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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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    United States

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  1. That looks like asphalt to me. I don't think I've ever seen asphalt in Thailand. It has always been concrete. The nice thing about asphalt is that when it starts getting ruts you just scoop it up, reprocess it, and lay it back down in the same place.
  2. In one of your posts you mentioned that you pay your rent on a yearly basis.   Is that correct or are you just accessing the funds on a yearly basis and then paying on a monthly basis?

    If so I'm interested in knowing how to go about doing that should I want to in the future to save effort.  What type of properties, how to negotiate it for best value, etc.       Thanks.

    1. sailingbill


      Short , i'm just lazy,not smart and dont bother with monthly. My Real Estate agency doles it out monthly to the Russian landlord in case they have to pay repairs.  2,000 off the the monthly rent and have had no increases in 6 years. Probably better just to invest in the market if your an American.   I built a house in Issan so will not be doing this anymore. I never paid rent in the US and it always irritated me here .

    2. short


      The American market is fucked for a while unless you can identify a nitch company such as maybe Nvidia.  Although their bitcoin days may be past there is hope for the future in AI.

      The fundamental problem in the market is that there is not enough millennials to buy shares from the boomers who have most of the wealth.   Japan buys a lot of American assets but their population is aging worse than ours.

  3. When I can't remember how to get to the forum I default to pattayatalk.com which ends up with "This site can’t be reached pattayatalk.com took too long to respond. Try: Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall Running Windows Network Diagnostics ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" Seeing that BBSs and Forums are out of fashion, I would like to suggest that pattayatalk.com be automatically redir
  4. I'm in town.   Care to meet tomorrow (24th) for a few drinks?

  5. Does the pool need to be private enough to skinny dip? Also, what is the minimum size pool is needed?
  6. Where's Fonzi? From my hotel I could see the American flag flying in the wind but was unable to locate it on the ground.
  7. I found grapes imported from the US for sale in Terminal 21 at a price of about $5/lb.
  8. HH is nice, I have stayed there and they serve a great breakfast, but I found it to be just too far from everything. It is very viable if you are bringing sand to the beach. torrenova, can I ask the question, why is a pool important to you in Pattaya? I go further south when I"m looking for sun and water.
  9. Sounds like they don't trust embassy staff to handle cash.
  10. Not true. In the US it allows us to maintain the manpower to fight wild fires. With the recent increase in wild fires, we may have to increase the number of people we incarcerate to fight them.
  11. The operator is probably putting a little fuel in their motobike and not paying for it. Do they pump the gas for you when they do this?
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