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What music would you like to hear?

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As many know I am the owner of The Blues Factory and I was wondering whether I could call on Boardmembers to give me feedback.

Obviously our main style and image for the bar is blues with a bit of rock also but I feel that we should still diverse a little bit from time to time, we already play some RnB and a little bit of pop (although we wouldn't really cover Hip Hop and the like) but what would the expats and visitors to Pattaya like to hear (if of course you come into the bar).

Taking requests is a good way to do this but of course the bands can't always guarantee that they'd know the song.

Any suggestions Guys/ Gals?

thanks in advance.



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As many know I am the owner of The Blues Factory and I was wondering whether I could call on Boardmembers to give me feedback.

Obviously our main style and image for the bar is blues with a bit of rock also but I feel that we should still diverse a little bit from time to time, we already play some RnB and a little bit of pop (although we wouldn't really cover Hip Hop and the like) but what would the expats and visitors to Pattaya like to hear (if of course you come into the bar).

Taking requests is a good way to do this but of course the bands can't always guarantee that they'd know the song.

Any suggestions Guys/ Gals?

thanks in advance.




pesonally I prefer music from my own era.I love 60's stuff, even though its b4 my time a bit.I dont know if its pratical but if a bar could vary its content according to who is in the bar at the time.eg a bar full of 20 yo's will like something far different from a bar full of 50yo's

And not toooooo loud please!

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pesonally I prefer music from my own era.I love 60's stuff, even though its b4 my time a bit.I dont know if its pratical but if a bar could vary its content according to who is in the bar at the time.eg a bar full of 20 yo's will like something far different from a bar full of 50yo's

And not toooooo loud please!

That's part of the things that I brought up in a recent meeting, I already tell the DJ to read the crowd and look at them to see what kind of era they would be from, same for the band.

Lam does a few 60's as do the other band although with blues of course its not a well known, I'll definitely bring it up.


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As many know I am the owner of The Blues Factory and I was wondering whether I could call on Boardmembers to give me feedback.

Obviously our main style and image for the bar is blues with a bit of rock also but I feel that we should still diverse a little bit from time to time, we already play some RnB and a little bit of pop (although we wouldn't really cover Hip Hop and the like) but what would the expats and visitors to Pattaya like to hear (if of course you come into the bar).

Taking requests is a good way to do this but of course the bands can't always guarantee that they'd know the song.

Any suggestions Guys/ Gals?

thanks in advance.




The Blues Machine are great, they seem to play a slightly different set every time I was there (last time was in Feb), so there was some variety each visit.


The Rock Machine are great musicians but I swear it felt like they were playing the same set every night, it gets kind of boring after a couple of nights.

Also when Lam starts playing, the other guy (Neung??) takes a seat, he's already there, keep him playing rhythm, 2 guitars sound better than 1 :)


As far as style of music, maybe add more bluesy-rock type stuff SRV, Black Crowes, Stones, Zeppelin, Hendrix, AC/DC etc.


Volume seems to be an issue with a lot of people in Patts. I feel like I'm the only one that thinks a live band SHOULD be at least reasonably loud, it just doesn't sound right otherwise.


Is this the type of stuff you were after?

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I love The Blues. I just can't stand listening to the same stuff over and over again. That is the problem with going to most blues clubs or watching blues cover bands.

Mustang Sally has become to blues bands what the Macerana is to wedding bands. Maybe that sounds like heresy to a musician, but what do I know, I just pay to listen to the stuff.


Doing an entire classic album live as a show is a great way to bring in a crowd. You just need the vocalist who can pull it off.




These guys do an amazing job and never fail to bring in a big crowd. Something along these lines would be a great crowd please IMHO.


Then there are musicians who can cover most any song in their own style. Don't know why more don't get a little creative with covers. If a jug band can cover hip hop....


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, I already tell the DJ to read the crowd and look at them to see what kind of era they would be from, same for the band.


