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Footballers salary

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Deb says Zola's now on zero but probably had a nice golden f*ck off....


Eyup Mike, PM me yer best bi contacts!!!!!


No, of course they're not paid too much (NOT). Interesting to see how much though and the variations - good post.



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The entire gate money at Brentford on a good Saturday, would not pay Frank Lampard a weeks wages.


Glory hunting fans, have a certain amount to blame for this predicament. Their team must win at any cost. To them, an new multimillion pound signing, is all part of the prestige. Good job we got him and not......


That is why my Seniors Season Ticket, at Griffin Park, (23 games) next year will be £165. That is about the same as 4 tickets to a Premiership Game.


How much are Agents, who have fuck all to do with any club, taking out of the game each year in fees ? :D


Premiership Football- robbing the poor, to give to the rich. :beer

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The entire gate money at Brentford on a good Saturday, would not pay Frank Lampard a weeks wages.


Glory hunting fans, have a certain amount to blame for this predicament. Their team must win at any cost. To them, an new multimillion pound signing, is all part of the prestige. Good job we got him and not......


That is why my Seniors Season Ticket, at Griffin Park, (23 games) next year will be £165. That is about the same as 4 tickets to a Premiership Game.


How much are Agents, who have fuck all to do with any club, taking out of the game each year in fees ? :D


Premiership Football- robbing the poor, to give to the rich. :beer



I agree 100%.Only a few players earn good money,the rest have a reasonable salary but their careers finish early and have to make provisions to work when they retire

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Those figures are just obscene.


70,000 and 50,000 pound a week is ludicrous.Nobody but nobody deserves payment at that level.


Should be a ceiling of 10k in premier,7k in championship,5k in league 1, and 3k in league 2.


Get some normality back in football.Still gives premiership players half a million a year which is still crazy.

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I agree 100%.Only a few players earn good money,the rest have a reasonable salary but their careers finish early and have to make provisions to work when they retire


Outside of the Premiership yes. But there are too many clubs in the Premiership who cannot sustain the level of salaries that are being paid. Portsmouth are an example and Leeds before that. Its then the fans who suffer. I bet there is another Portsmouth ot 2 before long.

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Those figures are just obscene.


70,000 and 50,000 pound a week is ludicrous.Nobody but nobody deserves payment at that level.

Why? The numbers seem fair to me. You have a willing employer, willing to pay a employee the market value - Something wrong with that?


I suppose we all could be in North Korea, where everybody is equal - Equally poor. (Except the Despots who run the country, of course)


No thanx, I'll take freedom.

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Why? The numbers seem fair to me. You have a willing employer, willing to pay a employee the market value - Something wrong with that?


I suppose we all could be in North Korea, where everybody is equal - Equally poor. (Except the Despots who run the country, of course)


No thanx, I'll take freedom.


FAIR !!!!!

There are OAP's afraid to turn their gas and fires on in winter collecting 92 pounds a week and you think that footballers receiving 50 or 70k a week is fair ?? Some of these guys are getting 120k in the premiership.


They DO NOT have a willing employer paying these wages !


You have an employer FORCED to pay these ludicrous sums to keep up with the rest.If every club had a cap on earnings then we wouldn't see the same old teams coming out top every year.


What on earth has a wage cap got to do with despots in North Korea ??

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Those figures are just obscene.


70,000 and 50,000 pound a week is ludicrous.Nobody but nobody deserves payment at that level.


Those figures are the base salaries and don't include bonuses and other add-on's that are written into players contracts. 2guns

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I do think they get too much but it is a free market and we cannot have the quasi communists interfering and dictating wages. Football did that in the dark ages and players got fuck all whilst the owners lined their pockets. Same as the cotton mill factory owners a century before.


Surely people complaining don't actually think that if we limit them to 10k a week they, the posters will actually benefit do they ? If not, then why bleat about it ?

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The way I look at it, someone is willingly paying those guys that money. Why shouldn't they take it? The club owners must be making money on the deal, right?

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I do think they get too much but it is a free market and we cannot have the quasi communists interfering and dictating wages. Football did that in the dark ages and players got fuck all whilst the owners lined their pockets. Same as the cotton mill factory owners a century before.


Surely people complaining don't actually think that if we limit them to 10k a week they, the posters will actually benefit do they ? If not, then why bleat about it ?

I think the salary cap has worked well in the NFL and should be used in the EPL as well.

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The way I look at it, someone is willingly paying those guys that money. Why shouldn't they take it? The club owners must be making money on the deal, right?


Wrong the owners are losing money hand over fist.


Manchester United supposedly the richest club in the world is around 600 million in debt !!


Owners do it for the prestige.

Edited by Chivas
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Wrong the owners are losing money hand over fist.


Manchester United supposedly the richest club in the world is around 600 million in debt !!


Owners do it for the prestige.


Well, it can't go on forever, then, right?

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Wrong the owners are losing money hand over fist.

