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what are your fines ?

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This is fun to do. Just read the 'offence' and if you've done it, you owe that fine.


You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine.


NOTE fines to be added once, not for how ever many times you have done it.


I scored a high 740, a lot higher than my friends, I think its because I have been going to Pattaya for the last 12 years 2guns



Smoked weed -- £10


Did acid or pills -- £5


Ever had sex at church -- £25


Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- £40


Had sex with someone on MySpace/Facebook/Bebo etc -- £25


Had sex for money -- £100


Ever had sex with a Puerto Rican -- £20


Vandalized something -- £20


Had sex on your parents' bed -- £10


Beat up someone -- £20


Been jumped -- £10


Cross dressed -- £10


Given money to stripper -- £25


Been in love with a stripper -- £20


Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- £0.10


Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- £15


Ever drive and drank -- £20


Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- £50


Used toys while having sex -- £30


Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before -- £20


Went skinny dipping -- £5


Had sex in a pool -- £20


Kissed someone of the same sex -- £10


Had sex with someone of the same sex -- £20


Cheated on your significant other -- £10


Masturbated -- £10


Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend -- £20


Done oral -- £5


Got oral -- £5


Done / got oral in a vehicle while it was moving -- £25


Stole something -- £10


Had sex with someone in jail -- £25


Made a nasty home video or took pictures -- £15


Had a threesome -- £50


Had sex in public -- £20


Been in the same room while someone was having sex --£25


Stole something worth over more than a hundred quid-- £20


Had sex with someone 10 years older -- £20


Had sex with someone under the age accepted by rule of thumb (half your age plus 7) -- £25


Been in love with two people or more at the same time-- £50


Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- £25


Went streaking -- £5


Went streaking in broad daylight -- £15


Been arrested -- £5


Spent time in jail -- £15


Pissed in the pool -- £0.50


Played spin the bottle -- £5


Done something you regret -- £20


Had sex with your best friend -- £20


Had sex with someone you work with at work -- £25


Had anal sex -- £80


Lied to your mate -- £5


Lied to your mate about the sex being good -- £25


Tally it up .


Then let me know what YOUR fine was!


A lot of mine was done as a drunk youth, 2guns the rest done in Pattaya. 2guns

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655.60. I was probably higher but I didn't know what a church and I may have been sucked off by a ladyboy but didn't know it.

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  • 1 month later...

Are we supposed to count each time we've done committed one of these offenses, or just once for each offense subject? Because I would be over the 10,000 mark by the time I was 13 with the masturbating if its the first scenario. If its the 2nd scenario, well then 910.10

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NOTE fines to be added once, not for how ever many times you have done it.
Are we supposed to count each time we've done committed one of these offenses, or just once for each offense subject?



Do you always ask people to repeat the same directions twice when you take them in your car, Mr Dream Team.


Could be a very long trip....

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