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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Yep agree Yankee99 lack of demand probably the main reason as every Aussie and his dog probably owns a BBQ. Yours are a good price (for Thailand) and good quality.
  2. Nice BBQs but for me I always wonder why the prices of these are so high in Thailand, in Australia you can buy a good quality 4 burner for about $350 AUD (approx 10,000 bahts) or a 6 burner for about $400 - $450 AUD (approx 12,000 bahts). Anyone know why they are so expensive over there?
  3. We are over on holidays this year for Songkran but fortunately will be up in the village in Chaiyaphum where celebrations are much more subdued than Pattaya. Still have to take the hearing aid off in case it gets wet but up in the boonies doesn't matter, no-one speaks English anyway.
  4. Thanks for the excellent review Evil. About 2 years ago I took a friend to Sizzlers in Korat (he had been working in Chaiyaphum as a teacher for about 5 years). There was 4 of us, myself I'm from Oz land and I have to say the steaks were very nice and the salad bar as you say has everything. One thing I liked was the wine (Aussie) was reasonably priced and nice. Anyway my mate who hadn't had a decent steak for who knows how long was just drooling at the mouth with every mouthful. Our two wives loved the food as well. From memory I was impressed with the price and had no qualms. I w
  5. Yep I see that quite often in the boonies in Chaiyaphum as gutters reaching the boundary and overflowing into next door's yard. Out next door neighbours up there let their septics overflow into our yard because they don't empty them when full, my wife wanted to build a wall to stop it. I said no speak to them (we live in Oz but daughter and mother (grand kids etc...) live in house in boonies) and if no luck we will take the cheaper option and dig a mound on our side so it flows back into their yard. Lo and behold they saw what was coming and now empty their septics when full.
  6. Kev

    beer bars

    get one's feet wet Fig. to get a little first-time experience with something. (Obvious literal possibilities.) Of course he can't do the job right. He's hardly got his feet wet yet. I'm looking forward to learning to drive. I can't wait to get behind the steering wheel and get my feet wet. See also: feet, get, wet McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. get your feet wet (mainly American) to experience something for the first time, especially something that involves taking a risk Investors are encouraged to get their feet we
  7. Have done the trip both to Korat and Chaiyphum - yes VIP buses are nice and comfortable and depending what time your bus leaves travelling time varies but probably 5 - 6 hours to Korat.
  8. Enjoy your reports each month and need my December fix please
  9. Anyone have a link to information about these new visa rules please?
  10. Sorry to laugh but loved the last bit: "Being a smart arse that she is, popped the key back into place and then handed them to me without saying a word." Anyway at least you have got back safe and sound albeit at a bit of expense. By the way how much did the ride from hell cost out of interest?
  11. Retirement is a fair way away for me but at the moment I favour Hua Hin or Korat but having said that next year on holidays intend to check out Chang Mai. Ideally I want a hobby when retired otherwise I would drink myself to death and even if there is a large river near by where I can launch my boat (not a massive boat just something comfty to go fishing or a cruise up/down river) in then I would be happy. Also some farng things to do as well is a benefit.
  12. and don't forget weather whether wether!!!
  13. Nice car and good price, don't think you will take long to sell it.
  14. Looks good to me and a good price, always liked Hua Hin myself but just a tad too early for me to retire yet :-) Good luck with the sale.
  15. Sorry will give a miss $655K Oz dollars I can buy a manision...thanks for the info though.
  16. So what is the price of this exclusive style home?? Hate to say but looks pretty oridinary to me.
  17. Sorry to do a quick hijack of the thread. Actually in Feb this year I thought it was 30 days - I started counting the next day after arrival as 1st but no if you arrive 11PM at night, that day is counted as one. Anyway when we got to airport to come home (wife was travelling on Aussie passport - Thai passport has maiden name in it) we were stopped and pulled aside, I though oh shite!!! Tooks us to a desk put a stamp in our passport and off we went no fine or anything. Mind you don't know what the stamp means, anyone know?
  18. I have been to these markets and they are huge but the Op is right that they are bloody hot and packed with people to the max. BTW excellent photos firth.
  19. Had a problem with HMA Pro where by when logging off HMA, my internet connection would basically no longer work, emails, IE or Firefox. After I deleted HMA everything was back to nromal again.
  20. got a web address or something besides agoda?
  21. Has that got heating in it, if so first time I have seen in a car in Thailand.
  22. Started watching it at work till just past the 3 minute mark...had to stop...will watch the rest at home...seems bloody funny.
  23. Well good luck Mr Fiend after reading this three pages of thread fuck dribble me thinks you will need it.
  24. Anyone stayed at the Billabong lately and can give an updated review?
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