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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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OK just back from yet another very enoyable trip, like to give my two dollars worth on the beer garden for what its worth,

for all the good intention of trying to make it a carbon copy of the bkk version it was alway going to be an uphill battle, in about 5 daytime visits there I didn`t see a single FL, also 2 evening visits and there were just a few to be seen..I`m afraid if a girl as an option of sitting on beach road with the never ending flow of punters walking by or sitting in a bar with the hope that some guy will take a chance then sadly there is no real competition.

That said the bar really is a good place to go, friendly staff, very good music and brilliant location, whether Pete would look to make it a hostess bar in future remains to be seen, but surely the lure of several barfinable girls would go some way to drawing in more people, at the end of the day some guys might be just staying away if there is no eye candy, after all why do the majority of men go to pattaya?..its not friendly staff good music and the brilliant location thats for sure B)

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Well, maybe that isn't the reason we all go to Pattaya but..."friendly staff good music and the brilliant location" ain't too bad for a place to relax when not on the purposeful pursuit of something to dip your wick in.


Angeles City has Mo's - a place to guys to meet up, to have a decent meal, a few drinks while watching the girls walk by and it does a great business - without hostesses or really any freelancers except for a few late at night.


I'll be there in 3 days and sure intend to give it a fair try. Let's hope it catches on.

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the brilliant location


being set next to the pumping station detracts somewhat from the "brilliant location". As far as the girls are concerned, the view is exactly the same as they get from their "offices" under the trees on Beach Road.

Edited by CheshireTom
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In the cesspit that is pattaya, it is a brilliant location.


I had an issue problem with the definition of the Pattaya Beer Garden when it opened, but for what its worth i believe Pattaya to be a better place to stay with people like Pete trying to give us choice and interesting places to go.


I wish there were more like him!



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I've been there 3 times and found there to be plenty of girls on the first two visits and very quiet the last time. However, that's much the same as any establishment in Pattaya. They all have good nights and quiet nights.


I'd say the place is well worth a visit if you just want to sit, have a few beers and a chat with other patrons (girls or fellow BMs).


It's also a good location to meet up as there is no pressure in to buying drinks for ladies whilst you are waiting for your mates to turn up.


I still find it strange meeting up with so many service staff that I have met in other places though.

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I intend spending some quiet time there in August, knowing you are not going to get hammered by BGs after LDs. But if one comes along and we click greta for both of us. Keep the beer cold at Pattaya Beer Gardens and you will have me as a customer a few days when I am there.

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So lets think about this one

??? A quite no hasle relaxing place , Great location , Great views , Great Friendley staff, Great food ,Cheap drinks , And you may meet a friendley thai local with no pressure to buy them a 150bht glass of lolly water :D :clueless :clueless

Yeah I think Ill give it a try (probabley DAILY) Bring on AUGUST :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

All the best :moon


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So lets think about this one

??? A quite no hasle relaxing place , Great location , Great views , Great Friendley staff, Great food ,Cheap drinks , And you may meet a friendley thai local with no pressure to buy them a 150bht glass of lolly water :D :clueless :clueless

Yeah I think Ill give it a try (probabley DAILY) Bring on AUGUST :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

All the best :moon



I agree it's a good place to stop in for a few drinks and food.

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I don't think people should get mad at the OP for presenting his opinion relative to available freelancers, as the PBG is being marketed as the Pattaya version of the Bangkok Beer Garden (where the freelancer population is a big draw).


It's a bit ironic, as if I remember corrrectly the original intent of the FLB (Freelancer Bar) was to create a "Pattaya Version of the Bangkok Thermae". Well, that didn't work out either but Pete changed the theme accordingly and was successful. I am sure he will do the same here if warranted and his use of "internet custom" from boards like this seems undiminished.



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Pattaya Mad - I do not altogether disagree with you evaluation however I'd add the following . . .


As you can see from the responses freelancers are indeed turning up and hook ups are being made. However, as you say this can be hit and miss. We have had up to around 30 freelancers in the bar at one time but also plenty of times when there are just one or two.


