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Location, location, location. The old adage for a successful business seems to once again hold true. We have had a fantastic week at the PBG which has left me tired, surprised but definitely a happy chappy. We are two weeks old today but are already reaching customer levels I did not expect to see for at least three months.


I’ve been gathering lots of customer feedback which has in the main been extremely positive. Nearly everyone mentions the location. It is pleasant sitting at the bar or on the balcony with the ocean on 3 sides and usually a pleasant breeze blowing through. The food has also received a lot of positive feedback and we are already seeing quite a few bar owners and general customers using the place as there regular dinner spot before going on to a night of working or cruising the bars.


The breakfast trade is still a little slow and may never pick up. Ten in the morning might be just too early. We will carry on opening at 10 am for at least two months though to give it a decent try. The lunch crowd is solid but really does not get going till about 1 pm.


Pricing is of course a key issue, and we have received more than a few complaints that we are too cheap. I am happy with our prices though and if we continue to see the volume of customers we have now then I see no reason to raise the prices at all. At 50 to 65 baht for bottled beer and 65 baht for top shelf, name brand spirits we are making a small but acceptable profit.


The food prices have been well received too although a couple of people have said they are too expensive. Most have been happy and many have returned for a second, third or fourth meal as well. We are not at the very cheap end of the food market but certainly no where near the top end either. The idea has been to serve generous portions of good food, well prepared and presented at reasonable prices. I think we are close to achieving that. We have five cooks on staff covering two shifts so one thing we are working on is getting consistency between chefs. We are not there yet but will continue to work on that.


Freelancer numbers are increasing daily although remain inconsistent. Sometimes we have plenty sitting around and sometimes none. I have been impressed with the overall quality though and we do seem to be on the right path in this important area. Generally speaking we have the most girls in from about 3 pm to 6 pm and then again from 9 pm to midnight. I am pleasantly surprised to see that we seem to be attracting ever increasing numbers of the late night disco girls. They start arriving around 10 pm and move on about 12:30 am. They seem to be using the beer garden as a starting point and a cheaper place to get a few drinks in before the discos start hotting up. More than a few never make it to the disco though as they find their true love for the night at the PBG.


We have had a lot of girls through the place to check out what we have got. Some beautiful and some frightening. Interestingly the frightening ones do not come back. It seems they are happier on the beach or wherever else they ply there trade. The better looking (and better dressed) girls are the ones that find the beer garden environment more to their liking and we already have quite a few regulars who tell me they really like the place.


Hook ups were slow the first week as nobody seemed to know what to do to make it happen. I’ve been telling the girls they have a better chance of scoring if they sit at the bar rather than on the balconies and to watch for subtle signals from the guys, like smiles or waves. Some are still to scared to approach the smilers or wavers and need to be approached with that ever faithful and 99% successful pick up line . . . “hello”.


We will never let the girls be aggressive in the PBG as many of our customers only come in to enjoy the ambience, cheap beer and good food. Those looking to hook up with a girl need to be a bit more outgoing than they would be in a go go or beer bar but rest assured the girls are available if you call them over or go and speak with them. The second week has been better in this regard as the girls and guys start to understand how it all works.


Our service staff have been great but service is a little slow at times. We have been much busier than anticipated and we just do not have enough staff yet. We have 35 now but across two shifts that is still a little thin at busy times. We are actively looking for more but are being quite selective and trying to only employ those with good English and a clear understanding of good service.


We have been doing a lot of training. I spent an hour just teaching the breakfast menu last week. How you would like your eggs cooked is a biggy, with so many possible answers it makes the poor servers heads spin. We pretty much have it covered now. Hash browns or baked beans also caused some difficulties. Thais really find it hard to say baked beans and it was coming out more like hash bown or bashed ben. Hard to understand that one but we are practising every day and getting better.


Our 40 baht promotion is now finished but for the rest of May we will be doing all bottled beers for 50 baht (except Corona) during happy hours. The freelancer and barfine discount continue till the end of May. Details are here Pattaya Beer Garden opening promotions


If you take up these promotions please state clearly when ordering “Freelancer Discount” or “Bar Fine discount”. I watched a guy the other day ask for the free barfine promotion and the waitress said, “no we don’t have bar fines”. They know and understand “Freelancer Discount” or “Barfine Discount” but if you use different words you are likely to get a blank look in return.


