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Why Use a Pre arrainged taxi

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I know some of you are big fans of pre arrainging travel from or to someplace


I am just courious to know, since taxi's are available aplenty, why hassel with trying to set up

in advance??


Bkk to Suwannabumi

meter taxi right out your front door


Suwannabumi to Pattaya or Bkk

out the departure gate

Upstairs to arrival

Grab a cab deadheading back


Pattaya to Suwannabumi

Plenty available


YES you get some nutters

But i have the same number of nutters/speed deamons

with pre arrainged cars also


I cant get reliable service in Los angeles to pick me up at home

or at the freaking airport


I personally have given up trying for pre arrainged in LOS


i travel alone so i am also a bit more flexible and

travel only with carry on and only cary my own bags



Edited by BillWilson
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One reason....some of the guys here are lucky to leave their moms house and need to be hand greeted at the door of the airport. Without it, they would be lost!


Some get all the way to Pattaya and then complain about the safety of crossing 2nd road. They should have gotten the taxi drivers number so he could drive them across it!


Sad but true!


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Sometimes I use it..depends on if I've been to the location before, the price and number of people I'm traveling with.




4 - 6 guys with luggage and I shop around for the cheapest minibus.




17 hrs on a plane and I don't want to get lost with a driver who does not speak a word of English. I've been in that cab and I don't ever want to do it again.

Edited by Sailfast
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I've used Lost in Space a few times and it's nice to have Jan meet me and I know a few COLD Heineken :chogdee will be in the truck and She's a SAFE driver and I like the idea the trucks in excellent shape with good tires.


On the other hand when I used to recommend Alex :thumbup he was reliable at first then he started stiffing guys at the airport.


I like having someone meet me plus I can usually share the ride and cost with a guy I hook up with at the airport.

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  BillWilson said:
Suwannabumi to Pattaya or Bkk

out the departure gate

Upstairs to arrival

Grab a cab deadheading back



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No reason to go upstairs, in fact I would recommend against it, as I would rather have a registered taxi I can track back via my ticket if there are any problems.


Just walk outside arrivals to the line, get a properly insured new taxi (must be less than 5 years old) with no haggling. Never waited more than a few minutes (YMMV) and always got good car and driver. SUVs available for a but extra.

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I like walking past customs into the arrival area and seeing my driver holding a sign with my name, makes me feel like a VIP. :hijack: Then have him take the luggage cart and off we head to his car in the carpark. If your not familiar with the location of your hotel and you use a service from Pattaya they should have no trouble finding where you are staying. The service I use costs 1000 baht+parking (30) + tolls (60) which is about the same as the airports taxis I believe. Now if United routes me on Singapore and I arrive during the day I'll use the Bell Travel bus service for 150 baht from airport to my room and the hell with feeling like a VIP. :hijack

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  OnMyWay said:
One reason....some of the guys here are lucky to leave their moms house and need to be hand greeted at the door of the airport. Without it, they would be lost!


Some get all the way to Pattaya and then complain about the safety of crossing 2nd road. They should have gotten the taxi drivers number so he could drive them across it!


Sad but true!


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Ahhh, the real reason, :bigsmile:

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Been back and forth on this question myself.Had uneven service from the pre arranged

fellows and was set to get the Public taxi.Then a BM posted that his driver was not familiar with Pattaya

and drove around fo 45' until the BM got his bearings and directed him.

For me,plane lands BKK 11:40pm,carry on only,Baht for taxi and my first night in hand.

I am wired to get to Patts as fast as i can.Used pre arrange- Pattaya 4 leisure,good results.

Btw made in from to the plane to arrivals hall in less than 5' in feb.

I also miss Jan.Anyone hear from her?

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  Hub said:
No reason to go upstairs, in fact I would recommend against it, as I would rather have a registered taxi I can track back via my ticket if there are any problems.


Just walk outside arrivals to the line, get a properly insured new taxi (must be less than 5 years old) with no haggling. Never waited more than a few minutes (YMMV) and always got good car and driver. SUVs available for a but extra.

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I agree. Used to use Mr. Toom - sometimes the cars were OK, sometimes not so OK. Tried Pattaya Limo and they were a no show. Walked out to arrivals, dickered for a bit and agreed on 1400 baht all in, and ended up in a Toyota that had only 200 kilometers on it. Lady driver was great and, if anything, drove a little faster than I would have asked for.


Ever since I don't bother with pre arranging.

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  jjj said:
I agree. Used to use Mr. Toom - sometimes the cars were OK, sometimes not so OK. Tried Pattaya Limo and they were a no show. Walked out to arrivals, dickered for a bit and agreed on 1400 baht all in, and ended up in a Toyota that had only 200 kilometers on it. Lady driver was great and, if anything, drove a little faster than I would have asked for.


Ever since I don't bother with pre arranging.

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I think if you walk to the line, it is 1,200 no haggling needed

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I like the idea of having someone waiting for me.


The price is agreed on before hand.


The driver if doesnt speak good english he has already been informed of my name and my hotel i dont have to go through the hassle of negotiating with a Taxi driver and for him to nod his head in agreement when in reality he hasnt understood a word i said.


