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World baseball champions,christ man you cant even get beyond the semis.

your claim to be american football world champions is right though lol.


I bet youe pansies of the game wouldnt dare play rugby league without all that body armour.

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that is a funny dude. never seen him before!


Absolutely agree. The guy's truly funny. I just wish I could understand the other 50% of what he's saying. :hijack No offense taken here, although the topic subtitle was a bit harsh.

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...I bet youe pansies of the game wouldnt dare play rugby league without all that body armour.
The body armor was adopted because guys were getting killed and maimed in such numbers that the government was considering banning the sport outright. I have read somewhere that guys who have played both have said that gridiron football is much tougher. I'm presently searching for a source, but my internet connection is very intermittent.
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As far as baseball, a Canadian team has won the World Series,

That's not a Canadian team, it's just lost :party


My arse! :a2m

That would be 'my ass', but thanks, forgot ya even put consonants where they don't need to be.


BTW......... :bj2




World baseball champions,christ man you cant even get beyond the semis.

Christ man, your grammar sucks :sorry. And like the World Classic counts, lol.

I bet youe pansies of the game wouldnt dare play rugby league without all that body armour.

Christ man, your spelling sucks too 1luv. Plenty of Rugby played in the states, they're the ones who couldn't cut it at football, but the pansies here do prance play soccer.

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The body armor was adopted because guys were getting killed and maimed in such numbers that the government was considering banning the sport outright. I have read somewhere that guys who have played both have said that gridiron football is much tougher. I'm presently searching for a source, but my internet connection is very intermittent.



I suppose we should be grateful for small mercies. :banghead

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World baseball champions,christ man you cant even get beyond the semis.

your claim to be american football world champions is right though lol.


I bet youe pansies of the game wouldnt dare play rugby league without all that body armour.


take it that it has been many moons since you witnessed an elite level rugby match up close. Is there a world class rugby player left on the planet who doesn't wear body armour on the LIMITED parts of the body which an oppossing player is allowed to hit?


Not disputing a rugby players toughness, just pointing out the fallacy in the typical counter argument that alleged rugby afficianados like to use.


It is a stupid argument to begin with. Simple laws of physics give quite an objective view.


Speaking of elite level rugby.......It is 7's weekend in Hong Kong. Best damn party on the face of the planet and some darn good rugby played as well. Even an ignorant seppo like me knows how to appreciate that.

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Not disputing a rugby players toughness

Neither would I. Personally I think them and Aussie football players are on the nutty side, but then I want a helmet on if I'm gonna run into someone when we're both running full speed.


And while I enjoy teasing "football" fans I've learned to enjoy the game some. Just wish they'd use a stick and play on ice more often....... :banghead

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there are stupid & daft people on both sides of the pond

should we be making jokes about how silly the big spending Nippons are instead ?

or how the Chinese/HK/Taiwanese tourists have to pay someone an extortionate rate to take them round because they can't speak English


Sometimes wish I'd fuckin' studied Cantonese or Mandarin when I was in college

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Six and a half minutes and the guy did nothing but hold that bear. Never took a sip.


Sounds alot like most of the Brit's I meet. Have to trump up their drinking ability, but really can't hold their beer. :bigsmile:


And his Harry Potter costume is very cute. Definitely excellent British humor!

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there are stupid & daft people on both sides of the pond

should we be making jokes about how silly the big spending Nippons are instead ?

or how the Chinese/HK/Taiwanese tourists have to pay someone an extortionate rate to take them round because they can't speak English


Sometimes wish I'd fuckin' studied Cantonese or Mandarin when I was in college


Pay to take them round where?

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from BKK to Patts, all around PAtts


during the daytime to Nong Noot's, Tiger Zoo, Mini Siam, etc. etc.


even to go out to dinner they go as a huge group & they are paying triple just about everywhere

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Six and a half minutes and the guy did nothing but hold that bear. Never took a sip.


Sounds alot like most of the Brit's I meet. Have to trump up their drinking ability, but really can't hold their beer. :D


And his Harry Potter costume is very cute. Definitely excellent British humor!



What bear

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from BKK to Patts, all around PAtts


during the daytime to Nong Noot's, Tiger Zoo, Mini Siam, etc. etc.


even to go out to dinner they go as a huge group & they are paying triple just about everywhere



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If it wasn't for the USA coming to the rescue of the UK twice in the 20th Century. You would be speaking German today.


BTW what a bull shit post by a troll. :bigsmile:

unfortunately that is all he is


he contributes nothing of any Pattaya value to the board

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Absolutely agree. The guy's truly funny. I just wish I could understand the other 50% of what he's saying. :3some No offense taken here, although the topic subtitle was a bit harsh.


Topic title not harsh, a basic question based on the youtube clips I posted



I found this today on another forum. I thought I would share it here. Speaks for itself really.



Hello darling, nice to see you're still thinking about me :banghead


unfortunately that is all he is


he contributes nothing of any Pattaya value to the board


Don't be such a knob :bigsmile:

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it was a comedian doing a stand up routine and it was funny as hell :banghead

dont get so worked up over nothing its a bunch of fucking jokes :rotflmao

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Well hells bells, that guy is funny. There are alot of his routines on the youtube, he takes pot shots at all nationalities, not just the USA. :bigsmile:


"Al Murray - Giving It Both Barrels" do a search for this routine on Youtube, much better than the OP in my less educated less humorous American opinion.


Edited because I just watched that video, BRILLIANT THAT WAS

Edited by JONPAT
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