I have been really slack in the picture taking department this week. I am really going to try and take far more next week as we have had a lot of cuties in and I know lots of guys really appreciate the photos. I’ll be posting them in the gallery at The Pattaya Beer garden Website each day if you want to check them out.


Finally a big thanks to everyone who have visited the PBG over the past two weeks. It’s been an amazing response and I’m pretty much blown away. If you have not been yet then I hope to see you there in the coming weeks or whenever your next trip is on.


I’ll leave you with the few pics I managed to grab this week.





















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Me and Prince spent a lot of time here on our trip. As we would generally hit a few beer bars before WS, its such a perfect place to visit in between. I never ate any food there so cannot comment on that but there was a steady flow of FL's which seemed to increase daily. I will be very interested to see how things are in a few months when I return.


The girls we took in also liked the place and were asking lots of questions. It can only be a matter of time before the word gets round and more FL's start to come. Don't go in there at the moment and expect it to be like the Berr Garden in BKK yet, which some people I spoke to expected.


Its also a great meeting spot for boardies as again the location is perfect. We would often stop for a gawk around Siren complex on our way in which has loads of girls screaming!!!


Another thing I liked was the fact that Pete would come over and chat to us and listen to what we had to say even though he has been around Pattaya a lot longer than me.


I can't wish the place enough success.

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Pete, see you in a couple of weeks. I'd be happy to buy you a drink or three.


Your operation looks good - and I've run 4 different food/beverage joints in my past.


P.S. I really like the idea of a blog on your website, but so far I'm the only guy who's left comments. Hopefully, that'll change at some point in the future.



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I have just read on Pattaya City News about a dozen Uzbekistan girls being arrested for prostitution on Walking street, have any of these girls started hanging out at PBG yet?


This is only me being nosey, once you've had Asian, why bother with Caucasian? :ang2

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Hi Pete,


glad your so optimistic!


As i stated before this is a great location......for a restaurant!.... and as a restaurant you will do very well!


I tried the thai food a few days ago and it was of reasonable quality.


Try something for me pete.....you have 1 oldish bloke waiting the tables (was about 6pm )...ask him for a mocha (as per menu).....see what you get!




Had a small bottle of water with my food......... 30baht (you're having a laugh eh).....although a much more expensive can of coke was same price 30baht ??????


"do you want drink menu or food menu???????".....what a silly idea having 2 menus. Maybe the customer will change his mind . Get 1 menu for everything then its up to me and less confusing for the staff and may generate more sales.


Whilst i agree that the tables need illuminated at night, those silly wall lamps only BLOCK your view. Either replace with table light/candle etc or move the tables offset against the wall lamps. The view would have been stunning if they hadn't been there.


The staff also have the "hovering" syndrome. Whilst i like good service, i dislike the over-attentive waiting staff that make you feel rushed as they whip away a glass or plate the millisecond it becomes empty. I thought this place was a place to linger and relax....i just felt watched over and rushed. Why not put the hoverers out of sight and place some small service bells on the tables.


btw at 6pm there wasnt a sniff of freelancers?????



but it was a good view (when i dodged the light)



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Bar or restaurant - you can call it what you like but as 80% of the customers come to drink and 20% come to eat I think of it as a bar with a restaurant - up to you.


Likewise as most customers come to drink, handing them a food menu makes little sense. That is why we have separate menus.


The wholesale cost of bottled water and soft drinks are about the same. As most bars charge 60 to 90 baht for a water I think 30 baht is pretty good. If people think its too much I will look at revising it.


Hovering syndrome is tricky. We are new and still getting the service staff sorted. I'd prefer too quick than too slow. There is no pressure to leave as the place is so big we can easily accommodate those who just wish to sit and enjoy the view. I have had many comments on the low pressure nature of the service. Maybe you made the service people nervous so they tried harder. I'm not sure but if you come in again why don't you make yourself known to me and we can compare notes.


i agree that the lights are too bright. We are looking at alternatives at the moment.


