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Very short short time bar fines at Secrets?

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That doesn't mean it wasn't posted. Just that Larry is up early. :rolleyes:


Ain't that the truth !


Strange that the loyal servants are out again to shout down any criticism yet the management and other lackys are strangely silent. I would have thought that if the management weren't interested, it wouldn't interest me enough to pro actively defend a business which I have no connection with.

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barfined a hostess there (not go-go girl) near beginning of evening 8pm. came back at about 1am to scoop her up after hanging with friends, with no problems, cause i told mamasan i would be back after midnight at earliest. whatever she did before i got there really doesn't matter, when i showed up she was there, ready and excited that i came back and ready to go have some fun.


3000 baht (i assume LT)is negligible, depending on girl, and situation, but seems rather high even for a go-go girl there.




Ok ... count to ten and relax.


Breathe deeply


Does valium work? where can i get valium?


Ok, ok, ok ..... where do I begin?


I did not read this topic until now because I'm sick and tired of these board wars ... you know "the clique over here is better than the clique over there" shite.

I enjoy the privelege of being a member of secrets forum so therefore I am not going to make any derogatory comments on how they run their business .... barowners all over pattaya will do whatever they can do to stay in business

My gripe here is the heinous crime perpetrated on mongering civilisation by the OP ..... The world is falling apart, deflation is rampant and somebody goes and pays a 600+ baht barfine and a month's salary for less than 15 minutes with an average looking bargirl ..... 3000 baht is more than what the majority of beer bar girls get paid for a month.

The girl did the right thing to the OP for behaving in such an unacceptable manner, infact she should have clobbered him over the head with her stilettos before she fucked off.

When will people ever learn that "buying" a girl by paying an extortionate barfine and an obscene amount of money does not mean success .... 3000 is fucking obscene;I have had threesomes with decent looking freelancers for a third of that price(2x500) and they didn't leave until late the next morning.

This worldwide depression is just not having the effect I was hoping it would have just yet.

I would have gone to town on the OP if I had not posted the thread about character assaination :clap2

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Ain't that the truth !


Strange that the loyal servants are out again to shout down any criticism yet the management and other lackys are strangely silent. I would have thought that if the management weren't interested, it wouldn't interest me enough to pro actively defend a business which I have no connection with.


Well sorry mate. I'm not one of the PROACTIVE management type here. But I am involved in SECRETS and I've never alluded to anything otherwise, on this or any other boards.


Personally I really don't know what's happened but don't you think as a FORMER bar owner IT'S FUCKING STRANGE that if what the OP said is true NO ONE came rushing back DEMANDING their bar fine back? I know I would! and I'm sure MOST board members would. :clap2


Believe me if something STRANGE was occurring it would ring alarm bells in ANY bar let alone SECRETS. OR maybe that was a regular occurance in YOUR previous BAR?


OK you don't like SECRETS but guess what? there where a hell of a lot of guys who didn't like YOUR bar even before SECRETS was established. That's why you left Pattaya YES? Bruce Mangosteen really nailed you down. You really a sad vindictive man. :D


My apologies to other BM's this twat has never had a nice thing to say about SECRETS from the day it opened. In fact he has never said anything positive about any bar but his own, do a search.


To the other BM's I've been a member here since 2001. FLB is one of my favourite bars and Martin (MM) and Pete (Pattaya Pete) who are personal friends of mine can confirm it.


I've always tried to support FLB as much as I can even though in some eyes I'm part owner of SECRETS but my main concern has always been TQ2, again Martin and Pete can confirm this.


I'm certain FLB, TQ2 and SECRETS amongst a lot of others DO NOT scam off our friends and customers. I say that because we view the people we know as our friends and those that we meet as our potential friends (unlike a certain bar owner eh, Torrenova?). :D


Torrenova is a disgruntled bar owner who joined the boards and never had the capacity to entice ANY board members to his bar and is now blaming everyone but himself for his own short comings. :D


Here's a hint Terronova, next time you open a bar be in it. And don't be so bitter about other bars successes. It seems to work for everyone else. I've never heard of any bar owner complaining about another bar except those that don't do well (sounds like you eh?).


End of drunken rant.