Have you seen the books? Have you seen their Business Plan? How do you know that they are losing money? If they really losing money as you said, maybe his business plan is to grow the team and then sell it for a huge Capital Gain.


Goggle started by giving away its search fro free, butt hey are now one of the highest capital stock company's in the world. Sounds like you would criticize them also.



Manchester United supposedly the richest club in the world is around 600 million in debt !!


Owners do it for the prestige.

I really don't care why anyone that owns a business pays its employees. If they want to shower them with money, fine - It THEIR money for Gods sake!


Stop the class envy please.

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I really don't care why anyone that owns a business pays its employees. If they want to shower them with money, fine - It THEIR money for Gods sake!


Stop the class envy please.


Football is THE working mans sport, unlike Cricket, Rugby, Horse racing, Polo, Tennis, Badminton, Sailing.........


If it relied on the middle and upper classes for support, it would have disappeared long ago. To pay those who benefit from such support, obscene wages is a betrayal of tradition.


Without the working class, there would be no Premiership football- no high wages.

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Have you seen the books? Have you seen their Business Plan? How do you know that they are losing money? If they really losing money as you said, maybe his business plan is to grow the team and then sell it for a huge Capital Gain.


Goggle started by giving away its search fro free, butt hey are now one of the highest capital stock company's in the world. Sounds like you would criticize them also.




I really don't care why anyone that owns a business pays its employees. If they want to shower them with money, fine - It THEIR money for Gods sake!


Stop the class envy please.


Mr Mango,


I suggest you widen your research on the subject if you really believe clubs are not losing money !!! 95% of Premiership/Football league clubs are running at a loss.



The topic is are footballers salarys too high and the answer is yes.

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Have you seen the books? Have you seen their Business Plan? How do you know that they are losing money? If they really losing money as you said, maybe his business plan is to grow the team and then sell it for a huge Capital Gain.


Goggle started by giving away its search fro free, butt hey are now one of the highest capital stock company's in the world. Sounds like you would criticize them also.




I really don't care why anyone that owns a business pays its employees. If they want to shower them with money, fine - It THEIR money for Gods sake!


Stop the class envy please.

Here we go again-arguing for the sake of arguing,but I'll bite.It's common knowledge to most of us regarding the amount of debt the EPL teams-No need to see the books.So go ahead and argue that point.

The answer is a salary cap but that will never happen in the EPL.

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Mr Mango,


I suggest you widen your research on the subject if you really believe clubs are not losing money !!! 95% of Premiership/Football league clubs are running at a loss.



The topic is are footballers salarys too high and the answer is yes.

He just likes to argue because he's bored.He's clueless regarding PL finances or at least acts like he is.

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Can anyone believe this thread :behead :thumbup


A bunch of primadonnas who take more DIVES than you see in the Olimypics :allright .

What a bunch of Gay LBs, who if by chance they actually score a goal(average score 1 v 1) , they normally kiss or grab each others arses.:poke :bj2 :bj2

Seems most of these clowns need to be sent to BOYSTOWN, or given a reality check re real sporting life.

What a bunch of loosers ,

NO not the players but the idiot POMS and EUROS who put up with this shit and pay them crazy Dollars$$$ .

Dont hate the PLAYER, hate the GAME

Soccer players MUST be the most OVERPAID, under achieving fools to play international sport (is being a lying weak ,dive taking DOG actually classed as a world sport :clueless :clueless :bj1 :bj2 :finger ).

BTW I aint a Soccer fan since under 7s , its a great KIDS game and thats about it :chogdee2 :chogdee2

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Our brittish friends say that the clubs in premiership lose a lot of money too, i didn't know that since it is common knowledge that clubs in premiership and bundes liga have their books in order compared to the other competitions.

We all know that clubs in spain and italy are loosing so incredibly huge amounts of money that they should have been out of business decades a go and yet they get loans ( in many cases from the government) and are kept alive. I do agree that they make way too much money and the bigger clubs are getting bigger and others can't keep up ( specially the smaller countries, ajax will never win the champions league again).

So there are things that should change so the clubs are run like any other enterprise, but that won't happen any time soon. Could you immagine what kinda political unrest it will lead to if real madrid goes bankrubbed...? :allright :clueless :behead :thumbup

A salary cap does sound like a good idea, i have heard that the NBA in us has done something like it. I don't know how that has been done and how it works but....


Some do their job very well, specially in germany. bayern munchen has zero debts and every player they buy is payed by the money they actually have....


If the clubs are forced to be healthy enterprises, then there might even be no need for a salary cap and the competitions could become more exciting.... you know what i mean

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Mr Mango,


I suggest you widen your research on the subject if you really believe clubs are not losing money !!! 95% of Premiership/Football league clubs are running at a loss.

Frankly, I really don't give a damn if they make or loose money - I have no financial interest in them.




The topic is are footballers salarys too high and the answer is yes.

Wrong, assuming you do not have a financial interest in them. It is none of your business what somebody pays someone else if you have no direct interest.

Edited by MrMango
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