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I read recently that the movie company had ordered all these YouTube Hitler spoofs taken down, so we need to enjoy it quickly, probably.



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Absolutely hilarious and the only time in my life I am in agreement with Herr Hitler, roflmao.


"You all know me. I'm a reasonable man."


"I may give up football. Take up golf."


Whoever wrote this and re-wrote the subtitles is a comic genius.


Thanks, Gabor, you made my day!

Edited by midlifecrisis
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But there is no way this should be in the Member's Bar.


Gabor, you know that.


Off to Off Topic.

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Good video, mate. On the other hand, one has to remember that the annoying instrument was an Hungarian invention, used by your countrymen to repulse the invasions over the centuries to ward off the foreign hordes . It did not work then, but seems to be an effective tool to annoy some people following the world cup in South Africa. B)

Edited by Gonzo
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Good video, mate. On the other hand, one has to remember that the annoying instrument was an Hungarian invention, used by your countrymen to repulse the invasions over the centuries to ward off the foreign hordes . It did not work then, but seems to be an effective tool to annoy some people following the world cup in South Africa.


:D .......... :D

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The Vuvuzela,in fact, has two uses,both of which involve punishment.


Use 1: The owner/operator of this dreadful instrument uses it to assualt the auditory senses of any person unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity.

NB; it is a little known fact that the Walls of Jericho were torn down by the citizens of the town whilst fleeing en mass from a wandering band of Vuvuzela players who had found their way in through the back gate

Excavations around the town have revealed human remains with primitive bone Vuvuzelas inserted into the rectal cavity, many had had their skulls crushed by large stones. Apparently dropped from a great height.

Looks like some of the locals fought back.


Which brings me rather neatly to..................................................................................................


Use 2: Having dissarmed the player of his instrument, the victim inserts the thing in that 'Special Place', giving it a good sharp kick to get it properly seated :rolleyes: Step 1 is now complete.

At this point, avoid the temptation to use the Jericho technique. DO NOT USE THE LARGE STONES, as these days, most countries have quite severe penalties for this.


Now! stand the incapacitated player on his head,and, into the funnel formed by the flutted end, pour the liquid of your choice.

A particular favourite of mine is Budweisser, however, this is a particularly cruel and unusual punishment, you may prefer to use something more benign like sump oil. Step 2 complete.


Congratulations, you have done the world a favour.

Edited by digavich
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Nice one Gabor! Pretty funny :rolleyes:


Hey kids! Now you can test your vuvuzela endurance skills in the comfort and privacy of your own home!


Try this game. It's simple -- just click start to start the vuvuzela and click stop when you can't stand the shit anymore.

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