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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Bazle

  1. I got there at about 9.50pm and it was obvious that I was too early. I decided that naked young ladies were more appealing than Snowman so spent about 30 minutes elsewhere. When I returned, the place had really filled up and I waited only about 15 minutes before JC was on stage. I saw only his first set but agree with you, JC was brilliant again and it was a good night. And credit to Snowman and the rest of the band - they did an excellent job supporting JC. I hope you won't mind me mentioning a couple of points where I think you could make some improvements. 1. I had to indulg
  2. Thailand is still cheap relative to the UK and most of Continental Europe. And few places can offer the weather Pattaya usually has. As to the streets being hosed down, I guess you didn't have in mind anywhere in the UK. They don't get it - and generally the rain does the job.
  3. At my local Thai restaurant in the UK, I get some pretty decent Thai wine - I think it is called Monsoon.
  4. A fellow BM and I headed into FLB last evening for some respite from gogo-ing. I have always enjoyed the Filipino band (Rhythm Tracks) that plays there. Usually they have two female singers but last evening the prettier (IMHO) one was absent - I think she was unwell. There was quite a large birthday party crowd in FLB, and everyone was in a happy mood. The band usually plays middle-of-the-road type stuff and I thought I was going to miss the absence of the singer. However, last evening the main vocalist was a guy, and the remaining female vocalist took a supporting role. They we
  5. A fellow BM and I went to Moon last evening to see if all the negative reports about this place are correct. They are! We both ordered bottled beers and asked for separate bins. The beers came with just one bill (260 Baht) and had to be settled right away. The girls' costumes were bikinis - with double layer at the bottom. That was until 11pm when there was a show, which was half-dozen or so girls, exotically dressed, coming (individually) on stage and taking off veils to reveal tits. These girls were very tall and, with only one exception that I recall, had silicon. I was convinc
  6. Great stuff. Saw him do a short set a few months ago and he was brilliant. Dave - What time will he be on, please?
  7. Dontcha decides to start again a million miles away But here I'm goin' to keep myself As long as I can find a way
  8. Thanks MM. "Safety" is a separate icon from "Tools" on my computer, and Active X Filtering is unchecked so that doesn't seem to be the problem.
  9. I looked at ServisAir (https://www.executivelounges.com/en/) a couple of weeks ago. Their website is not explicit about it but the general tone of the way in which it is written suggests you have to book on-line, not just turn up. I didn't bother enquiring further in the end as the terminal was not very crowded.
  10. Thanks again. Notebooks seem to use "Windows 7 Starter" rather than Windows 7. I wondered if that was relevant. I've done as much of as suggested as possible but have failed to find "Display Mixed Content" and "Active Scripting". Fortunately, it's not really a great problem as I can simply use Firefox instead.
  11. Thanks, JK. I am using IE9. I go to "Tools", "Internet Options" but where do I find "Active X", please? I've looked under all the tabs but can't locate it. I am using a notebook, in case that is relevant.
  12. Thanks. Do you happen to know, for both of these, if you can just turn up and pay, or whether it has to be booked in advance?
  13. I seem now to be unable to view images (or maybe it's just videos)in some posts - e.g. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/56247-itchy-ears/page__view__findpost__p__912905s There's no problem when using Firefox, only IE. How do I get around this, please?
  14. There is one at 22:00 but otherwise I think you will need a taxi. http://www.airportpattayabus.com/Coachschedule.html Two weeks ago, I got through Immigration in 15 - 20 minutes. You'd possibly save time if you could bring only hand luggage.
  15. Last evening it was Snowman and a Thai-looking guy. If I recall correctly, Mary left because she didn't want to work with a new drummer.
  16. I went to the Blues Factory at about 11.15pm yesterday. Not many people there, but it was rather early for this venue. It was the first time I've been since Mary, the vocalist, departed. I'm not qualified to say but I can imagine it could be argued that the quality of the music has not suffered from her departure. However, I can say that IMHO the quality of the entertainment most certainly has. Snowman and the rest of the band might be very able musicians but they have about as much charisma as boiled cabbage. If I return, I will not go until much later in the evening when Mr Morri
  17. Those people who know where this sign is will probably understand why I found it amusing.
  18. At the moment, this post has negative 1 rating. Why? Who could take exception to the post?
  19. Very unlike an estate agent not to mention an important positive point like that!
  20. This thread contains more suggestions: http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/50579-dentist/page__view__findpost__p__818021
  21. Now you've got that sorted, don't forget about your home insurance (contents and buildings). It is very likely that you will have to arrange for someone to inspect your home regularly whilst you are away if you are leaving it empty.
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