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What to do if your Luggage doesn't arrive in BKK

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It is a pain in the arse. Standing there with nothing but the gear you've got on (and probably have had on for a good while if flying from the UK) plus maybe some spare pants and socks in your Hand carry, as you stare forlornly at the now almost deserted baggage carousel with only an empty trolley and a sinking feeling in your heart.


All kinds of things go through your mind, everything from imagining a group of baggage handling somchais lifting up your favourite shirt to see if it fits while divvying up the expensive aftershave and chocolates you brought for your tilac, through to a solitary case standing on the tarmac at your previous departure gate with a fucking great question mark sticker attached to it and some grubby handed labourer opening his pliers...


Don't panic, it's not that bad. well, it is actually.


I will refer specifically to Bangkok Suvarnhabumi Airport in this case.


Rule 1:

KEEP YOUR BAGGAGE RECEIPT. It's that little sticker the check in agent gives you and sticks to the back of your boarding pass which I've often seen dropped on the floor of an aircraft or stuffed into the seat pocket and left behind.

This little sticker is your lifeline in the case of lost baggage, and without it you really are fucked. It has a barcode and reference number which gives the details of your flight , destination, date and weight of the bag. It correlates with the big sticker they put through the handle and also the small sticker they attach to it somewhere on the back or front. This is the first thing they will ask for.


Step 1:

When you are certain you have no luggage, look to the end of the arrival hall (where the Carousels are), if you are looking towards the exits of the hall, it is a desk situated towards the left hand side, usually manned by 2 Thais in blue jackets and has a large board of numbers for airlines behind it. Approach the guy in a nice manner, he is here to help you , and help you he will. There's no point getting your "carrier phone number" off the wall, they're all out of date.


Step 2:

He wil ask for :

Baggage receipt

Flight Details (to confirm)

Bag description


your phone number / email

your hotel and destination and how long you are there for.


At this point tell him you have no Email facility - the reason is that they like to do everything by Email, and we all know how pro active Thais are when it comes to a prompt reply by email, don't we?.

Give him as much detail of the hotel as you can, address etc but decline email contact.


He will fill out a form and give you the top copy, along with a piece of paper with 2 numbers on it. The best thing to do with the piece of paper is to wipe your arse with it, as the numbers are permanently engaged, but keep hold of the top copy. It will also have a reference number on it which you need to make a separate note of in case you lose anything. With the benefit of hindsight I would tell anyone in this situation to ask for the BFS office number and Ground station baggage handling number - but they might be reluctant to give it to you, or they might insist that it is the one on the piece of paper (it isn't).


This is what I ended up doing:


Step 3:

Go to your hotel and speak to the receptionist, tell them your problem and that you might need them in a little while.


Step 4:

At your Hotel reception and engage the help of the better English speaking staff there, because after getting really fucking frustrated at trying to call the number which is always engaged, you realise all the baggage handling at BKK is done by BFS https://www.bangkokflightservices.com/home/ . Give the receptionist the "top copy" and point out the unique ref number.


At this point you ask reception to call the BFS office on this number: +66 (0) 2134 4336 and speak very nicely to the lady or bloke on the other end, who will put them through directly to the guy on the ground staff dealing with lost luggage. Ask them also to relay your phone number and hotel address details to the person in the office and the ground staff guy (although the office person might just speak to the ground staff then relay the info back to you). This takes a while so if doing it ensure you have a ton of load on your phone.


Step 5:

Relax knowing that you've done all you can. The following morning, get reception to call and chase up the situation. In my case there was only one Cebu Pacific flight a day into BKK which arrived at 10:15, so by mid day I was chasing it up and sure enough my case had arrived, it was then just a case of them delivering it to the correct address. All credit to BFS they did call me an hour before it arrived ensuring that I was at the hotel.


So basically, get hold of or make a note of the following and keep in your hand carry:


BFS office number BKK

Your phone number LOS

Hotel details

Hotel contact number LOS

Edited by Butch
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The airlines have lost my luggage more times than I can count. They usually find it the next day and deliver it to my hotel. Sometimes I think that's their preferred way of handling luggage. The only way to be sure they don't lose your luggage is to not bring any.

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My luggage got lost and I was advised to go to the office just across from Immigration. In my case my luggage had been sent to Bangkok but I had to stay in Melbourne. I was advised that they had no knowledge of it and myself and two others in the same position were gutted. On a hunch I went for a walk outside the office and found all of our baggage. I admit that I am one of those people who like garish suit cases with multi colored straps and because mine was easy to spot I ended up knowing what the officials didn't. There is a message here.


Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk

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Coincidentally my last flight my suitcase didn't make it, due I believe to a tight connection in KL, late inbound.

Pretty much as per your experience, most frustrating standing at the carousel getting pissed after clearing immigration quickly.

The next morning a guy in a beat up taxi brought it to the house, but didn't have the sense to call before he got to central Pattaya, having passed nearby my place 15km earlier.

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I had some luggage go missing recently.


The on-site officials wouldn't allow me do describe the colour as orange in the missing bag report (which was correct) so I had to declare that it was yellow.....


Seems extraordinary that there are so few official colours allowed to describe missing bags!


It was delivered to my house in the UK a week later,around midnight. No idea where it was for the missing days.

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I always pack 2 carryon suitcases, one gets checked and one stays with me. So far the only late bag was Cebu from Manilla. The bag was not there even after about 1 hour to get through immigration. I went to the lost bag counter and in and 30 minutes of waiting and checking to confirm it was lost,they did the paperwork. Just as I was about to leave and run to bell Travel to catch the bus to Pattaya that was now leaving in about 20 minutes, they got a radio message that my bag had arrived. Funny thing though, they never deleted the report and I kept getting messages that it had not been found. I should have collected on the "Lost Bag" but I suspect the Baht they would have given would not be worth the hassle of claiming it.

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Anything in my checked bag is easily replaced. Everything important is in my carry-on plus some extra underwear, one extra pair of shoe, my sandals and a clean shirt and shorts. I use a backpack style soft suitcase. My carry-on is a student type backpack. Should you be at sawmpy and see a late 60's guy with a large backpack suitcase on his back with a small backpack slung over the left shoulder...stop me and say hello.


In all these years so lucky to have never lost luggage anywhere in the world.

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Had it happen a couple of years ago due to a very tight connection at Seoul Incheon so it was not a big surprise. I forget all the details but thanks to the smart phone, I had the address of View Talay 2A in Thai. The bags showed up the next day. At that, Tik at Dancewatchers said the driver called her because he was at View Talay 1.

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I have never lost any luggage, knock on wood, BUT always wonder if any of the stuff inside gets stolen, when I get home and open my bags. I tend to bring a lot of metal objects, cooking utensil's, drawing equipment, etc., etc., so far, so good ! But thankx for the info, and the number !

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I always have a holdall or rucksack, nothing else. Carry it on. I sometimes buy clothing in LOS, have some nice silk shirts etc..

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Waiting for my luggage when I go to and from any country is always an anxious time for me. Most of my clothes are expensive labels and except for the first time I went to Thailand I haven't had travel insurance since. A few times my luggage was almost the last to arrive which was stressful but no problems so far. Maybe my luck will run out one day.

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On the plus side, I managed to get 5 pairs of underpants, 6 pairs of socks and 3 moody T shirts for 1000 baht.


It is a right royal pain in the arse though.

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Waiting for my luggage when I go to and from any country is always an anxious time for me. Most of my clothes are expensive labels and except for the first time I went to Thailand I haven't had travel insurance since. A few times my luggage was almost the last to arrive which was stressful but no problems so far. Maybe my luck will run out one day.

Yes do have agreee with waiting for your luggage to pop up from below to the carousel. The only time I was really stressed was at SFO on the way back. A bunch of luggage came up, was retrieved and was waiting and waiting for the next batch. Big gap. And still had to get searched like I always seem to be.

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Most luggage goes astray because some numbnut has picked up the wrong bag invariably one of the black rectangular ones that form 70% of any carousel

You can avoid it by tying some brightly coloured green or pink string around the two grab handles 3 or 4 times and trimming it.


It serves two purposes in that you'll spot your own bag very easily and secondly will stop 99% of cases where some tit picking up the wrong bag by accident. Works a treat

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My check in bag is a green canvas hikers pack I bought 46 years ago. It is the only one like it on any luggage carousel. So it cannot get taken by mistake, that's why I've never replaced it.

But it did get sent to the wrong airport once, to New Plymouth instead of Napier. We were off to a wargame tournament and my wife was upset about it, it only had clothes and toiletries in it. I still had my army so was fine. Women get upset about the strangest things.

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My check in bag is a green canvas hikers pack I bought 46 years ago. It is the only one like it on any luggage carousel. So it cannot get taken by mistake, that's why I've never replaced it.



Totally agree anything that stands out works a treat

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Swiss Airways business class London - Zurich - Bangkok a couple of months ago and the single suitcase was left behind in Zurich.


Ground crew stopped by heavy thunderstorms and a tight connection fucked that up.


It arrived the next day but it was essentially a lost day in Bangkok.


