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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Pictures from around Pattaya

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On 4/27/2024 at 11:44 PM, jacko said:

Not sure how you get 5 degrees different.....the forecast on my phone for my area is 39 degC every day for the next week. Saw a report the heat wave is not expected to break until mid-May.  It's brutal. 

It's what the app on my mobile was showing. Also bear in mind that Pattaya is on the coast, whereas Uttaradit is inland. Have just seen a facebook post showing it hit 43 DegC up there Monday afternoon. Up until 2016 Uttaradit held the record for the highest recorded temperature in Thailand @ 44.5 DegC (April 1960), until 2016 when Mae Hong Son recorded 44.6 DegC.

I've experienced the temperature difference myself when I make trips down to Pattaya from up north.

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1 hour ago, TheFiend said:

've experienced the temperature difference myself when I make trips down to Pattaya from up north.

I think I get a few more degrees where I am inland a bit. Nevertheless when I go into town I feel the heat..... probably a bit more humid there, and all that concrete radiates it early evenings. Not sure I have felt worse Pattaya heat all the time I have been in this country. Worst heat I recall in Thailand was when I was visiting Phrae once, and a trip to Chiang Mai. 

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8 hours ago, jacko said:

I think I get a few more degrees where I am inland a bit. Nevertheless when I go into town I feel the heat..... probably a bit more humid there, and all that concrete radiates it early evenings. Not sure I have felt worse Pattaya heat all the time I have been in this country. Worst heat I recall in Thailand was when I was visiting Phrae once, and a trip to Chiang Mai. 

Phrae province is just north of Uttaradit...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Prepping Soi Honey today for one way status tomorrow.


Later today I expect Soi Diana will get the same treatment.

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Photos from this morning of the activated one way sois.


Good to see a painted sign outside the entrance to LK Metro to remind exiting traffic which way is one way.

Still a WIP on Diana.





I only saw two things I would have done different if I were czar of road signs. One is I would have positioned this sign on the other side of the parking exit to remind traffic that might be tempted to turn right that they would be turning the wrong way.

The other change I would make is to make the signs red instead of blue at the top of the one way sois.

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There's a cut through from Soi 10 to Tree Town that's a nice short cut for walkers and bikes that want to get to 2nd Rd or Soi Honey. About a month ago I was disappointed to find it blocked off by a gate a hotel put up, but found out this morning it's not always closed.

Soi 10 side of short cut.

Tree Town side.

The parking area for Honey Slip and Slide Massage is the cut through from Soi 10 to Soi Honey.

Also, on Soi 10 is plenty of bike parking spaces for Hemingways.

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That one way stuff sounds like a good idea.  Of course it doesn't apply to motorbikes or Thais in a hurry right?  🤣

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17 hours ago, forcebwithu said:

Good to see a painted sign outside the entrance to LK Metro to remind exiting traffic which way is one way

Yes, I suppose, but road markings are usually a waste of time here, all ignored. Like old soldiers, they fade away.......in this case they may be under water part of the time too. 

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17 hours ago, forcebwithu said:

About a month ago I was disappointed to find it blocked off by a gate a hotel put up, but found out this morning it's not always closed.

If it is the one I am thinking of it has been there a while and a frequent cut through for the WIN bikes..... a way to Central Festival from Big-CX  area. 

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2 hours ago, Shooter said:

That one way stuff sounds like a good idea.  Of course it doesn't apply to motorbikes or Thais in a hurry right?  🤣

I had a front row seat at Nikom to watch just that. From about 18:00 to 19:30 while there I watched a steady stream of motorbikes going the wrong way. I also counted one taxi, one Bolt, a car, and a delivery truck doing the same.

The Bolt was the worst as it was a truck that parked up in front of the spaghetti stand and waited about 10 minutes for a passenger. So not only was it blocking the spaghetti stand it was also parked on the wrong side of the road.

There were also no cops on foot to be seen while I sat there. Probably because of the rain.

IMHO, making Soi Diana has helped with the traffic congestion at that intersection. The occasional motorbike going the wrong way had no effect on the congestion, but the four vehicles that came from the wrong direction caused an immediate backup of traffic.

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I'm in favor of making Buakhao one way too. The green and white trucks parked in front of Tops caused quite a traffic jam for those heading south this morning. Even on my bicycle there wasn't a gap wide enough for me to sneak through. I had to divert through LK Metro, and, I admit it, ride up Diana the wrong way to snap this pic.

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reminds me of second rd. first the connecting roads then second road one-way. Thai roumor is Buakhoa

will be one way to south allowing tour buses to avoid beach road. unless blocking to unload tourist.:hairout

history repeats itself.

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5 hours ago, aj said:

reminds me of second rd. first the connecting roads then second road one-way. Thai roumor is Buakhoa

will be one way to south allowing tour buses to avoid beach road. unless blocking to unload tourist.:hairout

history repeats itself.

Maybe the idiom "You cant make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" doesn't translate into Thai

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No chance of anyone trying to sneak into the Edge from 2nd Rd. They've done a good job with the barricades to stop right turns from 2nd Rd.


Soi Honey might be easier for an illegal entry. Just wait until the cop has his back turned.

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Soi Diana where it meets Soi Buakhao at the first night with one way. Hope it is better now.


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No idea what they'll be selling at the new place next to Nirun, but I expect those synthetic canopy tops are going to look old and worn by the end of the year due to exposure to UV and the elements.


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On 5/22/2024 at 6:23 PM, aj said:

reminds me of second rd. first the connecting roads then second road one-way. Thai roumor is Buakhoa

will be one way to south allowing tour buses to avoid beach road. unless blocking to unload tourist.:hairout

history repeats itself.

That change of Second Rd was a long time ago!

Tourist buses/coaches one way on Buakhao..... it will be worse than before!

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1 hour ago, jacko said:

That change of Second Rd was a long time ago!

Tourist buses/coaches one way on Buakhao..... it will be worse than before!

One simple solution to resolving the bottlenecks that occur too frequently on Buakhao is to allow parking on only one side of the soi for the entire length. Of course, while simple in practise, the reality is it would never work as laws are only suggestions and are generally not enforced so are regularly ignored.

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