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Everything posted by forcebwithu

  1. For those not familiar with the upgraded forum features, it's possible to create your own unread content "activity stream". Here are the steps to do so. 1. Under My Activity Streams select Create New Stream. 2. Give your new stream a name. 3. In the Content Types section, click on the gear icon on the selection for Topics. 3.5 In the Read Status section, select Content I haven't read. 4. Click on the drop down list arrow and select the topics you want to see new content for. When you're done selecting topics, click Save Changes in the lower right corner.
  2. I'm not a fan of the mouth either. Perhaps another graphic in its place? A stylized graphic of the Pattaya city skyline, w/o the Waterfront in it.
  3. Like the one you currently have on the test forum. Perhaps a talking mouth that's open a little wider, with a happier mouth expression? Found that one using a Google image search. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS813US813&biw=2048&bih=1050&tbs=itp%3Aclipart&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=8U8TXIOQHtf9rQHgkKzwBQ&q=mouth+talking+with+tongue&oq=mouth+talking+with+tongue&gs_l=img.3...4268.9953..10218...12.0..0.108.1347.14j2......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i8i30.JpfovvxFRM8
  4. Bangkok Post has a new article on the Siri Charoenwat Forest Plantation Path. There's riding in those hills
  5. I would be very surprised if the upgrade isn't a success. From frostfire's posts he has put in a lot of work ahead of the upgrade to test and resolve issues before releasing it to the general public. Now having posted this I'll probably be the one responsible for jinxing the upgrade. So if the upgrade goes tits up you know who to blame.
  6. Thanks. Got my Tai's and Nua's reversed. Corrected the post. BTW, the Street View of that location is from Jan, 2018. Some parts of Pattaya may be still from 2012, but the Google Street View car has been back since then.
  7. From the description it sounds like this place on the soi that runs behind Big C from Klang to Pattaya Tai Nua. https://www.google.co.th/maps/@12.9421108,100.8911396,3a,29.8y,104.47h,97.37t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sGbp-1cvnKqzKSG3ADpq0tA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i34?hl=en
  8. I don't believe so as I didn't see any indication of a rental shop. The building is certainly big enough to house a rental shop though.
  9. Siri Charoenwat Forest Plantation Path I finally made it out to the newly re-opened Siri Charoenwat Forest Plantation bike path, located near Chi Chan Buddha Mtn and Silverlake Vineyard. I have to say I was impressed. It's a beautifully maintained, tarmac surfaced, 17.2 km loop that takes you through some very scenic countryside. Best of all, at 9 am on a Thursday I had the bike path to myself. Didn't see another soul in the hour it took me to do the loop.   The bike path is of medium difficulty with a lot of 5%+ slopes, up and down. Fortuantely the steeper slopes are relatively short.
  10. Sure hope the system here is more stable than what I see over at PA after their upgrade. They're still struggling with issues that bring down their forum almost every week. Just tried to log on now and get an Internal Server Error. Not sure if it's inadequate hardware or an incompetent forum admin.
  11. Good luck with the upgrade. If you are able to do this in under a day, a big pat on the back to you.
  12. My guess it was more to mitigate the risk of carrying large amounts of cash back to BKK.
  13. Thanks nkped. Good to see our US Embassy people working with Thai immigration with regards to the proof of income requirement. Interesting to read one person reporting he was successful using US bank statements as proof his average monthly income met the 65k/month requirement. Wonder if that would work at other immigration offices.
  14. ^^^ I thought the follow on song was hilarious.
  15. Had a look at this one. Interesting and quirky, which is to be expected with the Cohen brothers writing and directing. Really liked the first two shorts, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs and Near Algodones, but then found myself fast forwarding through the next two and then gave up on watching the remaining two.
  16. I've been living here for about nine years now. I make several trips each year outside of Thailand. Other than my landlady doing the initial TM30 report a few years back, I nor my landlady has ever notified immigration of my return to Thailand. To date this has presented no problems when I go for my annual extension to stay. The most recent one was two days ago.
  17. With the main characters sitting around complaining how good it was ten years ago and how much prices have gone up. Expect Al to chime in with how he always got his BJ's for free.
  18. Venture Bike in Jomtien looks to have a decent selection of bikes for rent.
  19. Khao Mai Keao Route I had a nice ride this morning on a route around Khao Mai Keao. The main thing this route has going for it is once on the north end of KMK you have a very enjoyable ride that's mostly a gentle downhill all the way to Hwy 7. The route can be found and downloaded from Google Maps using this link. RT distance starting and ending at Pattaya Klang and Sukhumvit is about 59 km. It's a relatively easy ride with only a moderate amount of elevation gain near the south end of KMK. The first part of this route takes you up Soi Siam Country Club road. While there is no marke
  20. Good explanation and good that sailingbill is asking for clarification now as I didn't and ended up invalidating my O-A Visa. Really sucks to be told on coming back to Thailand my visa was no good and only getting the 30 day stamp. What I didn't understand then, but what what you explained quite well is the visa expiration date and its effect on the 12 month permission to stay. The key thing to remember is to get a re-entry permit before you leave the country once past the visa expiration date.
  21. Good to see Nam's good service is being rewarded with more customers switching to her. Be nice if more Thai businesses would follow this business model.
  22. My bad. I just focused on no tips and visa agents and completely glossed over "Letters of income used for a retirement extension will require proof from banks". Looks like I'm in the same boat as sailingbill. My extension is up next month, so I'll be quickly finding out if I too need the additional proof. Edited to add: I re-read the linked article in the first post and don't see any mention of additional proof from banks. Do you have another source for this new requirement?
  23. The income affidavit is all you need for the extension. Never been asked for additional proof of income.
  24. Thanks for the feedback. I really enjoy biking in and around Pattaya, same as when I lived in the States. Here I can ride year round and take advantage of that by riding almost everyday. Most days are relatively short rides, 20 - 30 km. I've been lucky during the nine years living here I've only come off my bike a couple of times with no serious injury, and I've never had an accident with another vehicle. Mostly that's due to luck of not being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but a good part is practicing safe riding. Number one is riding with a mirror. Number two is anticipating
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