The number of freelancers varies at the moment from none to quite a few. Six o'clock is a dead time for them as most people are eating around that time.


The best time for them at the moment is 3 - 5 pm or 9 - 11 pm. Interestingly we are getting more than a few coming in between 10 pm and midnight. Often more freelancers than guys at that time as the girls have their pre-disco drinks.


In any case the freelancers are a long term project. I think it will be a couple of months before we really become well known by the girls. Jai yen yen, we will get there.


Thanks for your thoughts, I appreciate them.



I look forward to that drink in a few weeks.



Thanks for the great review.





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Vid, from too many chits causing the destruction of the earth's forests, to having to cope with two menus instead of one, you're a hard man to please. :gulp


Pete, good to hear it's doing well, even if it is a bar. :o :D

Edited by Dungheap
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This is becomimg a regular "pick up" point for me, i have been successful every time and not disappointed with the "take away"

Two points, the foot rails are great, i commented on the lack of them before and i'm glad they are there now, it makes it so much more comfortable. the second point has, i think, already been mentioned. the lamps on the edges to the balconies are a bit "in your face" bright, some slats or tinting on the sides would be better, leaving the table well lit but not out to the seats.

Great place and all the very best for the future.



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Hi Pete,


Had to laugh a bit when I read your comments about "breakfast".


I know that we are all different, but for me, breakfast is normally eaten around 7 AM unless I have been out mongering the night before. But even then, I normally SSSS ( the extra S standing for "Shag" ) and am finished with breakfast by 10 AM. Maybe there are others like myself for whom a 10 AM starting time will never get my "Breakfast" trade?


But having said all of the above, I would dearly like to find more venues that are indeed open for breakfast. Especially something that leans toward an "American" breakfast. Have yet to find a place that serves an american sausage for breakfast and waffles are scarce as hen's teeth! I won't even mention "Eggs Benedict". Would love it if you did open for a proper breakfast as you are right at the start of my morning walk to the beginning of Beach road and back! But I have to go to AC to get decent american food!



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No breakfast is between 7am & 10am.

Either she has gone by then, or still asleep or joins me for breakfast.

Up to herrrrrrrrrrrrr.


The place looks great I cant wait to get there again.


I cant believe that some people bitch at 30 bhat for water I know in 7 eleven its between 7 & 15 depending on the brand you buy but 30 is still very cheap compared to the UK. In the UK in most places its cheaper to have soft drinks than water.

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The point about the water is that assuming Pete is gearing the Thai food price to compare to other Thai food restuarants. i.e. kiss food, (approx 80 -110 baht per dish) which is spot on (if you look at his thai menu).


Then assuming this price comparison, the bottled water should be no more than 20baht.


This is obviously assuming that we are in "restaurant" mode and not "bar" mode. I accept that 20baht water for a "bar" is cheap.


This is why Pete has a problem defining what "the pattaya beer garden" is??


Its not all bad news tho as i stated before , a can of coke 30baht is a bargain in a bar. (usually minimum 55baht in a shitty bar joint)......so basically your water's over-priced and your coke is under-priced.



re menu:

Is 1 menu containing everything really too difficult pete? Lets say i go in just for a drink...maybe..just maybe i will look at the menu and spot something interesting OR good value. Maybe i will come back another time etc etc. When i was in it seemed like 70percent eating 30percent at bar drinking.


re lights:


they weren't too bright , they were in the way. it's a tricky scenario as you do need light at the tables. I appreciate that. Sit yourself down Pete, as if you were a customer.....now face your dining companion and see if you get any view.......go....actually do it. The light steals the whole panoramic view!

Its a moot point , i know, but i assume your trying to make this place the best it can be!


Also i assume you aint asked your waiter for a mocha....he doesnt have a clue. (this was asked in thai by my GF so no language problems)..he simply didnt know what it was. (and a normal black coffee duly arrived)...with mocha on the bin!!!!!!