BTW, if anyone wants to abuse me for what I've said. I'll be in FLB drinking as usual with Martin and Eddie on Sunday 28th December at 8pm until 10pm in FLB. Come up to me and I'll gladly add you you to my bar bill. :D


I don't particularly like dropping into threads like this but I honestly believe us falangs need to stick together in order for us to survive.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all (except one).



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Don't post public complaints to the board attached to the bar. Send a PM to the person or persons that can help you resolve the problem.


For instance, if I had a problem with something at FLB, I would as a courtesy to Martin not bring it up here and put him in a bad light to the members here. I also wouldn't be bad mouthing him or his bar on other boards because I would try and resolve the matter privately with him first.


The OP had a problem with 1 girl.


Sitting in the bar and watching for some days, the OP came to a conclusion based on circumstancial evidence that it was a widespread problem.


Not once did the OP bring it up with Ben or Larry privately. He whined about it here.


Has he PM'd Soi7? Has he tried to get to the truth and/or remedy a wrong to him or a larger problem that could affect any of us?


Not to my knowledge.


There are mature and responsible ways to deal with problems that are non confrontational and usually bring satisfactory results when reasonable people put their heads together.


Now if the OP has taken all the steps (step one should have started in Pattaya, not here) and he is met with what amounts to being told to go fly a kite, then he has every right to vent to us. The OP did none of that to the best of my knowledge.


I have been in Secrets one time. I have no vested interest in standing up for them. In fact I am not per se standing up for them. This is about how to handle problems in a mature and constructive way. IMHO the OP has not. He is making the whole bar look bad when in case it may be an isolated incident. If it is a larger problem, he didn't do a thing while there to try and find out if management was even aware of the problem, let alone willing to address it.


Now it has gotten to the board vs board level. Frankly, if I owned a board, I wouldn't allow this kind of criticism of my bar on my board either. It is not the right way to handle it. It is not the right way to resolve problems - by getting everyone worked up.


Perhaps the OP was just trolling. If he was he succeeded.

Edited by midlifecrisis
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Don't post public complaints to the board attached to the bar. Send a PM to the person or persons that can help you resolve the problem.


For instance, if I had a problem with something at FLB, I would as a courtesy to Martin not bring it up here and put him in a bad light to the members here. I also wouldn't be bad mouthing him or his bar on other boards because I would try and resolve the matter privately with him first.


The OP had a problem with 1 girl.


Sitting in the bar and watching for some days, the OP came to a conclusion based on circumstancial evidence that it was a widespread problem.


Not once did the OP bring it up with Ben or Larry privately. He whined about it here.


Has he PM'd Soi7? Has he tried to get to the truth and/or remedy a wrong to him or a larger problem that could affect any of us?


Not to my knowledge.


There are mature and responsible ways to deal with problems that are non confrontational and usually bring satisfactory results when reasonable people put their heads together.


Now if the OP has taken all the steps (step one should have started in Pattaya, not here) and he is met with what amounts to being told to go fly a kite, then he has every right to vent to us. The OP did none of that to the best of my knowledge.


I have been in Secrets one time. I have no vested interest in standing up for them. In fact I am not per se standing up for them. This is about how to handle problems in a mature and constructive way. IMHO the OP has not. He is making the whole bar look bad when in case it may be an isolated incident. If it is a larger problem, he didn't do a thing while there to try and find out if management was even aware of the problem, let alone willing to address it.


Now it has gotten to the board vs board level. Frankly, if I owned a board, I wouldn't allow this kind of criticism of my bar on my board either. It is not the right way to handle it. It is not the right way to resolve problems - by getting everyone worked up.


Perhaps the OP was just trolling. If he was he succeeded.

:ang2 :llaugh :clap1 :banana :clap1 :lovee :clap1

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typical comment from you, never constructive, just ridiculing other BM's posts.


Are you just upping your post count again?


If you disagree, then say why you disagree or stop being a wanker all the time!


I only ridicule blatant rubbish posts such as your continuing spinning of any adverse posts about your bosom mates, and their disinterest in their customers welfare! It was obvious that I disagreed with your stupid proposal and felt no need to elaborate further! However since you ask, other people have had occasions to lodge legitimate complaints with your "Friends" and the best satisfaction achieved is usually a bottle of beer,if lucky!

