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Everything posted by misteregg

  1. A few photos of the line up at Le Pub. Promising more to come. See you all soon.
  2. Last time I flew Air India I was sat next to a Indian lady who was asking me to go to her hotel in New Delhi that night. Thankfullly I was transiting.
  3. Dave is very upbeat despite this setback and has lots of projects in the fire.
  4. BTW an omelette restaurant has opened two doors down from my bar and they have the nerve to call it an Egg Center Cheeky buggers.
  5. The newspapers are too expensive after licensing and printing costs. I have a promotion in my bar where customers bring in newspapers on the flight over here and I give them a free drink. It works very well.
  6. They scam Thais as well. The feeling is if you can afford a big car that takes a lot of gas then you have enough money already.
  7. We didn’t vote to put the eggs in the cake in 1974, we voted for an omelette but the omelette started getting fatter and fatter and turned into a cake WITHOUT ASKING US. So when we voted if we wanted to leave the cake we said yes. We never voted for a European political Union, only a kind of trade deal (EEC) As soon as we saw what the real agenda was and how this was not what we wanted we democratically elected to leave. Democracy being,as it is, the pillar of the EU, we will be given every assistance to leave. We all know what happens next.
  8. There is a new motorway being constructed up to U Tapao airport but it’s years from completion.
  9. Yes, this lady is still there but very busy this time of year with Lou Kratong. The lady I use for alterations is on the corner of South Pattaya Rd and Second Rd just in from of Henry Apartment by the traffic lights. She is the quickest and cheapest.
  10. This has been talked about for quite a while.
  11. Fornicator, if you pop on a baht bus you can watch the 12:00midnight games in my bar Le Pub. Three games shown simultaneously and the Red Zone. 75 inch tv.
  12. If you like AFL you really should try the official app watchafl. All games in super looking had and a dedicated AFL channel from Fox. Yes it costs money but a dedicated fan wouldn’t mind for the great service.
  13. Butch, not read the whole thread but the 5K licence fine is coming into law next year. The 3K baht bus fine is a typical “face getting” press conference bullshit thing. Isn’t being enforced and in my opinion never will be. Same as cigarettes in bars, etc etc
  14. Hi to all who came over last night. Will post some more girls photos later but for now, the F1 is on in Ultra HD. Just like being in the cockpit.
  15. Hi everyone, here’s a new idea. Bring a newspaper from your home country to the bar and receive a free drink. See the advert for details.
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