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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Sailfast

  1. A couple of quick questions for all you airline price gurus and fortune tellers: 1. What month does the Thaiair price drop for a high season (jan '09) flight? The flight is about $1700 now, if it drops to less than $1200, I would take it, saving my miles for later. Or... 2. I have enough miles for a United/Star flight. What is the minimum lead time for getting a decent flight? 3. I will be abroad for a month or more and would like to go to Singapore for a week. Does anyone book from JFK - SIN - BKK? 4. What will be the price of pork bellies futures in the future(s)?
  2. Sorry, are you saying there is NO lift, or, there IS A lift but it is out of order? I thought I saw an elevator by the stairs. Am I crazy? Was I in the wrong joint?
  3. Sometimes I use it..depends on if I've been to the location before, the price and number of people I'm traveling with. 4 - 6 guys with luggage and I shop around for the cheapest minibus. 17 hrs on a plane and I don't want to get lost with a driver who does not speak a word of English. I've been in that cab and I don't ever want to do it again.
  4. The 17 hr direct flight from JFK is a piece of cake compared to some of the flights with connections. First trip I booked the cheapest flight that changed in Chicago, then Toyko...After 26 hrs I thought I was gonna die on the way over. On the way back...snow storm in Chicago, you can imagine the hell I went through.... Now the problem is that the Thaiair flight from JFK is getting pricey
  5. Check out this video: Fishing in Thailand Add to My Profile | More Videos Sailfast and Da do a little "fishing"
  6. I did a little hotel research last month and popped in the Vic for a quick tour. Very nice pub and the rooms seemed OK. There was an elevator (lift) next to the stairs. Is it out of order?
  7. Sailfast


    I take it you are in the UK? Sorry I can't help you, but, I should think a quality one would be easy to find. Here in the US we have one set up in every kitchen sink i have ever seen. Not only good for washing your ass, but good for washing the dishes or your vegies as well Have you tried Ebay or an online plumbing supply store?
  8. Sailfast


    Are you talking about those sprayers attached to the water intake on the toilet?
  9. Seems like every airport has some restriction on liquids. Exact details seem to vary a bit. If I remember correctly, even the ferry from HK to Macau asked me about liquids.
  10. Hmmm...should I work at walmart of just kind of hang around out front and talk to folks? http://www.statesmanjournal.com/apps/pbcs....54/1046/OPINION
  11. Nothing beats the "American Pizza" I ate in Darlington, UK. Cardboard crust topped with friggen chicken, corn and red sauce so sweet I don't know how they managed to keep it red....lol The Darlington locals thought for sure that is what we ate "over there". Granted I don't think they get out much in Darlington It's funny how American "Chinese food" differs so much from the "Chinese food" in other countries and how far it all is from anything I have found in Asia. Same same "Thai food" in the USA. I can't imagine what they really eat in India
  12. http://www.snopes.com/military/lighthouse.asp Was John Cleese at the helm?
  13. LMAO! I wish I could do the accent so I could tell the joke at work today...
  14. Email the ARCHIMAM OF CANTERMECCA for a free conversion kit. Subjects of the Queen: If you are one of the first 100 converts you get an original, collector's, keepsake, fake beard straight from the Life of Brian set. Also, if you act now..Cat Steven's greatest hits on eight track or cassette! (CD's have been banned.) *sorry, Welshmen are excluded from this offer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDe9MPqyAfw To play the "Spot the fake beard game".
  15. It's not John Cleese. It's not Robin Williams. It's been emailed, forwarded, posted and edited so many billions of times over the years that it's hardly worth putting a name to it. Funny the first time, but, it gets posted and emailed so often that it sets us real John Cleese fans on a rampage http://www.snopes.com/politics/satire/revocation.asp
  16. I can see them just fine. Umm.. Hold on, let me adjust the font just in case the wanking is truly making you blind... Papillon, I can see the pictures just fine... GET YOUR EYES CHECKED, THE WANKING IS MAKING YOU BLIND. PS. HOW IS YOUR HEARING AIDE WORKING? PPS. THIS EXPLAINS THE INSANITY. Poor bastards probably been jerking off to gay porn for months now and hasn't a clue. Those video shop clerks can be real bastards.
  17. Off topic...sort of... Bill: I just put the sail ties back on after a bareboat sailboat charter out of Pattaya Marina. Cheap Charlies look out! That's 9000 baht per day (sit down Gabor...thats 18000 overnight, eeek I'm a lame dupe) and I had to do all the work. Two tiny bedrooms, one tinier toilet, stand up shower, two burner stove. AND I had to pay the bargirl to come with me....thank goodness she has an oral fixation! Price did not include breakfast or even the salt and pepper. No, would not have traded it for a night at Skytop....oh and didn't bother to
  18. Time shares are a bad investment. Vacations are a bad investment. Dining out is a bad investment. Paying for pussy is a bad investment. My parents own several time shares. I grew up going to the same time share for two weeks. We had friends that we met up with each year from all over. Pretty much a reunion over the same week every year. Kind of fun really. This was in the "early days" and I think it was harder to trade weeks. I have another friend who has time in a premium spot and she just loves going through the RCI website and dreaming of her next time share trade. Whatever
  19. I got a couple of them, it was kind of fun trying to figure them out.
  20. Well, I just got my letter, not sure how I'm gonna do it yet but the easy way out is $25.00. That means I would be paying the dickhead's about 7 bucks That will get them a hand job from one very needy crack ho with dirty hands
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