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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Pictures of the girls working in Babydolls.

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Damn Gabor, the girls must really dislike you.


I still get quoted 1.5k ST at babydolls and have for some time. And ive never heard larry say anything about ST fees, even if asked. 3-4k? Whoever told you that did not want to go with you, plain and simple.


Giving it a good think... I really can't fault the girl. :D


Exactly, as far as I know the girls do not quote 3 to 4K, however it has nothing to do with the bar what they want to charge a guy to leave with them.

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When will the moderators/Admin grow a pair of balls and ban this cunt once and for ever. This type of wanker stops people from posting/replying and reduces traffic on this board. He has brought NOTHIN

True... and not... in the Babydolls are fair game, no mamasan hassle with the booklet with the silly rip off numbers... but what to expect when the manager of the bar ( a well known and popular guy )

Fuck me, I can't believe you posted most of those photos. You'd have been better off not posting anything. Terrible selection, possibly the worst I've ever seen.   The girl in black bra, penultimate

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Nothing too much inviting to the bar...whilst Larry, the manager try to sell the 3-4000 baht / ST things on the other forums...

Larry banned you from the Secrets forum and now you are just trying to get back at him. I bet you are too afraid to even walk past place the place...let alone set foot in to know rates.

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Damn Gabor, the girls must really dislike you.


I still get quoted 1.5k ST at babydolls and have for some time. And ive never heard larry say anything about ST fees, even if asked. 3-4k? Whoever told you that did not want to go with you, plain and simple.


Giving it a good think... I really can't fault the girl. :D


Read again my post...I never told the girls asking the 3-4.000 bagt / ST IN the Babydolls... all I wrote, the manager of the bar try to justify the 2-4.000 / ST on the pattaya dicks forum... BTW... the quoted 1500 baht is still too high for a run down, strechmarked lonely mother....whilst I pay the same for a 19 year old crispy coyotee in a high end bar....BTW I don't barfined from this bar more, than a year...

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Exactly, as far as I know the girls do not quote 3 to 4K, however it has nothing to do with the bar what they want to charge a guy to leave with them.


True... and not... in the Babydolls are fair game, no mamasan hassle with the booklet with the silly rip off numbers... but what to expect when the manager of the bar ( a well known and popular guy ) justify the silly rip off prices on the forum, many newbies want to get infos ?


Larry banned you from the Secrets forum and now you are just trying to get back at him. I bet you are too afraid to even walk past place the place...let alone set foot in to know rates.


No... not Larry banned me... and anyway, no matter who banned me, he did it with a good reason...I was the guilty to be banned... the life time sentence a little bit harsh...but nowadays I'm don't really interested, most of the interesting characters left the board to banter with... only the hard core believers / LDOPs left... the secretologist board is the same ghost house, just like the majority of the Pattaya boards...


And wrong again.... I may had battles with Larry ... but he was always a pure gentleman with me... I know, in the real life I can show him my back with closed eyes, he will be a fair guy... he will never backstabbing me... instead, to shake hands... And it was true during our biggest battles in the past... IRL Larry is a great person... never mind our online battles...

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All the doom and gloom guys should stop by this topic. Good looking group of girls!

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To remind you guys, barfines are as follows


Dancers 600 baht

Service 700 baht

Showgirls 800 baht


After 1.30am ALL barfines are 400 baht. All prices are clearly posted around the bar.


A few more pictures for you guys. Also remember Larry's (soi 7) birthday party 27th March. Hope to see you there.












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Read again my post...I never told the girls asking the 3-4.000 bagt / ST IN the Babydolls... all I wrote, the manager of the bar try to justify the 2-4.000 / ST on the pattaya dicks forum... BTW... the quoted 1500 baht is still too high for a run down, strechmarked lonely mother....whilst I pay the same for a 19 year old crispy coyotee in a high end bar....BTW I don't barfined from this bar more, than a year...


Do all forums that ban you (when identified) get a derogatory name by you.

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Do all forums that ban you (when identified) get a derogatory name by you.


I really can't understand the reason you quoted this 6 month old post... nothing to do with the thread...


Yes... the forums unfriendly with me, I'm unfriendly too....but I still never lie about them... BTW the Pattaya Dicks is not my own creature.... the Secretologists is my own creature..


BTW... the Secretologists nowadays is a dead board for the few coffin stuff old LDOPs... The Pattaya Dicks is a Harris Black level fraud to cheat the gullible newbies... almost all of the " alien voices " are banned and their posts are deleted....


BTW2: No any of my hidden logins were " identified " despite of my broken english.

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I really can't understand the reason you quoted this 6 month old post... nothing to do with the thread...


Had I seen it earlier, I would have replied earlier.

It has merit in the thread to the extend you made your post, unless replied to your content is prohibited.




BTW2: No any of my hidden logins were " identified " despite of my broken english.


How does it feel to present "yourself" behind a hidden identity?

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I have never understood the white powder face look.


Such lovely women but they look less lovely to me when they have that look.

It's an Asian attraction!
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It's an Asian attraction!

Thanks man. At least now I understand it.


So, if they are trying to attract a Korean, Chinese or Japanese clientele, it makes perfect sense. If they are trying to attract an old fat white guy like me, it is a business model needing modification.


That would require western logic though.


I need to not judge my barfines based on their makeup.

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