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Do you spend many nights alone in Pattaya?

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For alot of guys it's a case of none at all. For some it's a few. For the average 2/3 week monger , how many actually spend the whole trip with a BG overnight every night?.


I stopped my mongering yonks ago. Couple of reasons, one is cos I'm now older & with Mrs Butch and the other is that in the PI it's so easy to monger the thrill of it all has kind of worn off. Besides, X number of years of it wore thin and keeping it under the radar was becoming a chore.


Anyways , during my trips to Patts there's more often than not the case of guys on a trip finding a keeper after a few days and spending the trip with them, but the guys who tend to skylab a bit more end up spending less time with company overnight. Bit of a paradox that, cos you'd have assumed the budderfrysumbitch would have had more company over the trip. Doesn't seem that way though, or maybe my observations are clouded by cheap thai whisky and Finlandia.


Of course, not all rules are hard and fast, but lets be truthful. How many blokes actually feel the need to have a BG each night of the trip?. I used to need a break, but the downfall being that when I got home I felt I'd "wasted" the nights I spent alone and promised to make amends next time.


Thats the crux, going home feeling that you've missed out and could have done more does no good to alleviate the Pattaya blues whatsoever.




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I just do whatever I'm in the mood for. And it's hard to tell what that will be until the time comes. I'm sure, though, that there are guys who have some sort of schedule/scorecard and try to plan their vacations down to the last minute.

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The crux of the matter for me is that Pattaya allows you to pick and chose each and every night. This is something that I have totally no control over in Farangland (unless I re-marry) and I am very happy to have this choice. I have also read here that A lot of guys like a shag and then sleep alone. I on the other hand really enjoy the cuddling up stuff as well so bottom line, as ever, up to you!

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I haven't had a night alone at all in the last three trips (9 weeks).


I have a regular TG who comes from the boonies. I had been telling her when I came was actually two or three days after I actually did so I could tomcat around. Which I did with all-nighters from Soi 6 or FLB.


One night was home at 2 a.m. and the two girls left at 5 a.m. so that is sort of all night, maybe not.

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More and more I have been going more to afternoon short times and using the evenings for drinking and looking for more afternoon short time candidates. :thumbup


Of course there are always exceptions.

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Since I enjoy the shag before going to sleep and utilizing the morning wood, I plan not to be alone (also for the reasons BM Teerak mentions above). Some of my expat friends prefer to sleep alone. Although, I was married for dozens of years in the USA, there were many nights I slept alone :).


The choices and options here are much easier to implement to meet our personal preferences.

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...Although, I was married for dozens of years in the USA, there were many nights I slept alone :)....



A good mate of mine, who came from a very large family, once told me that he had never slept in a room by himself - until about a week after he got married.

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I like to just let it fly with what ever the mood take me to. Usually if I plan to sleep alone it does not work out and other times I am just too picky for finding someone that interests me. It does not matter if I go loom alone or with the princess of the hour, I always have a good time in Pattaya. The good thing about Pattaya is that no matter what time of the day or night you decide you do not want to be alone, there is always a way to fix the situation.

Edited by kosman
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  • 3 months later...

The crux of the matter for me is that Pattaya allows you to pick and chose each and every night. This is something that I have totally no control over in Farangland (unless I re-marry) and I am very happy to have this choice. I have also read here that A lot of guys like a shag and then sleep alone. I on the other hand really enjoy the cuddling up stuff as well so bottom line, as ever, up to you!

Yes their is a lot to be said for a great nights sleep..http://www.wofs.com/index.php?option=com_content&Itemid=38&task=view&id=97

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Although, I was married for dozens of years in the USA, there were many nights I slept alone :).



What was worse for me was when i wasn't sleeping alone but felt like i was. That was when i decided to divorce.



For alot of guys it's a case of none at all. For some it's a few. For the average 2/3 week monger , how many actually spend the whole trip with a BG overnight every night?.


I stopped my mongering yonks ago. Couple of reasons, one is cos I'm now older & with Mrs Butch and the other is that in the PI it's so easy to monger the thrill of it all has kind of worn off. Besides, X number of years of it wore thin and keeping it under the radar was becoming a chore.