The good news (for me and the future of the Beer Garden) is that we don't need the freelancers to make a viable business. All the positive points you mention, like cheap beer, good, well priced food, the view and ambience of the place, means we are already doing sufficient business to survive quite nicely.


The chicken and egg situation with freelancers will continue for some time. Plenty of girls and no guys looking to hook up means some girls do not hang around. Plenty of guys looking for hook ups but no girls means some guys do not hang around. I am confident this will resolve itself over time and already see positive signs of this happening.


We now have a regular but small group of girls who drop in on most days and often make a hook up. They have learned that they have to be patient and that they have to be receptive to smiles and waves. Their number is growing all the time.


Most of the guys we get in are not looking to hook up but some will if the right girl attracts their attention. We still have plenty of guys coming in looking for a girl and then failing to approach or signal their intentions to the available girls. Everyone is kind of feeling their way, somewhat blindly, towards the best way to do it.


I am 100% confident we will get to a similar situation as the Bangkok Beer Garden eventually. They have a 20 year head start on us so it will take a while to catch up. It may take a few months or even a year but we will get there. We have been open for seven weeks and have already made giant strides in the right direction.


The most important thing in all this is my resolve to make it work. I know now we could run a successful business somewhat like Kilkennys or Shenanigans, just on the food and bar trade alone. That is not what I want or what I am going to settle for. One of the main reasons I set the place up is because I like the way the Bangkok operation works and it is going to be fun for me to replicate their success. Personally I don't like Kilkennys or Shenanigans and I have no interest in operating like them.


You can help speed up the process. I understand that you (the reader) have no particular interest in making my job easier but I do know a lot of people are rooting for the bar to succeed. What we lack at the moment is enough guys who want to make a hook up. The serious mongers do not hang around long enough or visit often enough to inspire the girls to stay longer and try harder. Our existing customer base is great and make the bar a profitable venture. More hard core mongers will make it a successful freelancer venue as well.

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A venue I will visit on next trip. I can't ever see it being as big a hit though as the Beergarten in BKK, Although I haven't been to that one either I can pick stuff up from the threads and I feel that many of us have bad experiences on barfines and prices in BKk that do not apply to the same extent in Pty.

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It was never going to hit the ground running. I think its just what people are looking for without having to go to a shit disco or walk up and down Beach Road all night. I think it will be a success. I will probably eat there most nights with a possible bonus of finding a TG for the night.

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I was in the place almost every night for the peace and the food. The girls were there but I was'n't interested in them so no issues there.

Only one complaint/suggestion Pete. Re-print the menu and get rid of the 100 plus errors in spelling and various other problems such as capitalisation. Being old fashioned I tend to think that if people cannot get their menu right up front what is going wrong behind the scenes.

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Guest Belem

With the ability to stay open 24 hours because they serve food, I think the PBG could capitalize on the very late night market after the discos close. It is a more appealing place to hang out than JP Bar. Might even be able to do a booming breakfast trade like Denny's does in the USA after the bars close.

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Now that I've been to the Beer Garden, the only thing I would have changed was the name.


I would have called it the Pattaya Beer Pier.


It just sounded right to me at the time :poke

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mmmm 24 hrs eatery........now pete that is a good idea. I dunno how many times im forced to eat at kiss food at 3-5am. (minimum 3 times a week) Ok its fun to see all the idiots buy their barfine for the evening a cuddly toy etc but your joint would be better.


I appreciate this is a big step and would totally throw the staff rotor and expense out the window......but maybe 1 to think about in 6months down the line!

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i love the pbg!!!


last time i was there in may i went there every day and had great luck-some of the best women ever! some days there were plenty of them and some days just a few-but the ones i met were great-in all ways...i think the location is excellent and it nice not to be hassled all the time to"buy me dink" i will be there again in 33 days, keep up the good work pete... :rolleyes:

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i love the pbg!!!


last time i was there in may i went there every day and had great luck-some of the best women ever! some days there were plenty of them and some days just a few-but the ones i met were great-in all ways...i think the location is excellent and it nice not to be hassled all the time to"buy me dink" i will be there again in 33 days, keep up the good work pete...