I decided not to go running around for emergency clothes etc. and my hotel had all the toiletries I needed.


However, had it not turned up the following day, I could seriously have considered just flying back.

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Swiss Airways business class London - Zurich - Bangkok a couple of months ago and the single suitcase was left behind in Zurich.


Ground crew stopped by heavy thunderstorms and a tight connection fucked that up.


It arrived the next day but it was essentially a lost day in Bangkok.


I decided not to go running around for emergency clothes etc. and my hotel had all the toiletries I needed.


However, had it not turned up the following day, I could seriously have considered just flying back.


That is why nothing in my checked baggage is a show stopper. Everything I have to have plus one change of clothes (+ 1 pair of shoes) is in my carry on.


A lost bag is only a nuisance. I don't even use expensive luggage.

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  • 7 months later...

Its worth noting that if your luggage is lost for over 24 hours and you have collected all the paperwork then you are entitled (AFAIK) to buy up to £100 of essential clothes and get the airline to pay. It happened to me in 1982 and I got all my money back for clothes and another pair of shoes.

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1 hour ago, Gottsy said:

Its worth noting that if your luggage is lost for over 24 hours and you have collected all the paperwork then you are entitled (AFAIK) to buy up to £100 of essential clothes and get the airline to pay. It happened to me in 1982 and I got all my money back for clothes and another pair of shoes.

Good point Gottsy, but I'm not sure if it applies to Asian carriers, in this case I was using Cebu Pacific who are useless at the best of times. I did eventually get my ticket refunded for the inward journey which was roughly 4000 peso, but it took me 6 months and a few shitty emails to get that.

I've learned a lesson though, from now on I put in the hand carry a spare pair of underpants, along with a change of clothes, as well as a phone charger.

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My baggage was lost in late October and I wrote about it extensively in my trip report at the time.

There was one major point that I learned after the event. I claimed for taxi fares to go back to the airport a couple of days later when my case eventually arrived. It was Thai Air by the way. Initially my claim for 2200 baht was denied by the losing airline because "Taxi fares are not allowed as part of a claim". The point is that I then learned that International Convention states that it does not matter who lost it (It wasn't Thai) that the final carrier (who was Thai) had a duty to deliver the luggage to wherever was my final destination and in my case, Pattaya. Thai Air however denied that this was the case at the time when I went to see them on arrival.  According to Thai Air in NZ they took the matter up with Bangkok to ensure that in future this would not reoccur. 

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I learned a lesson from lost baggage. I always carry a backpack as a carry on. I keep a couple changes of clothes plus anything small or expensive  as well. 

The last time my luggage was lost was on Thai Air. I was working in Thailand at the time. I got a call while working that I could go to the airport to pick up my bag. I told them that they lost it and they could get it back to me at my work place. That afternoon a Thai limo came to the factory and gave me the suitcase. It wasn't a disaster or anything but it was irritating.

And yes, I have a bright pink piece of twine tied around the handle. There are a lot of Travel Pro suitcases but only mine has the florescent twine marker tied on the handle. 

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Good OP Butch

I hadnt realised I had already responded about the coloured string around both grab handles which will remove 99% the chance of some tit picking up accidentally the wrong one. In addition I put the frequent flyers luggage tags even if the tag is expired again it has your name on it

What have also started doing is as I leave home is photograph the bag makes it very easy for the description bit of a lost bag form. I've been lucky never had one go astray and stay astray. Had one arrival at Heathrow where bag didnt come off but as Butch says the boarding card tab has the barcode on the back. Immediately they were able to see it hadnt been loaded along with others because of a weight problem with the airline on BA and it was delivered to me at home next day. Handy because I didnt have to walk through customs with 40 shirts in the bag

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I've painted my suitcase with brilliant white emulsion not just because it is then hard to miss or in case it may be picked up off the carousel by mistake but also because of mosquitoes!

I had two suitcases, one black and the other dark blue and as you know mossies are attracted to dark colours. I found on several occasions that I'd bought a few of the insects back to the UK with me in my case and as I'm allergic to their bites their smugging themselves back to my home was not a good idea. 

So far the white paint seems to have deterred the little stowaways from having free meals and causing me considerable discomfort upon their arrival in London. Neither have I had my luggage go astray either.

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3 hours ago, Gary said:

And yes, I have a bright pink piece of twine tied around the handle. There are a lot of Travel Pro suitcases but only mine has the florescent twine marker tied on the handle

Have large unique stickers/transfers on my luggage.  Easy to find when it drops onto the conveyor but also makes it much less likely for a lowlife to want to walk around with it after he has stolen it...

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