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Music at the Pattaya Beer Garden

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I believe that the current music is great but possibly not for the reason that you might think.


The reality is that my life seems to be centred on classical music. Its been my joy and passion all my life and absoloutly expect to be buried to Mozart.


When I come to Patts its the great escape and I actually come to the PBG to see the music videos and just love them. In my 'other' life I would never get within miles of Joe Cocker or Kiss but get me to Patts and its the perfect music for the town, the bar and the occasion. Perhaps this is why I never bother with the girls. I am so engrossed in the music!

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If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Keep it the way it is. A thousand gold stars for the volume - it's not too loud, which is a real rarity in Pattaya.





Cater to the minority or to the majority...?


Good business model, Pete, no need to change it..!

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Great view, great prices, i love it there.

Regarding the music, i have often said " Oh YES ! ! i haven't heard this in ages ! " when a track comes on,



Have to agree with the above, went into PBG at least twice every day during my last trip. Just loved listening to the variety of music. It made for a great place to chill out during the day and excellent for starting the nightime activities.


You have the mixture of variety and sound level just about right, for me anyway. Keep up the good work Pete and look forward to having a great time there at the end of Oct.



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I don't need the music.....

I was sitting there enjoying the sound of the sea lapping back and forth over the pebbles with a wonderful swish and slosh noise.


But actually the tide was out and there was something funny going on under the next table! :D

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Keep it as it is. Its hard to please a broad audience, all the stuff you play is pretty non offensive to most people. People go to your bar to eat and drink not listen to your music, and its volume is reflective of that and doesn't piss the majority off...........

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Excuse me. Forget to place text about music: HERE IT IS.


Drink up

One study by Gueguen et al. (2004) (PDF) found that higher sound levels lead to people drinking more. In a new study published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, Gueguen et al. (2008) visited a bar in the west of France to confirm their previous finding in a naturalistic setting. Here, they observed customers' drinking habits across three Saturday nights, in two different bars in the city.


The level of the music was randomly manipulated to create the conditions of a true experiment. It was either at its usual volume of 72dB or turned up to 88dB. For comparison: 72db is like the sound of traffic on a busy street while 88db is like standing next to a lawnmower.


Sure enough when the music went up the beers went down, faster. On average bar-goers took 14.5 minutes to finish a 250ml (8 oz) glass of draught beer when the music was at its normal level. But this came down to just 11.5 minutes when the music was turned up. As a result, on average, during their time in the bar each participant ordered one more drink in the loud music condition than in the normal music condition.


The observers even measured the number of gulps taken to finish each drink - the level of the music was found to have no effect on this. So the faster drinking was as a result of more gulps rather than bigger gulps.


Drinking instead of talking?

Since the volume of the music was randomly manipulated this experiment suggests that louder music causes more drinking, but what it doesn't tell us is why. Some think that people drink instead of talking while others have argued that they drink more because the music creates greater levels of arousal, which then leads to more drinking.


Evidence from a study carried out in pubs in Glasgow, Scotland by Forsyth and Cloonan (2008) does back up the idea that people do, at least partly, drink because they can't talk to each other. Perhaps further studies comparing lone drinkers with dyads and bigger groups would confirm or disprove this idea.


Whatever the real reason, or combination of reasons, this kind of study is very persuasive about the causal connection between louder music and more drinking because the experimenters have taken the time to go to a bar, set up the random experimental manipulation and then actually observe people to see what they do in a real live environment.


On top of that, from the point of the view of the participant, I think it would definitely enhance your night-out to find out that you'd been inadvertently furthering psychological science by sinking a few cold ones. Or is that just the researcher (or beer-drinker) in me coming out?

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Guest Irishfella

Maybe just a little more 80's rock but apart from that it is very fine. The music is the main reason I go. Nothing like a few quiet drinks in the afternoon watching some classic video's

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Excuse me. Forget to place text about music: HERE IT IS.


Drink up

One study by Gueguen et al. (2004) (PDF) found that higher sound levels lead to people drinking more. In a new study published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, Gueguen et al. (2008) visited a bar in the west of France to confirm their previous finding in a naturalistic setting. Here, they observed customers' drinking habits across three .................................................................., I think it would definitely enhance your night-out to find out that you'd been inadvertently furthering psychological science by sinking a few cold ones. Or is that just the researcher (or beer-drinker) in me coming out?



