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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Why the hell would you make a zebra crossing that loooonnnngggggg!!!!
  2. Thanks for the info Fatboyfat, appreciated....
  3. So Golden Crab Inn would geta bit of noise?
  4. Forgive my ignorance but if someone is helping their wife in a shop at the markets for free, do you actually need a work permit to do that?
  5. Thanks for the update Evil. I like the PBG as well and eat there several times when on hols in Pattaya (usually wifey, myself and a few other friends) rock up there a few nights while on hols. Yes definately looks like they are getting busier and busier nowadays (kudos to Pete and his management team). When we are back in August (yes a long way off) will be back for a feed and view again. In Oz if you went to a restaurant/bar on the waterfront like that with its view you would be paying a fortune for the food and beer.
  6. Thanks for the pics, some of them are funny as....
  7. test post to see what happens - yup it hung and F5 refreshed after a little while - edit worked straight away.
  8. Yep I love my own cooked pizza as well. I even bought one of those The Pizza Maker ovens (small electric oven) bloody brilliant cooks a pizza in 10 mins or less. Sorry to get off topic EP, good honest review as per usual.
  9. or Sydney Harbour bridge, I believe it takes them one year to paint it and then they start all over again...
  10. Found a website http://www.247boutiquehotelpattaya.com/ no prices on the rooms though. Look pretty good from the pics. On Expedia the rooms are about $58 AUD per night so roughly 1,400 - 1,500 per night.
  11. That 24/7 looks like a new hotel, any info?
  12. try this http://www.privihotelgroup.com/
  13. Thanks for the update sounds like a good recommendation to myself and quick time for the end product (suit) 4 days! No offence but I though double brested suits went out of fashion ages ago - I have still got one in my wardrobe somewhere, if they are back in fashion might have to drag it out (if it still fits) :-)
  14. Those bikes don't fall off the back off the ute ever? They look in a precarious position to me!
  15. Sitting in the office been working for one hour since the ANZAC day long weekend :-( Gotta win that 6 numbers in the Lotto soon!
  16. While walking through Golden Gate Park in San Francisco , a man came upon another man hugging a tree with his ear firmly against the tree. Seeing this he inquired, 'Just out of curiosity, what the heck are you doing?' 'I'm listening to the music of the tree,' the other man replied. 'You've gotta be kiddin' me.' 'No, I'm not. Would you like to give it a try?' Understandably curious, the man says, 'Well, OK...' So he wrapped his arms around the tree and pressed his ear up against it. With this, the other guy slapped a pair of handcuffs on him, took his wallet, jewelry, car keys, then strip
  17. Hope it wasn't too windy flying out os Sydney Yorta2, saw on the news last night the rain/winds lashing NSW not a pretty sight. I'm sure you will enjoy the warmer weather and company
  18. nope 4,950 bahts in Feb when we are going...
  19. Bloody hell that is a nifty use for empty tims
  20. have a look at image 5 it has the German beers and prices listed on the menu.
  21. Yeah Real football, what a load of crap! Padded up to the max, try AFL or Rugby if you want real football!
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