If you do not truly believe this 15 minute scam that's said to be going on then call the O.P. out as a "Porky Teller" but if you do believe or even suspect there to be an element of truth in it then you cannot seriously believe that Soi 7 & Ben are not aware of it,even you could not be that stupid!

Saying you have been in Secrets on only 1 occasion, and have no vested interest, to me is simply stretching credibilty (yours) to the limit,but I will refrain from name calling,despite your crass use of the word wanker previously! Unlike yourself I used to visit the secrets on occasions (more than once) and the only times they mixed with the general customer base (apart from their cronies) was when they were sucking up to newbies,they have no concern with the problems of "Joe Public" at all and are very dismissive towards anybody who attempts politely to make legitimate complaint!

I know because I was one of these customers long ago but have no truck with them any longer!

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

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My bosom mates? I had one afternoon beer in there in March 2007.


You obviously have either not read or comprehended what I have written as you continue to misrepresent what I have stated.


That would explain just why you have no idea of the scams taking place there,and the futility of approaching a person of "Authority" with a complaint! If you doubt the O.P. I suggest you read the ever increasing list of complaints being posted on other boards,some by members of "Secrets" although I suspect not for much longer!

All these complaints could so easily have been sorted out long ago if "Secrets" themselves had allowed it to be discussed on THEIR board,thus forcing them to confront it head on,but any criticism of their perfect world is immediately deleted and the poster banned,as many of us know for a FACT!

That's the reason why it's being discussed here and on other boards,plain and simple! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

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but any criticism of their perfect world is immediately deleted and the poster banned,as many of us know for a FACT!

:allright :clueless


I posted a report about an other bar - nothing to do with the Secrets - and mentioned the girls were moaned about the silly barfines, they not earn any money, because they are don't barfined.. My post was immediately



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  • 4 weeks later...
barfined a hostess there (not go-go girl) near beginning of evening 8pm. came back at about 1am to scoop her up after hanging with friends, with no problems, cause i told mamasan i would be back after midnight at earliest. whatever she did before i got there really doesn't matter, when i showed up she was there, ready and excited that i came back and ready to go have some fun.


3000 baht (i assume LT)is negligible, depending on girl, and situation, but seems rather high even for a go-go girl there.


3000 baht? what the hell???/!!!

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First let me say that I like Secrets!...it remains one of my favorite places to visit a while when in Pattaya! <grin


I need some help though in understanding a curious trend I have noticed with the ladies barfined at Secrets? :beer


1. My first day at Secrets I noticed a disappointed customer who was supposed to meet a go-go dancer from

Secrets that he barfined....she miraculously showed up after he complained to Mamasan....


2. Over the course of a couple days I noticed customers barfining Secrets girls and then suddenly like within ten or 15 minutes the girl would be back a Secrets after I watch them leaving with a guy....


3. I saw one go-go with a guy at entrance of Soi 14, she was daytime go-go leaving with the guy, again

15 minutes later she was back at Secrets


4. I barfine a nice lady at Secrets to go with me to another bar and to dinner....about 5 minutes after

She and I arrived at the other bar she got upset about something(I still dont know)...and the barfine

ended, coincidently within 15 minutes of us leaving Secrets...


5. Later that night I saw that dissapointed customer(from above) he told me that after he had barfined the

go-go at Secrets she told him she needed to talk to her sister for a few minutes and she would meet him

back at Secrets--then she never show up......He told me he would never barfine at Secrets again...


6. The next day I saw my Secrets lady and she wanted me to sit with her again....I politely made an excuse, and sat by myself having some coffee--again within an hour I saw two secrets ladies get barfined, and then within in 10 minutes return to Secrets?


7. I have heard of short time, but it is absolutely impossible for anyone to anything in such a super short time....so what is going on with these Secrets barfines?


8. I saw a youtube post that said Secrets ladies required 3,000 baht?


Does anyone know what the story is with the Secrets Barfines?....I still like Secrets for drinking and food...though I will never again ever barfine......Cheers! :bow :wtf


There`s no business like show business

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