Now that sounds like a place I'm gonna love when I visit Funtown again in September. Good location, reasonable prices and no hassle. Seems like a winning formula to me. Can't wait to road test the venue.

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"Most of the guys we get in are not looking to hook up but some will if the right girl attracts their attention" Very true Pete. Mate and I would probably drop in about five times a week in the afternoon for an early drink with no intentions to find a girl. the staff are super friendly (and some are better looking than the FL) the view and music are great and the drinks are reasonably priced. Mate did weaken a couple of nights ago however and succumbed to the offer of a massage. a couple of your regular FL are very nice ladies and at only 30 baht a drink its a pleasure to buy them one. Chawg dee khrup for the future.

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I found the place to be a delight to visit in the afternoon. Nice sea breeze, great view of the beach and City, nice relaxing ambiance, decent food prices, good selection of alcohol, friendly staff and no one pestering you to buy them a lady drink, jeez, whats not to like?


I've got 25 more days on this trip and I'm sure that I will be back to PBG many, many time.

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I have to say I like the place and have done since it first opened. The staff are excellent..............(I want to steel them) The location is great. I wish I had thought of the idea first. I am sure it will be around for a long time.


Also the drinks are CHEAP!!!!!!

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You can help speed up the process. I understand that you (the reader) have no particular interest in making my job easier but I do know a lot of people are rooting for the bar to succeed. What we lack at the moment is enough guys who want to make a hook up. The serious mongers do not hang around long enough or visit often enough to inspire the girls to stay longer and try harder. Our existing customer base is great and make the bar a profitable venture. More hard core mongers will make it a successful freelancer venue as well.



I fully plan on speeding up the process when I arrive and based on what I have heard from others, am sure that the business will be succesful as envisioned by Pete.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You can help speed up the process. I understand that you (the reader) have no particular interest in making my job easier but I do know a lot of people are rooting for the bar to succeed. What we lack at the moment is enough guys who want to make a hook up. The serious mongers do not hang around long enough or visit often enough to inspire the girls to stay longer and try harder. Our existing customer base is great and make the bar a profitable venture. More hard core mongers will make it a successful freelancer venue as well.

I fully plan on speeding up the process when I arrive and based on what I have heard from others, am sure that the business will be succesful as envisioned by Pete.


Pete did say from the outset that the guys would have to go to the girls and not the other way around. I have thought about this a lot as I love the locations and the prices but to be honest there is something missing in the ambience of the place.

There needs to be a way of bringing the girls and guys together. Not sure of the answer but perhaps its a central area where we could all sit around a screen and watch the video or something like that. There has to be a way where we can get up close without committment but where the chance of a hook up is improved. In the olden days this was called a "Conversation Pit" and it needs something to push the interaction.

To be honest a hell of a lot of threads talk about the need for interaction and that fact that if its missing then the writer just leaves until he finds it.

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I was in LOS from May 7th til June 25th and was in PBG nearly everynight polishing off a bottle or two of bacardi routinely

The staff were very polite and they had to put up with ME, :D so thats saying something.

All in all, a very kool place to kick back until I ventured out to get a ago-go babe, I would stop by on the way back to the hotel with girl in tow for a drink or two.

My ships have now started pulling into Pattaya again for repairs so I will be sending a message to same and advising my shipmates to check it out when they arrive :banghead



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Pete did say from the outset that the guys would have to go to the girls and not the other way around. I have thought about this a lot as I love the locations and the prices but to be honest there is something missing in the ambience of the place.

There needs to be a way of bringing the girls and guys together. Not sure of the answer but perhaps its a central area where we could all sit around a screen and watch the video or something like that. There has to be a way where we can get up close without committment but where the chance of a hook up is improved. In the olden days this was called a "Conversation Pit" and it needs something to push the interaction.

To be honest a hell of a lot of threads talk about the need for interaction and that fact that if its missing then the writer just leaves until he finds it.

Ive always found video juke boxes etc to be conversation killers and they didnt last long in uk bars because of that.

I dont understand how people find it difficult to hook up in a bar thats full of prostitutes looking to hook up

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