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Very ill with Flu ,bad strain H1N1 here in Pattaya ?

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THIS IS THE STRAIN OF FLU WHICH Pattaya BKK Hospital said i had ,all I can say it makes you feel very ill with very high temp ,non stop couphing ,sore thoat ,all bones hurt.

Think I caught in Pattaya but not sure ,but if ytou have high temp have it checked out.

Also doctor told me i should now get a flu injection every year ,after this illness i will sure look into this ,I just wonder does any other BM have a flu injection.


Below it said this flu virus died down in 2010 ,so it may be coming back again ,so be aware.

The good news after great treatment at Pattaya BBK hospital feel very good now .

30 Hours in hospital cost 30000 bhts so thats 1000 bhts hour ,money well spent


Swine influenza or swine flu (H1N1 strain) is a respiratory disease of pigs. The swine flu viruses do not usually infect humans, but rare human infections have occurred. It became pandemic in 2009 before it died down in 2010


The flu pandemic of 1918 killed 40 million people. We are due for [another] one now,” he said, adding that a contagion is possible, just like in the Hollywood movie of the same name. “The bats carried the virus in the movie, and in the Ebola virus in Africa it was the bats again,” he said.

To better understand the two kinds of flu viruses – avian and swine, that created a global scare, he explained each one.

Avian influenza or bird flu infection (H5N1 strain) in humans results from contact with infected poultry like domesticated chicken, ducks, geese, and turkeys or surfaces contaminated with secretion/excretions from infected birds. Since December 2003, many outbreaks of bird flu have led to the culling poultry in countries across Europe, Asia and Africa. The spread from avian flu from one infected person to another is rare. However avian influenza is contagious among birds.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) confirmed 583 cases of H5N1 in humans in Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Djibouti, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Laos, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.

Swine influenza or swine flu (H1N1 strain) is a respiratory disease of pigs. The swine flu viruses do not usually infect humans, but rare human infections have occurred. It became pandemic in 2009 before it died down in 2010.

During the last century, flu pandemics were reported in 1918, 1957 and 1968, when millions of people died across the world.

“Avian flu has a horrifying death rate. It kills more than 60 per cent of all infected people – the highest killing rate of any virus. In contrast regular seasonal flu has less than a point five per cent death rate. This fact should concern governments in parts of South East Asia and countries in the Middle East,” said Dr Kim.

Of swine flu he said, “The 2009 H1N1 strain is eerily similar to the 1918 reported virus - this was a major concern. Fortunately, the 2009 version was less deadly

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THIS IS THE STRAIN OF FLU WHICH Pattaya BKK Hospital said i had ,all I can say it makes you feel very ill with very high temp ,non stop couphing ,sore thoat ,all bones hurt. Think I caught in Pattaya

Every year, they adjust the flu vaccine given out so that it protects against the strains of flu they think will be around that year. But they don't always guess right or, some new strain may pop up

Getting over a session of that here. Docs leaned towards thinking it was a virus and not food poisoning. On Saturday, the second day, I knew I was dehydrated and had no confidence in my ability to k

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Very sorry you fell ill Mick, after what you've already been through. I have the pleasure of a stay at BP hospital myself from tomorrow, bloody dengue fever ..

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Very sorry you fell ill Mick, after what you've already been through. I have the pleasure of a stay at BP hospital myself from tomorrow, bloody dengue fever ..

Ron are you sure its Dengue as at first hospital thought i had this before finding out it was a bad fu virus


I have just read this ,wonder if it is here now???


‘Highly toxic’ bird flu in Vietnam

Posted on September 8, 2012


A new highly-toxic strain of the potentially deadly bird flu virus has appeared in Vietnam and is spreading fast, according to state media reports

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Due to the nature of my work I get a free flu jab every year, but I'm not sure if it works for all strains? Any ideas?





PS - hope you're both fit and well soon.

Edited by keyman
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Very sorry you fell ill Mick, after what you've already been through. I have the pleasure of a stay at BP hospital myself from tomorrow, bloody dengue fever ..

Yes I had heard that there is a good bit of that around, All the rain I suppose.


All of you get well soon.

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Due to the nature of my work I get a free flu jab every year, but I'm not sure if it works for all strains? Any ideas?





PS - hope you're both fit and well soon.


Every year, they adjust the flu vaccine given out so that it protects against the strains of flu they think will be around that year. But they don't always guess right or, some new strain may pop up which the vaccine doesn't protect against. According to the doctors, there's no harm in taking the flu shot, as it is manufactured from dead virus particles. You cannot catch the flu from a flu shot.


The great pandemic of 1918? was caused by a strain of the bird flu. Millions died. So we probably don't want to see that come back again.


As for strains of flu floating around in Pattaya? Who knows? I guess there must be every kind of flu bug in the world on Walking Street, with all the tourists. It seems like every time I take a trip to Pattaya, I get sick. Here in the States, I never get sick. But put me in Pattaya and I'l be sick as hell within two weeks.


The bottom line: get a flu shot.

