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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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RhinoTusk last won the day on October 4 2023

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  1. FYI: You need to submit your 90 day reports for the same address you specified on your last TM30, or they won’t accept it.
  2. FYI: You need to submit your 90 day reports for the same address you specified on your last TM30, or they won’t accept it.
  3. Besides the weekend market, there's a Friday night market at Chatuchak so you can beat the sweltering heat, gets started around 9 PM. Only Sections 8 to 26 (clothing, accessories, and food) are open in the evening, no gardening, art, pets, or book zones. I stopped by last night. They had a bar with live music and I was able to get a few Jack Cokes with a few shots of Jägermeister.
  4. I was on Walking Street last week, had a good time. Doorman wouldn't let me into Pinup at 7:55 so I went over to XS for a beer, when I came back at 8:30 I was lucky to get a table in the back. The bar had almost entirely filled up in the first half hour. Draft Beer was 95 baht, same at Palace. I was also was probably in Baccara and Sensations, don't remember. LK Metro. Beers upstairs at Kink were 170, but only 99 baht at upstairs Angels. Kink was raunchier but Angels was playing Avis and trying harder. Soi Bukhao, when are they going to d
  5. That’s perfectly understandable since the mamasan will no longer close the curtain at The Strip so you can get a BBBJ from one of their fine dancers. I suppose i could have done doggy style standing up but it always seemed more natural to drop my pants and let her do her thing.
  6. LOL that was the Center Point Bar complex on Soi 7
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