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Getting hit up with a toilet fee

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I'm not against paying to use a toilet in a bar beer complex providing it's kept clean which few are.


When a new Soi emerged in Bangla Road, Patong i questioned a bar owner i know why the toilets where charging 5 baht, he explained the toilets like the bars where leased and therefore had to make a charge to get a return on their so called investment.

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Perhaps a good thread idea would be a list of clean, free, massage attendant free toilets all over Pattaya? Sometimes you can find out about a location of one you had no idea about and you never when when it might come in handy. :thumbup

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  nam-thip said:
When a new Soi emerged in Bangla Road, Patong i questioned a bar owner i know why the toilets where charging 5 baht, he explained the toilets like the bars where leased and therefore had to make a charge to get a return on their so called investment.
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The toilet fairy doesn't clean the toilets. Toilets cost money. Five baht for a public toilet serving many bars is pretty good value really.


Whether the toilets ARE clean is a separate matter. Any given toilet's cleanliness depends on various things. Some are kept up (hotel lobbies, generally) some aren't (the bar-beer complexes generally). As always, exceptions both ways.



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If I need to piss, I need to piss.

I'm wondering where an open air beer bar would put its own toilet? Behind the bar? Then you would need a work permit to piss.

Get the fuck over it, its 5 baht. And if you don't have coins I'm sure the bar will break a 20 for you.

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Thailand isn't the only place in the world where you have to pay to use toilets........ Where do you think the expression " I need to go and spend a penny" came from???? :thumbup


No doubt the same people whinging about having to pay for toilets are the same guys who whinge about the price of beer and the cost of barfines, despite being willing to pay hundreds of pounds/dollars to fly half way round the world to have some fun!!! whistling.gif

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5.00 THB = 0.103275 GBP


thats not going to break the bank is it?

if you cant afford .1 of a pound, use your empty singha bottle to piss in,- just use the bog for a shite,

or do what villa-youth does ,and take shite in the hotel shower tray

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It would not be so bad if the toilets were clean and the paper was not rationed. If I'm in Walking and nature calls I have no scruples about popping into into Tony's, the Marine Bar or any gogo bar, use their toilet and walk out again. Never had a problem.

Edited by yogi100
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Nothing to stop people from carrying a few sheets of bumwad in their back pocket. Same when I'm on the road, I always have half a roll in the glove box.

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  JohnnyK said:
Nothing to stop people from carrying a few sheets of bumwad in their back pocket. Same when I'm on the road, I always have half a roll in the glove box.
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Would that be to save the cost or the time of stopping at a restaurant?

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  TheFiend said:
No doubt the same people whinging about having to pay for toilets are the same guys who whinge about the price of beer and the cost of barfines,
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I had to bite my tongue (so to speak) to keep the peace when someone wrote how happy he would be to pay the high prices of Soi 7 and 8 if only the quality of girls was higher. I call Bee Ess - whingers are whingers. Prices for them are ALWAYS too high. A thread about 5 baht for toilets proves that. If it wasn't this group, I'd suspect it was satire, but I know they're serious.



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  joekicker said:
I had to bite my tongue (so to speak) to keep the peace when someone wrote how happy he would be to pay the high prices of Soi 7 and 8 if only the quality of girls was higher. I call Bee Ess - whingers are whingers. Prices for them are ALWAYS too high. A thread about 5 baht for toilets proves that. If it wasn't this group, I'd suspect it was satire, but I know they're serious.



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This thread has once again gone feral. IMHO the following is the case:


No one has suggested that they cannot afford to pay 5 baht.


No one has suggested that the lessees of these places should not be compensated.


Most people realise that it would be impossible for each beer bar to have its own toilets.


The issue is more about the cleanliness and the fact that if you decide to run a business that involves the sales of liquor that people will want to pee. Another small issue is that the older you get the more you tend to pee and there is a plague of people out there with prostate issues.

This will continue to be an issue and NOT because of the trifling 5 baht charge so please stop making this thread into something that it isn't.


One final point that really hasn't been aired but I would hazard a guess that those that do have good toilets (Well done the PBG) must get tens of thousands of extra business because they tick all the toilet boxes, so to speak. I am sure that some of us have gone to places that have good toilet facilities and paid above the odds for drinks because we have used them ( Lucifer's and Tony's come to mind.) I for one think that clean, accessible and hopefully complimentary toilets are a right, not a privilege, at the very least in eating and drinking establishments.

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  teelack said:
No one has suggested that they cannot afford to pay 5 baht.
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Please stop making this thread into something that it isn't. No one has suggested they made any such suggestion.


I didn't suggest but stated that some whingers are natural whingers whether it's about drink prices, tips, toilet charges, girl-quality or bar fines. And if all of the above is perfect, the whingers will whinge about something else. They can afford 5 baht, and 500 baht and 5,000 baht but they don't want to pay it under certain conditions, even... no ESPECIALLY ridiculous and "who cares?" conditions.


