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Everything posted by Sailfast

  1. The picture will not be the same. My PC is hooked up to a 32" LG LCD "TV" and a 21" LG LCD "Monitor". Apples and oranges. For basic net surfing and watching TV, IMHO, one could substitute either. I use the TV for Netflix and Hulu and watch from the couch. If you PC game, edit video, pictures, etc., I think you will need a monitor. On the TV my wallpaper photos look washed out compared to the monitor. That being said, if they are not side by side, the photos on the TV look "OK". All this being said, some of the very pricey LCD "TVs" may be just as good as a monitor, but now
  2. Where? Depends what you have in mind. If it's a traditional celebration, maybe your g/f will know a nice place to celebrate. I was in LOS twice, once in Phuket, once in Pattaya. I can tell you that Pattaya Beach/Beach road can be downright dangerous with the idiots lighting off fireworks in all directions. Phuket was pretty nice, but still probably far from "traditional". I have heard that Jomtien Beach is more civilized, for whatever that is worth, as I have never been.
  3. I happen to think that Pattayatalk is the better board for newcomers and tourists such as myself. That does not mean I didn't like Pattaya-live or other boards. For the reasons I stated in my opening post, Pattaya-live had a definite nitch. For example, PattayaSecrets is way down on my list as it is, IMHO, over moderated, filled with useless one liner posts and rather "clicky" I do enjoy Secrets bar on occasion and may not have bothered if it was not for the Secrets Board. So even though I don't go for the board, it lead me to the bar. I check the board from time to time and it ser
  4. I just tried to log onto Pattaya-Live. Not happening. Here is the message posted: "sorry lads , its not busy enough on the forum for me to be bothered paying for it , administraiting and moderating it . its a waste of my time and my money . so its going offline for now . its a case of use it or lose it , and today its lose it ." Too bad, I rather enjoyed reading many of the posts there. Seemed more frequented by expats, semi-expats and/or people who visit Patts several times a year and hung out on the LK side of town, but, that's what made it interesting to me.
  5. Cathay flight is pretty damned nice for economy class. You lose the seating but gain the seatback entertainment. The entertainment is a deal breaker for me. I spend much of my time watching movies. I have sometimes have problems sleeping when I travel. Even with decent business class seats, but, I have never flown first class.
  6. I enjoy going to the movies once or twice in Thailand. The theaters are much nicer and I don't have to smuggle in the brew Also, the seats are more comfy!
  7. You have some valid points about a few things I "forgot". The camera is ahead of the 3gs. My anger at ATT probably clouded my opinion of the phone in some respects. Thanks for that info on sim adapters. Did you purchase your phone unlocked or is it hacked?
  8. IPHONE4 - FIVE WEEK UPDATE: After playing with this "gadget" for a few weeks I thought I would add my thoughts. USA, ATT service in my area has gone to shit. This is not the fault of the Iphone, but if you are in the USA and buying the phone in contract don't count on ATT improving. I have been a customer for about 6 years and it's just getting worse. What's new on aside from cosmetics? Not much. Face time is cool if you have people you talk with who are also Iphone4 owners. Otherwise facetime is worthless. Many things are improved. The GPS and overall way apps work seems much
  9. NEVER stay at a hotel with a joiner fee. I'm no cheap charlie, but it adds up fast. Also, they are sending a message; They don't want your type staying at the hotel.
  10. Same same here. Chrome does seem to let the odd (seldom but it does happen) pop up through, but nothing from this site. What browser are you using Joe? The more I use Chrome, the more I like it. Thread HiJacked
  11. Very funny... however, that would probably get you arrested or at the very least, thrown off the plane. No one has much of a sense of humor left
  12. I'm out of touch with a dancer who I've known for a couple of years. She showed me paperwork that stated she would earn 4000 baht per LAP DANCE - no sex - no touching. The location was a S. Africa "Gentleman's Club" during the world cup. They would pay all her expenses and give her a place to stay. I pleaded with her not to fall for it. She has not returned any of my texts..
  13. There rules clearly state that the standard suites are for two guests. However, no one ever bothered with my entourage Wifi is just "OK". There is no charge for the wifi. Overall, it's a great hotel.
  14. I love The Blues. I just can't stand listening to the same stuff over and over again. That is the problem with going to most blues clubs or watching blues cover bands. Mustang Sally has become to blues bands what the Macerana is to wedding bands. Maybe that sounds like heresy to a musician, but what do I know, I just pay to listen to the stuff. Doing an entire classic album live as a show is a great way to bring in a crowd. You just need the vocalist who can pull it off. http://classicalbumslive.com/calwordpress/ These guys do an amazing job and never fail to bring in a big cr
  15. I got the Iphone4 a two weeks ago. It was an impulse buy. There was about 10 months remaining on my ATT contract and I was holding out to consider a switch to another carrier and another phone (I'd had an Iphone since the first one came out). I had an hour to kill between work and a teeth cleaning so I popped into an ATT store to have a look, knowing full well that they are still impossible to find without pre ordering one. Well it was just my luck that the salesman mentions they have one in stock for sale. You know the rest of the story. Without a case, yes, if I hold it "wrong" it w
  16. Does that mean that Villa will have to call it soccer from now on?
  17. The Cathay Pacific layover at HKG on the JFK to BKK flight is dead easy. Not the same flight, I know, but, I would not be worried as I don't think Cathay would book the ticket if there where issues.... Hope someone will be able to give you a better answer...
  18. Half the new hip hop videos have at least one person wearing a Yankees cap. Put a dead chipmunk on your head and make gangstah signs with your fingers in a hip hop video and see how long it takes bar girls to pick up on the new fashion.
  19. So the video is playing and I'm thinking I was gonna post some wise ass remark about the dog not closing the fridge door... Then the dog goes back and makes me feel stupid...
  20. I use it at times and it's pretty good. It will get the job done if you just need to open files that you could not otherwise view or do the occasional project. However, if you use office to produce things often that pay the rent then if might be worth the money to get the real deal. Google Documents is probably better for simply viewing files since you don't have to do anything but have a Gmail account.
  21. I just checked their website, seems the posted prices are much higher... http://www.augustsuites.com/rates.html Looks like a nice place and at 1300 it would compete with the RG...??
  22. C'mon, this is the Funnies Section. If it was posted in another area I could understand your anger... But it's not...
  23. I gently cradle and nod her head "yes".
  24. Have flown ANA business class twice. If the price is right to you then it's worth it. In my case they where paid for with ff miles.
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