Anyways , during my trips to Patts there's more often than not the case of guys on a trip finding a keeper after a few days and spending the trip with them, but the guys who tend to skylab a bit more end up spending less time with company overnight. Bit of a paradox that, cos you'd have assumed the budderfrysumbitch would have had more company over the trip. Doesn't seem that way though, or maybe my observations are clouded by cheap thai whisky and Finlandia.


Of course, not all rules are hard and fast, but lets be truthful. How many blokes actually feel the need to have a BG each night of the trip?. I used to need a break, but the downfall being that when I got home I felt I'd "wasted" the nights I spent alone and promised to make amends next time.


Thats the crux, going home feeling that you've missed out and could have done more does no good to alleviate the Pattaya blues whatsoever.





I usually spend 1 night a week alone in Thailand. It seems to get to a point where i need to catch my breath.

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I have been in pattaya for a long time now and so my lifestyle needs have changed a little. I have a few regulars so my pattern is usually a ST on night one, a LT on night two (with a morning session) and sleep alone on night three. This way I get a boom boom every day but my costs are reduced and I dont have to put up with thai women all the time !!


I have now found myself a really lovely filipina and will bring her back to pattaya again for a couple of months so this is going to change for me.

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Only if you want to.That would be my answer to you,but is that the answer you wanted to hear or is there another reason behind this question.

Are you worried that as a singleton you will feel lonely? if you are alone at home then you will probably feel alone in LOS as its mostly about how outgoing you are that gets you company of the Guys ,The girls on the other hand could care less about your personality ,buy a few lady drinks(not too many or you will be thought of as stupid and taken to the cleaners)and the world of the Pattaya bar girl is your oyster.Plenty of blokes in Pattaya are in the same boat ,being on their own,and are almost always willing to chat to a fellow monger in the many bars that make up Pattaya so you will not be alone for long if you make a little effort.

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I NEVER want to waste a night in Patts, hence I make sure I have a lady each night. About 95% of the time, I send them home before 2am. I like to sleep and wake up alone so that I can do what I want, when I want, the next day.

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I NEVER want to waste a night in Patts, hence I make sure I have a lady each night. About 95% of the time, I send them home before 2am. I like to sleep and wake up alone so that I can do what I want, when I want, the next day.


OK you like to sleep alone but in fairness you can do what you want to do next day even if they sleep with you till you get up. I have never had a problem saying to a girl that it was time to go whatever tim of day and having one stay over has never made it difficult to do what I want the next day. I dont on the other hand like getting up, getting dressed and trotting down to the receptoion at 2.30.

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OK you like to sleep alone but in fairness you can do what you want to do next day even if they sleep with you till you get up. I have never had a problem saying to a girl that it was time to go whatever tim of day and having one stay over has never made it difficult to do what I want the next day. I dont on the other hand like getting up, getting dressed and trotting down to the receptoion at 2.30.


y would you have to get dressed?


either the reception rings you or they don't give a frack and let the girl/boy/lb go on their merry way.

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Guest Fatboyfat

y would you have to get dressed?


either the reception rings you or they don't give a frack and let the girl/boy/lb go on their merry way.

Coz Teelack is a proper gentleman ! Obviously a better class of Colonial in New Zealand ! :bhappy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Coz Teelack is a proper gentleman ! Obviously a better class of Colonial in New Zealand ! :bhappy


I always escort the lady back to reception, wait while she gets her id card back and make sure she gets (preferably) a baht bus or a motorcycle taxi – and I’ve never even been to New Zealand!


As a few ladies have commented on this procedure, I guessed that it wasn’t standard practice.

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I always escort the lady back to reception, wait while she gets her id card back and make sure she gets (preferably) a baht bus or a motorcycle taxi – and I’ve never even been to New Zealand!


As a few ladies have commented on this procedure, I guessed that it wasn’t standard practice.

Certainly not for me..........

But nice to be sure she hasn't got your suitcase.

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I always escort the lady back to reception, wait while she gets her id card back and make sure she gets (preferably) a baht bus or a motorcycle taxi – and I’ve never even been to New Zealand!


As a few ladies have commented on this procedure, I guessed that it wasn’t standard practice.


Like to get your money's worth? lol.

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