton brothers play for England in a friendly against Austria in 1963 in the Vienna Prater Stadium. I decided to come to Australia when I was still a teenager on my Pat Malone. I have never bee
  5. That must be the reason why you still look like a fresh faced young lad, looking half your age. These days I hate it when I look in the mirror in the morning to have a shave. Maybe some of your cosmetics might help a bit.
  6. Is there any English club good enough to eliminate Bayern München in The 2014 Champions League?
  7. When I was a one month tourist many moons ago I used to spend twice that much.
  8. Gabor mate, I am less than happy for you to post my pictures and tell the story of my life on this message board. I will forgive you if you come down to Jomtien Beach tomorrow morning near the police station on the corner with a couple of large bottles of beer. You can bring your latest 1000 baht lady as well, so we can all have a cuddle in the sand on the beach.
  9. That was not a reply I was hoping for. Go back to your Google search engine and you might be able to come up with a more intelligent reply.
  10. I get sick from drinking too much beer. If I started on cheap plonk or spirits, I would not be around for much longer. Have another San Miguel and stay healthy.
  11. Shit mate, I missed your silly comment about Jacko's integrity. We have known each other for many years and often have a yarn at the expat club on Sundays at the Mercure Hotel in Soi 15. Next time you manage to come back to Pattaya, attend one of our meetings. It might help to broaden your mind.
  12. I wonder if anyone can tell me where to purchase a pair of Nordic walking poles. I am looking for poles about 1.15 metres long or close to it. The missus is a devout Buddhist and is already talking about our yearly pilgrimage up Khao Kitchakoot in the Chantaburi province in a few weeks from now. I have had bad tendon problems in both of my knees for a long time. Waking up the mountain last year was not much of an effort. Walking back down the hill gave me great problems. If there are any Scandinavians reading this with any ideas how to get a pair of Nordic walking poles, please let me kno
  13. Bloody hell, you are spending 20 000 baht in one day? You must be a millionaire or you are here just on a short holiday.
  14. Do what I do. These days I get the missus to wait in line inside the bank to withdraw money, usually 30 000 THB, which is normally enough to cover our living expenses for a week or longer. I had a bad experience not so long ago at the Kasikorn Bank inside the Harbor Mall at Laem Chabang. I used the ATM to withdraw THB 20 000. I got the money alright, but the machine would not return my debit card. We walked inside the bank and told them about the problem. The usher at the door could not care less and just gave us a number to see a teller. After 5 minutes waiting with many people on front of u
  15. I like your joke and thanks for posting it. Having said that I have to tell you that is very unlikely anyone ever fucked a kangaroo, unless it had been killed by a car driving in the outback. I believe there are some lonely guys working on isolated farms shagging sheep. Most Aussies think sheep shagging is a national sport in New Zealand.
  16. I did not know Russkies could smile. Their women are beautiful, probably due to the interbreeding with Scandinavians and Germans over many centuries. I am looking forward to the Olympic winter games in Sochi in a few weeks time and I hope they show plenty of it on the Eurovision channel here in Jomtien.
  17. I always used to say the invention of the Internet and the mobile phone fucked everything. Now I am not so sure as You Tube allows me to have a look at my heroes, when I could not do so previously.
  18. I have stopped a long time ago trying to predict the market. Luckily, I did not panic during the GFC and after taking a big hit, I have recovered nearly all of my losses in the stock market. I had a good run with the Aussie Peso for the last few years, getting more than 30 THB for the $A for a long time. Now it is around the 28 THB mark, as the Australian treasury has been working hard to get the currency lower to stimulate exports. I believe they want it to go as low as 80 cents to the US$. Never mind. I think I will have enough sheckels left to last me out and leave enough for the missus aft
  19. I haven't been to the Queen Victoria pub for ages. It is one of the best places to have a feed and a drink. Is Ben still running the show? I used to like the Red Point Bar when I was young.
  20. Hi Atlas2, We normally walk down to the Rhompo market in the the morning to have a cup of coffee and a bit of breakfast and then buy fruit and vegetables. Hi Mate, Never mind. It does not really matter. It is good to know that MM with his sharp brain is still in command and gives his deputies limited powers only. I cannot recall calling you a liar. If I did it would have been in jest. I will call around your place one day with an icy cold slab of San Miguel. Aussies don't drink l warm piss fished out from a spa..
  21. Bloody hell. don't get angry so quickly. You are a mate of mine and I feel secure again with you being a moderator. What about you using your influence to have the warning removed from my profile. It feels like a big burden around my neck and disallows me to express myself freely, I never piss in the pool, as after a bit of exercise one becomes dehydrated and has to drink more water. The workers in my condo complex do a fine job cutting the grass down below and the bodycorporate fees are only THB 5400 per annum. Unfortunately, the body corporate fees for my unit in Darwin are about A$ 54
  22. Tahiti is a beautiful place, but I think I would not want to live there. I worked with a German bloke for many years. He was married to a girl from Bora Bora. I always envied him, because his wife Monette was one of the most beautiful women in Darwin, in my opinion. That was until I knew she was fuckig more than a dozen of our wotkmates. The only bloke not in the know was my mate Hans, originally fro Berlin. One afternoon, whenI was staying alone she turned up at my place asking for a beer and a fuck. I was tempted, but I thought it would not be right, as Hans was a good mate. I also knew M
  23. The master and some of his pupils
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