For all the flamers , can i just state that i WANT to like this bar.....It does have easily the best locale in Pattaya. My points may seem like bitching, but look at the success/failure ratio in this town for businesses ! The last thing Pete would want is for any small points to go unsaid.

I have been here a good few years now and must have dined in every soi in town, so i know when "things" seem a little odd.


Good luck again Pete.

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  steveg19552 said:
I agree breakfast at 10am is ridiculous


In all the time I have spent in Pattaya never eaten breakfast before 2pm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2

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I think the breakfast time will be a tough one to decide. A lot of blokes like to get up early and out and about.


I don't think breakfast at 10 AM is ridiculous nor do I think breafast at 2 PM is ridiculous.


Me. I usually eat breakfast between 1 PM and 2 PM.


Perhaps Pete should conduct a poll of his customers asking for the times they would be inclined to come to PBG to eat breakfast. He might consider printing up a slip of paper and passing out to all his male customers for a month or so to get a good handle on most popular times for breakfast. I think I would do an actual customer poll and it wouldn't hurt to have a poll on this board for a comparison. Or, why can't it be served all day long as at the hotel I stay at. I can get an American breakfast all day long until the kitchen closes at 12 midnight. Eggs, bacon or sasuage, home fried potatoes, coffee and toast.


What do you think, Pete?

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Spent a few evenings at the Garden last week,good food,good drink prices,great view.

My first taste of Som Tom. I love spicy food.

One night were heading out to dinner there, Teelack says she forgot her room key.

i told her dont she didnt need it.Were just going to the Beer Garden.

You drink,you look lady,you not leave me in street. I reminded her its my room.

No you take short time room.

Anyway, a nice alternative in Pattaya.

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  vidman said:
This is why Pete has a problem defining what "the pattaya beer garden" is??
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The definition seems pretty clear. It seems like you're the one that doesn't understand what he's going for. He already stated, "Really what the place is, is a chill out bar where you can relax, get some good but reasonably priced food, cheaper drinks than most other bars, chat with your friends or check out the passing freelancers. " Have you not been to the Beer Garden in Bangkok?

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Well, I'm happy to say I will be back in Pattaya in a few days, and this looks like a great addition to the scene. <grin I can't wait to have my first beer there!

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I will be making very honourable mentions of the Pattaya Beergarden in my next TR reports as I am in LOS now, and have been in the bar every day at different times since my arrival in early May. In short so far I am enormously impressed with every aspect of this ambitious project and highly recommend it.


Have had the good fortune to meet Pattaya Pete and chat with him and he deserves every success and comes over as a really impressive and welcoming guy with a keen sense of business and people management.


The bar itself is monumental in scale (you could fit the Bangkok bar in several times over) and has to be the best location one could imagine for a bar of this type.. the view alone is priceless...Food great, prices impressively low and as Pete reports the 'magic' is beginning to happen just as imagined.


Will become the 'de rigeur ' meeting place I predict..and have already met several BMs in there this trip.

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I hope the place will be a success to get some long term TGs... the same what I'm looking for in the beer bar's freelancers.. no BF, stay with her for a few days...OR ... to find the disco freelancers for ST or LT.... IF it will be a short time paradise for the ugly beach road skanks.... it will be not my place... maybe for a good lunch in a really nice environment for reasonable prices...

IMHO to collect the coconut bar monsters is a bad recipe... those ugly monsters will frighten off the potentional paying customers, the coconut bar customers will buy their drinks anyway in the 7/eleven and IMHO happier to bargaining on the discreet beach road, than in a frequent venue...

Targetting the beer bar and disco freelancers would be the right choice... IMHO....

IMHO... I'm not an expert barowner, I don't have any experience in the bar business... my rant was just about my view...or better say... my hopes...

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Have just returned to P after a 4 week absence. Took my No. 1 there last night for a look. Loved it! Prices are reasonable, music not too loud, and if you want to escape the music or whatever you just go to a table not under roof. The music stays inside. My lady loved it and has insisted we have dinner there tonight. Part of her feeling about the place no doubt is because Pete , Ann, and the staff were so friendly. It's good to have a place to go where the music is not intrusive and you can just chill.


Little Roy :bigsmile:

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