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Everything posted by teelack

  1. Interesting! Do you use the Cebu website or some other site? I would like a long weekend there but not paying over the odds to get there and back Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  2. My luggage got lost and I was advised to go to the office just across from Immigration. In my case my luggage had been sent to Bangkok but I had to stay in Melbourne. I was advised that they had no knowledge of it and myself and two others in the same position were gutted. On a hunch I went for a walk outside the office and found all of our baggage. I admit that I am one of those people who like garish suit cases with multi colored straps and because mine was easy to spot I ended up knowing what the officials didn't. There is a message here. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  3. We are not talking about an intrusion. What worries me is anyone who has had the none peeing problems traveling. It is bloody painful as well as dangerous and the chance of getting an infection from a catheter is quite high. The problem is that there is no one solution fits all for the problem. Like yourself I have been there and while my experience is different from yours I still suggest that anyone who has doubts about travel simply doesn't till they have a permanent solution. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  4. As I pointed out out earlier in the thread, it's not waking up to have a pee that is the problem. It's not being able to pee at all and not knowing when it could happen. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  5. All the comments regarding new forms of treatment possibly will lead to better outcomes for this problem. For me the problem in getting my head around the problem is as follows. The operation is caused basically because the prostate keeps growing and cuts off the flow of pee. Unless there is some system that will shrink the prostate gland then you will still have to look to the standard operation. The secondary issue is that even after an op the prostate can keep on growing and you may need a second op. The same would apply I assume if all you did was shrink it and this is the nub point. Are o
  6. I usually have the 199 baht Sunday meal. It is more than enough for me and while not as good as the Queens Arms is still good value for money. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  7. I really have little to add to the topic other than the following. Most Farangs that I know would say that perhaps the most mediocre eaterie in Pattaya is Kiss. For me when I want a substantial snack the club sandwich and chips at under 100 baht is fine. The strange thing is that in the last few months I have been asked on 3 occasions by Thai girls to take them there and have had no complaints. I would never have thought of talking someone there but this experience is changing my thinking. Perhaps mediocre has a different meaning to different people? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  8. There are dozens of of hotels and boarding places in the area. Just book one night somewhere in the area and then have a walk down the street and poke your nose into areas and places that look interesting to you and in the area that you want. It's worth the effort and you might find the perfect place to stay. I did this 5 years ago and it worked for me. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  9. I too have run into the problem where bars refuse to change an off beer or even a chipped bottle. I wonder if this is also about losing face? I have now accepted the fact that if a draft ale is off then I just walk away but try to not leave a tip. One other problem that this mail has thrown up is that it also casts doubt on eating at Lee's which I assume has some skin in the game. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  10. Good report Evil. This place is constantly renewing itself as it never took off. This has caused a lot of places to close within months of opening. I do recommend the Thanya Bar for a comfortable seat, reasonably priced drinks and a great band doing the rock classics. I also wonder about the long term plan and note that the new bars in Made in Thailand back onto the project. One thing I do know and that is that the area used to be a rat infested wasteland before they tried to make something of the area. Sent from my Nokia 6.1 using Tapatalk
  11. One place that seems to have a good reputation is the Indian restaurant almost next door to the Cherry Bar in Soi Diana. I believe Member Bushcraft is an affectionado of the place. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  12. I won't attempt to answer the question because I have never been to an Indian restaurant in Thailand. What I do know is that most Thai restaurants serve the sort of curry made with coconut milk and I have never had a bad one. The same rule applies to Cambodia and Laos. Give them a try and you will find some great food for 100 baht or less. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  13. As usual you started my day off with a chortle. I particularly liked the following and as a scrabble player I have to believe that they will eventually come for me. Thailand has decided to reintroduce the death penalty after a gap of nearly 10 years. The announcement was quickly followed by the disbandment of large numbers of bridge clubs and darts teams.
  14. I read all these comments with complete wonderment. I am simple happy to get to Thailand 4 times a year. Fuck the reviews. Just get me there for a month in the sun with a Thai girl most nights and I would sit on the back end of a broomstick! Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  15. Here is my take on the Marquee Bar 100 baht roast. I had a couple of tries. This was simply because the so called small meal at the Retox Queens Arms was more than I could handle. I had the beef first and it was barely edible so I tried the chicken. It was a big slab and again more than I could handle and a bit tough. The rest of the meal was all at best luke warm and I find that annoying. The gravy was runny and again neither warm or appetising. Don't get me wrong.I think that for some this might be the best meal of the week and I applaud the place for effort. I did however decide that th
  16. When we talk about the queues at Swampy I think that you have to remember that this can happen anywhere. My experience is that normally there is little or no waiting at immigration which is why I rarely use Priority Line which I am entitled to use. Yes it happens but I have been frustrated by immigration in the past at a lot of airports. Also remember that once you have your suit case there is no screwing about like x rays, dogs or bag inspections. Also on the time that it takes to travel to Pattaya. I get the Bell Bus from Pattaya to Swampy and have been doing so for years. It is rare that it
  17. For me it was annoying rather than fun. I lasted about 30 seconds and never want a second try. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  18. One thing that you have to remember is that every country and district is different. You can travel the world looking for the perfect treatment, as you believe it to be. The practical truth is different. Your own country and surgical practices will have strong attitudes and beliefs about the right way to handle certain conditions and most of us cannot travel the world for a second, third or fourth opinion. If you have to use a national health system then you take what is offered. Also, the older you get the less choices you have. Once you leave the work force you will constantly be bumped down
  19. Thanks as usual for the review Evil. I would love to see places that dare to be different survive. I guess that this was my complaint about GASCO that there wasnt a sufficient point of difference for me to care. This place is however different and within a few metres of cheap noodle shops and the Hole in the Wall. If it can hold on till the French and Belgians start arriiving later in the year it should get a solid patronage.
  20. Thank Buddha for a common sense reply. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  21. Great stuff. My monthly treat.
  22. I wish that I had your faith. I come to Thailand and drink, dance, carouse and I sure as hell am not the only person to lose their phone or have it run over on the road. All I can do is to state and offer to rationalise a point of view. You seem to be saying that it will never happen to you. Best of luck with that one. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  23. I have bought two copies in Patta from Tocom and both looked beautiful and were worthless. Totally a waste of money and time. Unless I lived here I would never buy a phone locally. Why give up waranty rights? Twin SIM phones.Never and here is why. Like others I have lost my phone in Thailand and didnt recover it. Luckily it only had my Thai SIM and not the home one. It took me time as I had to file a police report but AIS then supplied a duplicate SIM for me and I was back on track. Imagine the total disaster had I lost my home SIM. Also, as a precaution I always turn of Roaming Data in ea
  24. I will make this personal. Like you, peeing could be an issue and in Thailand I drink too much. Fortunately I wasnt in Thailand when the catalyst occured. One Saturday peeing stopped and I thought that it would as in the past, 'Come right" Wrong! I was admitted to hospital that night and the amount of piddle that the cathetered out of me was amazing. I had a day of reflection in hospital and realised that I was scared as hell of this happening in Thailand or indeed anywhere other than home and I took immediate action. Believe me, the complaint is worse thah the cure.
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