I take the taxi from pattaya back to the Airport and last time i did myteerak through up because of the stench.


1200 pre booked or 1200 upstairs from a taxi rank , it is just a personel preference i will continue prebooking mine.


Guess that makes me a mummas boy then and not a wordly traveller who knows how to hail a taxi.

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  Emil said:
I like walking past customs into the arrival area and seeing my driver holding a sign with my name, makes me feel like a VIP. :D Then have him take the luggage cart and off we head to his car in the carpark. If your not familiar with the location of your hotel and you use a service from Pattaya they should have no trouble finding where you are staying. The service I use costs 1000 baht+parking (30) + tolls (60) which is about the same as the airports taxis I believe. Now if United routes me on Singapore and I arrive during the day I'll use the Bell Travel bus service for 150 baht from airport to my room and the hell with feeling like a VIP. :D
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That's my reason as well - besides I use them to take me to the airport as well.


I once had a taxi driver who couldn't read even the basic of maps - fortunately I had stayed at the hotel the previous year so knew he had gone too far on Sukhumvit !!!!



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I use a pre-arranged taxi from Mr. T because I always know how much it's going to cost, don't have to haggle about tolls or the overall charge, and if I have a problem, a call to Mr. T will straighten it out. After a long trip, that is very important to me.


Also, because I leave Pattaya at 3:30am, getting Mr. T's driver to come pick me up at the hotel in the morning beats wandering around the streets looking for a taxi at that hour.


In addition, no taxi that I know of will take me to or from Suvarnabhumi in comfort for 950b including tolls. I've seen some of these 800b Bangkok taxis that are trying to get a return ride to Bangkok, and they are usually suitable for city driving, but not freeway driving.

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Why do some guys keep inferring that you have to negotiate the price with a public taxi from the Airport? The price is laid down as 1,200 Baht plus 50 Baht Airport fee plus tolls. There is absolutely no requirement to haggle with anyone. :D

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depends on what flight i end up on, if i get to BKK late at night i like to have a driver waiting for me, saves pissing around. if i get to BKK during the day i'll take the bell travel bus.

unfortunately most of ny flights gat there outside the bell times

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It's never been a hassle to set up a taxi for me. I book my flight and hotel online why not my ride to Pattaya as well. In over 10 trips since 2003 never been stood up at the airport or lost in Pattaya.

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  CheshireTom said:
Why do some guys keep inferring that you have to negotiate the price with a public taxi from the Airport? The price is laid down as 1,200 Baht plus 50 Baht Airport fee plus tolls. There is absolutely no requirement to haggle with anyone. :D
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Then why did I get it at 1000B including tolls? My "haggle" took 2 milliseconds...

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  BillWilson said:
why hassel with trying to set up in advance??
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It's not really hassle! One e-mail to Mr Toom and he replies with confirmation. Job done!


In the past I used to use the Thai mini buses, but got fed up with having to wait around for the set departure times. Moved onto the unlicenced taxi's, which you could negotiate a good price for. Then they had a clamp down on those and for a while were harder to find, so I used Thai limosine, which was cheaper back then.


These days I just can't be arsed! I'm on holiday so what the fuck.....I'll treat myself to a B1200 ride to Patts. That's under 20 quid. Here I can't even get a car to take me 10 miles into central London for that.


Same with going to Bangkok from Patts. I always used to use the bus, but these days I get picked up at me hotel, travel in comfort and get dropped at me hotel the other end. For me and me TG it would cost about B350 to get a baht bus, two bus tickets and transport in Bangkok, so what the hell.. I pay an extra B850 and book a car.


If I was staying for a few months I'd look at cutting down these costs and revert back to the bus, but for a 3 or 4 week holiday, it's just that....a holiday, so comfort wins!





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Like Monkeyman I also don't like queues as I had my fill of waiting in lines during my 2 years in the Army when it was "hurry up and wait". For those that don't like pre booking a ride when arriving at BKK I'm curious as to why, afterall its the same price or even cheaper. Also don't you pre book a ride when your leaving Pattaya and heading to BKK?

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  Emil said:
Like Monkeyman I also don't like queues as I had my fill of waiting in lines during my 2 years in the Army when it was "hurry up and wait". For those that don't like pre booking a ride when arriving at BKK I'm curious as to why, afterall its the same price or even cheaper. Also don't you pre book a ride when your leaving Pattaya and heading to BKK? :finger
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Last November when I arrived I was going to Bangkok, but we had to meet the wife's nephew at the airport who had our stepson, so we didn't prebook a taxi. I was surprised at how easy it was to go outside and almost no wait for the airport taxi stand, with a new car and SUV offered also.


If you have a trusty service that is cheaper, no reason not to prebook, and have always prebooked for the way back from Pattaya or whereever to the airport for 800 baht. I had good experiences with Mr. T also.


But it's worth pointing out that if you don't get a chance to prebook. there is a new taxi no haggling waiting for you at 1,200 baht at the airport stand.

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