It has improved but remember the days when EVERY beer bar has its own sound systems?


No wonder everyone's drunk in thailand.

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I am quite passionate about the music we play in the Beer Garden. I have a background in radio broadcasting and have dealt with music for the masses for a long time. Selecting music in a Pattaya venue is a difficult task because there is such a wide variety of visitors. We have old, young and middle aged people, cultures of every variety and in general people who grew up to very different styles of music. It's clearly not possible to please all of the people all of the time.


I'd describe the beer garden music as predominantly classic rock and pop, a little bit edgy but reasonably main stream. I get a lot of very positive comments on the music but also a few knock backs. Here's an email I just got and my response.


"Can u please improve the music. The staff were excelent. Specially didi and superatne. The food was good too, the veiws were breath taking. If you fix the music I think I will live here

Sent from my iPhone


and my reply


Hi Priya


The music at the Beer Garden is a mix of classic rock and pop with just a little contemporary music mixed in. It is targeted at farang men aged between 30 and 60. I understand that not everyone will like this type of music but it does appeal to a majority of our customers.


If you know Pattaya you will know that most bars play modern music targeted at a younger audience. I have no problem with that but we are trying to do something a little bit different at the beer garden. If you are a serious music lover you might find the beer garden music can broaden your music appreciation. Most of the songs are from a time when rock music was at it's strongest and lots of trends that have influenced current music were being established. The hip hop and dance music of today for example had its roots in 70s disco music.


I am pleased the staff, food, and views were to your liking. If you are in the beer garden again I'd be happy to talk more about the idea behind the music we play.






I know I'll never get the music to satisfy everyone but I do appreciate feedback. If you have an opinion I'd love to hear it in this thread.



The music is great as far as i am concerned,so much so that I would love to get hold of a copy of it all.

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IMO the music played at the PBG is just right. Please please don't do anything with it. The volume is a bit low especially if you are there for some music with your grub. I would be happier to see one corner of PBG, as far away as possible from the "water views" playing a higher volume.


Now Priya seems to be a female, Indian name. (Could also be the shortened form of a male too...) If she is a youngster, then what you play is not her type of music perhaps. But then she would be unlikely to be your prinipal target audience... You audience as you have stated would mainly be male 35-60 yrs old...

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ok the consensus regarding the music in Pattaya beer garden is that it is good because most people dont notice it because it is kept at a low volume .... perfect for eating and chilling out.

but ooooohhhhhhhh I wish you would play the anthem of all Pattaya anthems really loud sometimes ............. it makes the hair stand on the back of my neck and so fucking damn proud that an Irish song is the greatest ever Pattaya song.



What's in your head "Zombie" by the divine Dolores o Riardon and the Cranberries





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ok the consensus regarding the music in Pattaya beer garden is that it is good because most people dont notice it because it is kept at a low volume .... perfect for eating and chilling out.

but ooooohhhhhhhh I wish you would play the anthem of all Pattaya anthems really loud sometimes ............. it makes the hair stand on the back of my neck and so fucking damn proud that an Irish song is the greatest ever Pattaya song.


The Pattaya 'anthem' duirng Songkran '10 was Wonder Girls' Nobody :allright

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When it comes to music I prefer modern tunes...some examples include: Akron, Beyonce, Rhihanna, Kate Perry, Elize, etc.....I also like late 1990s like NTrance, Toybox, ATC, Aqua, etc....


The music I dislike the most includes anything by: Chubby Checker, Elvis, The Beatles, Paul Mchartny, John Lennon, etc....


Anyway hope my feedback helps!...Cheers!

Edited by cebual
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Pete, I think you've got a great selection of music and it's pleaseing for everyone. I would just go with what your doing and I'm sure it will be up on the charts. The biggest complaint I have is with the volume in most places. ie: In Iron Club last night the volume was so loud I could'nt even communicate with my buddy as we sat there. It was really outrageous. We had to leave after one short beer.

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Another vote for keeping the music as-is.


The guys who want the car-alarm disco crap can go to the go-gos for that. Good rock-n-roll with a bit of pop thrown in is exactly to my tastes.


Hard to disagree with the above. Keep the volume where it is.

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