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I feel like I'm finally getting over something I probably picked up a couple days ago after walking in some flooded waters on soi Buakhao. After not eating for 2 days and shitting every time I took a sip of water (I ran out of tp whilst I used the bum gun the whole time). I ended up puking one afternoon on a completely empty stomach That was fucking horrible. Then I had hold and cold spells all night. Good thing I'm not on one of those 4 day trips.


H1N1???? nope.

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Maybe they've consolidated the vaccinations now, but weren't the shots for H1N1 and the regular annual flu different? I've been getting the annual flu shot for years now, but does that now cover H1N1, too? ('Seem to remember getting two different shots back when that outbreak was going on.)

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Maybe they've consolidated the vaccinations now, but weren't the shots for H1N1 and the regular annual flu different? I've been getting the annual flu shot for years now, but does that now cover H1N1, too? ('Seem to remember getting two different shots back when that outbreak was going on.)


As I recall, the last time the H1N1 came around, they had already manufactured the flu vaccine for the year and it would not protect against H1N1. So they sold a lot of some other medicine that supposedly helped against that strain. I forget the name. Tamiflu? Anyway, I wouldn't count on a flu shot protecting against every type of flu.

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Mick & Ron sorry your both ill I’ve been sick as a dog since getting back from Pattaya a week ago, wonder if it’s the same thing. I just thought it was a bad case of the “airplane flu“ I get most trips due to the air con. Ah well a week off and lemsip and whiskey on the menu.

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Very sorry you fell ill Mick, after what you've already been through. I have the pleasure of a stay at BP hospital myself from tomorrow, bloody dengue fever ..


Sorry to hear that Ron. It took me a full 6 months to get completely over Dengue fever. The only thing that I could eat for 10 days was watermelon. It was cold, wet, sweet, didn't take much energy to digest, and didn't want to come back up.


Dr Mick, I worry about you, you said that all your bones hurt. That is a symptom of Dengue fever.

I hope you both get well soon. Take care of yourselves.




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The great pandemic of 1918? was caused by a strain of the bird flu. Millions died. So we probably don't want to see that come back again.



The bottom line: get a flu shot.


If we did remember the health infrastructure in 2012 is a little more advanced than 1918 and epidemiologists are far faster to observe and react to pandemics than in 1918.


Get a flu shot. Even if it costs a few bucks, which it shouldn't in a modern western country, I hope.

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After not eating for 2 days and shitting every time I took a sip of water (I ran out of tp whilst I used the bum gun the whole time). I ended up puking one afternoon on a completely empty stomach That was fucking horrible.

Getting over a session of that here. Docs leaned towards thinking it was a virus and not food poisoning. On Saturday, the second day, I knew I was dehydrated and had no confidence in my ability to keep water down, so headed to the hospital. Turned it it was to the point of acute renal failure and they put two liters in me. Looks like everything is working now. Went back to my doc today and got follow-up blood tests and haven't had him call me which is a good thing.


Oh yes, I have had the flu shot.

Edited by nkped
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wwwwwwwwww seems a lot of illness about ,the only thing id say if feeling real shit go to hospital ,dont do own own self service at chemist to save few bahts as sure you will still feel terrible after all the meds you get at chemist ,can not beat seeing a DR for a good check up.

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Sorry to hear that Ron. It took me a full 6 months to get completely over Dengue fever. The only thing that I could eat for 10 days was watermelon. It was cold, wet, sweet, didn't take much energy to digest, and didn't want to come back up.


Dr Mick, I worry about you, you said that all your bones hurt. That is a symptom of Dengue fever.

I hope you both get well soon. Take care of yourselves.



I had check for this as DR thought maybe Dengue fever ,but further checks found it was the flu virus ,all I can say now im feeling fighting fit again ,thats good cause iv got Ozzy Jeff and Mi Papa coming to Khon Kaen and I have to show them the sights,got a few places set where some nice young ladies can be seen dancing ,also may do a massage crawl haha

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Me and my mate suffer probably from the same thing....


One week latency with fatigue and some coughs and sore throats ( disappeared very soon for both of us ) ... and then the blast... heavy cough, high temperature, pain in the stomach, in the eyes, in the bones...I had a diarrhoae within one hour I lost 2 kilo... it started for him 5 days ago, for me 3 days ago...


He went to the PI hospital today to receive an infusion for the second time, to start the second round of the antibiotics... he is still feel bad...


I started the antibiotic free cure... yesterday was the worst day with 38.5 fever...all day in a semi coma... today much better, only 37.3... the only symptoms I still have the eye ache and started to sweat like a pork in the oven... ( probably because the fever lowers )


My cure: Carinose ( anti hystamin ) Mucosolvan ( make unrip the phlegm ) Apracur ( a combination of Paracetamol and three other active ingredients ) 3 X 1000 mg vitamine C, Royal jelly capsules and sachets of Honey with herbs and propolis.... At this moment it seems more effective...

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Jesus - Seems like the whole of patts is a health hazard.


Get well soon guys.

I wouldn't say that, I asked the TGF yesterday and she said nobody at her school was ill.

You have to wonder it it is being passed between monger-girl-monger-girl.

Might be healthier to put that condom over her head.

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I just wonder does any other BM have a flu injection.


I got a flu shot and one for pneumonia also, but I've got free health care.

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