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Everything posted by Sailfast

  1. Pattayatalk quote of the week
  2. Only valid for flights departing from London
  3. I think my next career is as a maid in Thailand. If I can clean 30 rooms a day...lol I'm a LDOP and I only tip 20 - 50 baht, and that's not every day, only when I catch the maid or need extra towels.
  4. Yea, but it's about 5 minute baht bus ride over the hill and around the corner to the border.
  5. I know this is higher than 1000, but I will recommend anyway. The Residence Garden has two pools and very nice grounds. 1400/night for a one bedroom apartment.
  6. Nice job BigD. Since my trips are long and I have time to kill, I always hope for an offer. I would have taken the cash as I'd be afraid of any restrictions on the voucher, but as they say, "up to you". Do me a favor and let me know if Business class has seatback entertainment. I'm thinking of booking that flight and using miles to upgrade to bus. class. (another member answered a question I posted and said there is not seatback entertainment in economy).
  7. No I did not book the flight yet. That is exactly the information I was looking for. No seat back movies???lol Fuck that. Looks like it's time for me to dump star alliance and start racking up the miles with someone else. Since ThaiAir stopped the JFK to BKK route there is not much available that's reasonable. ANA is great but too expensive. Thanks again.
  8. Just wondering about the service, seats, food, and in-flight entertainment is on the United Airlines; Chicago to Hong Kong flight? I've been flying Cathay Pacific, JFK to HKG direct. Thing is, it's 2 1/2 hrs drive to JFK. I can get connecting flight to Chicago at a much closer airport (20 minutes). Thanks...
  9. I agree, looks nice and still very "readable". Now if we can just get rid of those Hawian shirts that keep popping up in the photos
  10. The place has a nice pool, other than that it's like McDonalds or any other franchise. Same exact menu, and worse, same exact prices as everywhere else. You feel the need to spend fifty US dollars on a couple of veggie burgers and beers, go for it. The band in the cafe was way too loud and the couldn't hold a candle to the FLB group. And if that's not enough, my g/f works for the one of the Hard Rock hotel/casino properties in Florida and she even thought it sucked. I couldn't even talk her into a tshirt to show her friends back home. She was like: "lets get th
  11. Please take down my picture as you are invading my privacy!
  12. OK, OK, I'm a sceptic.... So please spell it out for me: "Frenchman a "see you next tuesday"." All the others are laugh out loud funny. Thanks!
  13. I agree, it's worth it to keep trying to attract them. I cannot imagine why the place isn't crawling with them by now. One thing I noticed is that the PBG does not have that the BKK version does have is seating along the entrance. If I remember correctly on soi 7, as you walk through the entrance there are chairs or bar stools along the wall with girls hanging out in that area. Maybe they don't want to take up space at the bar if they are not going to spend money? One suggestion might be to offer free water w/ lime or some crap/cheap instant lemonade from powder (or whatever) so the gi
  14. At the risk of turning this into a history threadfuck, I'm pretty sure the symbol predates Buddhism through Hinduism. Considering it's a pretty simple line drawing, it probably goes back further than we will ever be able to prove.
  15. I have a program by Sony called "Vegas Movie Studio" and "DVD Maker". It's a couple years old, but, I think it works a little better than the Windows program. However, if you already have the Windows software and you don't plan on making a hobby out of editing your video it's not worth the money.
  16. I did actually consider postponing. However.... I could drop dead or get hit by a bus and then would I think: Thank goodness I postponed that vacation, now that I'm dead my relatives will get a few thousand more dollars... I just called work and business is "slightly" better than a few months ago. remember, the so called experts are allways behind the mark. IMHO, we are at or near bottom. It will be a long road back to prosperity, but, I think there is light at the end of the tunnel. At least I hope so Fuck it. Buy a plane ticket, a new suitcase and small rip off t
  17. I'm currently at Lamai beach on Koh Samui. Last night a bar girl grabbed one of those monkeys from the tout with the camera and proceded to haul him up on the stage for a pole dance. The monkey was not up for the old bump and grind and attempted to flee by climbing up the pole. The girl grabbed the monkey by the leg. The monkey starts screeching so the bar girl clamps down harder. Monkey starts clawing the bar girl. The bar girl starts screaming and won't let go of the monkeys leg. Monkey now leans down and starts gnawing on the bar girls arm. Bar girl screams louder. Monkey screams l
  18. Looks good. I must agree that a decent size in room safe is mandatory. One more thing.... Curtains that shut out the sunlight for us vampires. That might sound unimportant to some, but to those of us who are sensitive to light and like to sleep through a hangover, it is manditory!
  19. I've only been through once and that was last Jan. It was packed full.
  20. Actually, not a bad idea to go to Macau instead. I'll end up there at some point. Do you know if you can get the ferry to HK without clearing Macau customs? I know you can get to Macau form HKG without going through HK customs. Thanks everyone... and a Happy New Year!
  21. Looks like I will be splitting up my vacation time and traveling from Thailand to Hong Kong to meet up with friends in late Feb. Is there a website for Asia flights like travelocity.com, Kayak.com. US based sites don't come up with much, if anything at all. Any suggestions for cheap flights? Anyone fly from U-Tapao direct to Hong Kong?
  22. 1. PM board member BigDUSA. He is the resident expert on Skytop. 2. Try the search button as there have been countless posts about this place. 3. Then delete this post as you have no idea what you just started This post will self destruct in 3....2.....1.....
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