I agreed with others, and stated myself that a serious discussion over whether 5 baht was out of line for access to a toilet proves me right. Lots of silly stuff gets discussed, which makes it interesting, but that doesn't mean it's not silly - because it is.



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  jacko said:
Would that be to save the cost or the time of stopping at a restaurant?
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Sometimes you are in the middle of nowehere.

Sometimes you could be sick with stomach ailments.

You can't always count on a restaurant having any bumwad in the stall.

When you gotta go, you gotta go. Be prepared, its that simple.

Edited by JohnnyK
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  teelack said:
This thread has once again gone feral. IMHO the following is the case:


No one has suggested that they cannot afford to pay 5 baht.


No one has suggested that the lessees of these places should not be compensated.


Most people realise that it would be impossible for each beer bar to have its own toilets.


The issue is more about the cleanliness and the fact that if you decide to run a business that involves the sales of liquor that people will want to pee. Another small issue is that the older you get the more you tend to pee and there is a plague of people out there with prostate issues.

This will continue to be an issue and NOT because of the trifling 5 baht charge so please stop making this thread into something that it isn't.


One final point that really hasn't been aired but I would hazard a guess that those that do have good toilets (Well done the PBG) must get tens of thousands of extra business because they tick all the toilet boxes, so to speak. I am sure that some of us have gone to places that have good toilet facilities and paid above the odds for drinks because we have used them ( Lucifer's and Tony's come to mind.) I for one think that clean, accessible and hopefully complimentary toilets are a right, not a privilege, at the very least in eating and drinking establishments.

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Again, open-air tin-roof beer bars don't have nice clean toilets in the bar. They don't even have dirty toilets. And the cleanliness of the toilet concession is not their responsibility.

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  JohnnyK said:
Again, open-air tin-roof beer bars don't have nice clean toilets in the bar. They don't even have dirty toilets. And the cleanliness of the toilet concession is not their responsibility.
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I agree it's not the bar owners responsibility. It's good business practice to insure they do what they can to put pressure on the concession operator to maintain a clean toilet.

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In Phuket the toilets in Soi Eric were 15 Bhat (if I remember correctly) but they were spotless. The toilets in Soi Crocodile were cheaper, 10 Bhat I think, but were a bit grotty, also they're full of ladyboys. The toilets in bars were free. As a guy the world is my toilet so prefer not to pay even a nominal fee, but as there were no trees, bus shelters, elevators or tube stations nearby I was forced on occasion to pay a toilet fee.


btw At the Muay Thai kickboxing place there's the massage guys. Personally I just want to piss, wash my hands and leave so don't like all the attention.

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  snoop-dawg said:
In Phuket the toilets in Soi Eric were 15 Bhat (if I remember correctly) but they were spotless.
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15? I remember when they were 5, and those toilets might look clean but they still honk off piss like most others do. :chogdee

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  joekicker said:
I had to bite my tongue (so to speak) to keep the peace when someone wrote how happy he would be to pay the high prices of Soi 7 and 8 if only the quality of girls was higher. I call Bee Ess - whingers are whingers. Prices for them are ALWAYS too high. A thread about 5 baht for toilets proves that. If it wasn't this group, I'd suspect it was satire, but I know they're serious.



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I agree, whingers are whingers. I have even had to deal with people whinging about something they got for free!!! :rolleyes:

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  snoop-dawg said:
In Phuket the toilets in Soi Eric were 15 Bhat (if I remember correctly) but they were spotless. The toilets in Soi Crocodile were cheaper, 10 Bhat I think, but were a bit grotty, also they're full of ladyboys. The toilets in bars were free. As a guy the world is my toilet so prefer not to pay even a nominal fee, but as there were no trees, bus shelters, elevators or tube stations nearby I was forced on occasion to pay a toilet fee.


btw At the Muay Thai kickboxing place there's the massage guys. Personally I just want to piss, wash my hands and leave so don't like all the attention.

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Everything costs more in Phuket.

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  short said:
Just curious how others feel about this. While spending 3000 baht in an establishment, is it totally classless to be hit up for 5 baht to use the toilet? I'm not refering to the towel boys, thats a separate story.
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We all have to use toilet facilities.



This is a subject that is dear to my heart.




I really don't have an issue of paying to use facilities. I simply want facilities available.



As I grew up in Kalifornia, there were Service stations which morphed into gas stations which may or not have toilet facilities.




I know for a fact, in Kalifornia the only business which is required to have a toilet facility available to the public is a gas station within 200 yards of an interstate highway. The finest restaurant in this state can tell a customer there's no facility available to customers. Incredible but true.




I've seen some surprisingly clean toilets in LOS. If there's an attendant there who minds the thing, I'm even a more happy camper.



5 Bhat is far under my value point when it comes to relieving myself. I could survive off the French "pisswaus" (sp?) I don't do serious business away from my hotel room.

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