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Everything posted by teelack

  1. Malaysian have had a rough time of and they to changed the time table out of Auckland and this one suits me. It departs at 1.30 AM, has a changeover in KL and gets into Bangkok at just after 10.00 AM! This is great for me as it also gets back to Auckland at a time where I can also get a lower cost domestic fare. This is in line with my current thinking. In the past I would get to Pattaya between say 11.00 PM and 3.00 AM and that was a wasted night. Getting in at this time of day allows me to clear Bangkok and be in Pattaya for lunch. Getting in at this time of day is great as I can get my
  2. Last night I checked out my February flight on Malaysian and was pissed off to find the cost lower than 5 weeks ago. Then again they have blotted their copy book again in New Zealand. They had to cancel 2 flights in 2 days due to the plane not getting off the runway due to some engineering issues and then screwing up the way that they treated the held over passengers. The sooner they get new management, the better but at the moment they are still the best deal for me and if the plane is half full that's fine with me. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  3. To add to this list of reasons I have another one to add. I have been to Thailand so many times that I am starting to feel that my time may be up for a big search. In NZ. The computer knows a lot about my travel and there is sharing among government departments. I really do believe that its going to happen sometime soon and during the last year I have been paying a surcharge for a transferable ticket. In essence this means that assuming that I can get quickly through customs and immigration I can get an earlier flight home on a domestic flight. If on the other hand I am held up for perhap
  4. I guess that its all about your age and time available. Of recent time I have had to spend nights in Melbourne, Sydney, Hong Kong and Auckland and other places due to all sorts of issues. As long as the airlines put me up and I sometime get a chance look at places that I have never seen before then I put it down as a bonus. The only thing that got me really wild was finding out that the HK $75 that I got for breakfast at the airport was a joke. I complained and got $US 100 in compensation! I would also be pissed of if this was my once a year holiday but other than that I accept missed pl
  5. I have tried three street sewers on Soi Buakhao and they were all good. I also went to a tailoring shop off Pattaya Klang and it was crap. Go figure! The place I used in November was outside Cheap Charlies and the one prior to that was where New Plaza starts. I was really pleased with the speed and quality of work with the November one.
  6. Thanks again for taking the time to give me a slice of Pattaya. I had a quiet chuckle about the end of the New Bat gogo bar. I had come to the conclusion that this place was a secret retirement home for disabled gogo dancers. It really was bizarre from the bean bag chairs for the girls and the armchairs inside the place. It was worth buying a drink just to see the place. May it rest in peace
  7. Without commenting on the wider subject I have found it a reasonably normal conversation with Thai girls. I even had one Thai lady tell me that she was open with her son as she would rather he did that than get some teenager pregnant. I think we could be surprised how many Thai girls have a "Buzz Buzz" in the bedside cabinet. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  8. So much to the point that perhaps it should be pinned! I haven't seen a better summary of the situation. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  9. I guess that near the end most of the ladies in Crazy House were not worth putting 'hands on' but I see your point. I guess that CH was itself getting to the stage where it needed to be gutted anyway and few things stay the same. Pacha is a different concept in that lookers seem to have replaced doers. There are still enough hands on places in Pattaya to ease the pain!
  10. Thanks as always for taking the time. While Pacha may not be wonderful it is still possible the best 95 baht cheap draft intro fee on Walking Street. 100 plus girls, some of who are very desirable, for that price is the November bargain. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  11. There is a dreadful amount of angst in people’s minds regarding the value of the Thai baht and their respective currencies. To be honest I cannot recall rates from years past and its all a bit irrelevant but here is something to chew on. In the sixties many commonwealth countries decided to decimalise and I was a constant visitor to four of them, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the UK. I am aware of the history of these four places and it might interest you to know how things stand today in relation to Thailand. The UK was the only country to retain the pound sterling as it
  12. The word was "Sensible". I get all silly in the bedroom. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  13. I admit that I have never given up trying to learn. There is however a middle course that I have aimed for. This is the area that I am involved in and constantly try to add words where it is part of my holiday. I added 'Greedy" the other day! In other words I want to broaden it out from the basics but only into areas that I think that I will use. There is another consideration and that is as follows. many of us guys and girls on the forum have some mileage on the clock. It seems to be generally believed that for older people language learning is conducive to good brain health and anythin
  14. I will do my best to help Pattaya City and drink more beer. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  15. So you did. Depressing! Still, keep them coming. Thanks. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  16. Cummon guys. Let's see a photo of the board for the odd person who is not really interested in sterling! Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  17. Good information. Anyone else been advised of a joiner fee in Pattaya? I have been hit in Phuket but never in Pattaya. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  18. Well worth a read and I hope that they are not copyright as I have already shared them. Thanks
  19. Thanks for the update. Just shows how valuable the site can be. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  20. You mentioned that anyone would be a schmuck to go to a bank ahead of TT. Completely agreed but I wonder if (A) Anyone knows anywhere better and ( Does anyone use a bank rather than say TT and why? There are 5 TT within about a kilometre of each other in Soi Buakhao of which 2 have off street areas for a bit of privacy. There must be others similar around the place. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  21. Thanks yet again. Good to see that there is still enough news happening in Pattaya to warrant a monthly post. Please keep going as so many on the board seem to have given up! One place I think that I will definitely avoid will be underground toilets in Beach Rd. Sounds like a perfect description of hell to me. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  22. First day in Thailand I change most of my cash for baht. Trot across the road to Kasikorn and pop it into my account. I then spend day by day whatever overseas or retained cash that I have and leave my bank money until I run out. I can then access 24/7 using my ATM card. I always keep something in the Thai account for emergencies, last day accounts to settle, taxis and so forth. Could not be easier. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  23. As I wander around Pattaya I often see those barrows with toys piled high. I also note that there some really ugly looking plastic pigs, dogs, cats and what have you. I have never even bothered to look at them until a couple of days ago. The TGF usually calls me when she finishes work and with the time difference this is manageable. The other night she was sitting on her bed bashing hell out of a large plastic pig. When that was finished she started on another one of similar size and after that yet another one. The story is that each day she puts her change and some of her tips into a pi
  24. [https://mail] Irish Sawmill Accident. Paddy and Mick are two Irishmen working at the local sawmill. One day, Mick slips and his arm gets caught and severed by the big bench saw. Paddy quickly puts the limb in a plastic bag and rushes it and Mick to the local hospital. Next day, Paddy goes to the hospital and asks after Mick. The nurse says, "Oh he's out in Rehab exercising". Paddy couldn't believe it, but there's Mick out the back exercising his now re-attached arm. The very next day he's back at work in the saw mill. A couple of days go by, and then Mick slips and severs his leg o
  25. Adam! Bugger! I was at you last party and it was great. Good turnout, tasty grub and even tastier ladies. Sorry that I won't make this one but I will be hoisting a drink or three. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
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