Did they comprehend? Sometimes I am the only guy under 60 in a Pattaya place ( not BluesF) and they are playing stuff that would only appeal to a club 18 - 30 holiday club :rolleyes:


Tribute bands are huge draws in the UK. Sometimes £20+ a ticket. Or maybe have an all round "Classic Rock" band that plays everything from The Who to Led Zep to Bon Jovi etc, and also Blues rock. You could have an AC/DC night, or AC/DC / Scorpions night. A ZZ Top night :allright . 80s rock night. 70s night with Bad Co/ Free songs.

Could the Blues Machine do that? Or do you need a to send me a visa? :P :allright

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Cheers Dave...good to see you are open minded on the play list.


upbeat stuff for me...if Lam is going to play 60's stuff...get him to play some Creedence...that downer Hendrix doesn't equate to upbeat fun or set the mood for the evening...


I'd like to hear more contempory stuff... Maroon 5....Black Eyed Peas...or 80's Crowded House.


I was going to enter your place for a couple of beers a few months back until I heard Lam playing his tired rendition of "Over the Rainbow"...so.. I just turned around and went somewhere else.

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Seems to me that you'll get so many diverse answers to your question, as already shown. Unless you get 100 replies with 50% for one type of music you'll never know what to play to get the best audience. My suggestion based upon my own likes and the age of the clientele you're likely going to attract, would be Tamla Motown. Huge selection of tunes there and very easy to listen to.

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Bars need an identity.


It's alright telling the DJ to read the age of the crowd but that can lead to confusion.


E.g. The bar has a group of teeny boppers in it so the DJ spins some hip hop. What happens if the young ones actually went to the bar to hear blues or some big groups of blues-lovers show up at the same time?


You can't please everyone in these situations. Stick to the blues and some classic rock! :behead 2guns

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Hi Dave


I agree that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


As already suggested, tribute nights to specific bands might be worth a go. There's a Brit band called The Hamsters who do very popular tribute nights to both Hendrix and ZZ Top. :behead

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Hi Dave, we've talked about this a while ago:

I find that Snowman is stuck in his 'Blues' style admittedly there is some swing to it but after a while, for me, it becomes boring, Mary (Tina) is a great entertainer.

The Rock Machine are one of the best bands in Pattaya, but the 'edge' seems to have gone, i know you are trying to inject some life back into what they do, i hope it succeeds, maybe six nights a week for 6 years, that i know of, are taking their toll ! As Lam said when that Phillipino band were on, the drummer seemed to make everything come to life. I think some fresh faces are called for, not replacing anyone but additional 'Guests' on a regular basis. This might inspire the house band.

How about a showcase night for bands, Classic 70's rock would surely be a winner, as someone else has said : 'Free'/' Bad Company' Zeppelin - Deep Purple. E.T.C. I know the rock machine do some of this stuff, but they do seem to delve into the realms of album tracks leaving the audience wondering what they are playing ! ( or is it just me out of date ?) A good vocalist / frontman would help alot.

I don't think it's the material, so much as the life in the presentation.

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so many bars do same hip hop and this "under my umbrella" type, plus "zombie"


it would be nice to hear some sex pistols, stranglers classics, in fact Hugh Cornwell plays in smaller venues and some of the old hits all good tunes mate :thumbup

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My thought about music in Pattaya bars (not specific to The Blues Factory then) :


The catalog of songs we can hear is very poor/limited

- mostly music of 50's or 60's, and always the same success again and again

- recent music in some bars and discos (hip-hop or other dance "musics"...)


1- Look's like 80's, 90's are rather ignored everywhere

Many customers and bar owners are 50+ or even over 60

and 60's is music of their youth, but boring for youngers to hear that all the time.


2- Because most customers are English or American, bar play English or American music ONLY ... :(

Ok, maybe your singer can't sing in an other language, but sometime in The Blues Factory

you play some music only (no lyrics),

and it could be some of the many success of European countries by example.



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