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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by VPI78

  1. No apology necessary but it was good of you to profer one. I do confess to giving you a greenie ... I really like Star Wars even if Star Trek might be better. So if you saw a reddie I guess two scify haters jumped on you and turned that smile upside down. Seems that order has been restored to the universe though because you are now neutral again on that post. Live long and prosper.
  2. You have me confused with the Mercy Center Princess. They want you ... something to do with 5000 Baht. What is that all about little hobbit? Look me up the next time you roll off that couch with the frozen pizza and 40 ouncer assuming you can scam the fare for the flight over. I'll introduce you to the Mercy Center admins who say they have never heard from you little Randi.
  3. What, taking life, not to mention the internet, too seriously while you are there stuck in the trailer in leftyville waiting to die Princess? Paid off that debt to Mercy Center yet Princess? No ... I didn't think so. Come on back to Pattaya if you ever grow any balls ... it will be great to meet you in person dancing queen.
  4. Evergreen is a logistics company first and an airline as a minor part of the overall logistics business. EVA was a heavy user of the 747-combi in the past and they ship a lot of cargo on all of their planes.
  5. There are at least a couple of simple physical tests, 1. Vision including whether you are color blind and your depth perception and 2. reaction time.
  6. No ... one reason is some insurance companies do not recognize "International" DLs as official. But read the fine print of your own insurance/liability policy and be sure what it says about whether you are covered ... or not ... if you drive in Thailand on either your US or an international license.
  7. I have had a Thai Driver's License for ten years although I have only had 60-day tourist visas up to this point so you don't have to have a Non-immigrant Visa. The only difference is that without an annual visa each year they will renew for only another year. With a 12-month visa after the first year TDL at renewal you get a 5-year license.
  8. Why do folks slag off PBG on PT without talking face-to-face with Pete? I have never known the guy to not respond to constructive criticism.
  9. Moi aussi. I think the one in Facebook is by Bing and the Google equivalent is not much better.
  10. I think it looks more like lovedoggie ... But I would have to see him dance to be sure.
  11. Saw it at Terminal21 today. I thought it was just ok and it is lonnnnng. It dragged at times and is too predictable ... unlike LOTR none of the good guys ever dies.
  12. Really great review. Very detailed and helpful.
  13. I haven't asked about buses from Beijing since I quoted my own post about connection in Beijing. But for you J; I will enquire next time.
  14. Ironic, just found this recent article noting that as of January 2013, transit passengers will be able to stay up to 72 hours in Beijing ... no visa required. http://travel.cnn.com/beijing-waives-visa-transit-passengers-2013-674406?hpt=hp_bn1
  15. Flying with any airline through a China connection can be problematic. Last year I flew with disUNITED with a connection in Beijing. United missed the connection in Beijing so we had to stay over until the next day. Among the problems included United has/had no staff n Beijing and outsourced staff from another airline service. Since you have to have a visa to get into China which most passengers who just connect there do not have, about 100 of us stood in line for 3 hours while a 3rd party, one overworked Chinese lady, got us a "day pass" to our hotel where we waited until the flight ou
  16. If you are prone to heart problems; going without an annual flu shot greatly increases the odds of another stroke or heart attack.
  17. Jomtien Beach but fewer aisles.
  18. If you are 4 years away and you are set on Thailand being the place for you then it would be wise to move some assets into Thai-based assets as a hedge against currency appreciation. Many will have differing views about the strength of various currencies but the one certainty is that they fluctuate over time. You will want to have some Thai currency in the form of either hard assets such as property (as stated above you can own a Condo in Thailand in your name) or softer financial assets such as Thai-based securities for either income or retirement permission to stay, e.g., the 800,000 Bah
  19. It is similar to real estate investment at holiday destinations world-wide, i.e., good locations make it easier to source customers and those that actively manage their properties tend to do better. Good South Pattaya locations will be easier to rent/stay occupied than most locations out across Sukhumvit. Being an absentee landlord is something I would discourage anyone from undertaking if you are going to be a long distance away and especially in a place like Pattaya where the rule of law is less robust than you would be accustomed to in the EU. If you just have to do it and are going to
  20. What's wrong princess, someone take away your tiara? At least you could add a cartoon. Hey, have you paid off the bet on Rummy not showing up for the rest of the debates after Obozo "destroys" him in the first one ... or is it true that you are welching.
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