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HI guys


Well i have only been back for a few days and my DJ is doing my head in !!


I am on his back all the time about the music he plays ,which i think is shit !


Please help me ?


What songs do you guys like to hear ,if you can give me names it would be great.



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tough call.

do you play music the ggg's prefer to dance to as that's the main reason guys are going to a gogo or do you play music the punters prefer, assuming you can catergourize them into one music goup.


the obvious answer is to find the balance of popular and danceable songs, thats what your paying a DJ for.


i personally like the music of hard core rock-n-roll, the closest being what the TQ's and Champions plays, but the ggg's cann't dance to and are bored as shit, ok for expats who are coming in for a few drinks and an occational short-time, but not for the broad based sepectrum that a large gogo caterers to.


my vote is get a decent DJ that will keep the ggg's doing more than the chrome pole two-step


thanks for asking



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ROCK. ROCK, and ROCK :beer


U2, Foo Fighters, Tom Petty, Thin Lizzy, Metallica, Springsteen, Motorhead.


You get the idea :bigsmile:


Real singer/song writers, that play actual instruments, not some technician with a mixing desk :party :cry2



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  Treebeard said:
ROCK. ROCK, and ROCK :beer


U2, Foo Fighters, Tom Petty, Thin Lizzy, Metallica, Springsteen, Motorhead.


You get the idea :bigsmile:


Real singer/song writers, that play actual instruments, not some technician with a mixing desk :party :ang2



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No probs from a musical point of view, but it doesn't do a whole lot for the girls dance-wise, as can be witnessed at Tim Bar. :cry2 :poke

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  monkeyman said:
No probs from a musical point of view, but it doesn't do a whole lot for the girls dance-wise, as can be witnessed at Tim Bar. :party :drunk
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You are quite correct about the girls dance wise :beer


But he did ask:


"What songs do you guys like to hear ,if you can give me names it would be great."


That's what I was answering to.



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Hi Alan


If you want stuff for the girls to dance to and is not "too" hard on the ears you could try a few of these:


Delerium & Sarah McLachlin - Silence (dj tiesto remix)


Love Inc - You're a superstar


Planet Perfecto - Theres a bullet in the gun


DJ Sammy & Yanou feat.DO - Heaven


XTM - Fly on the wings of love


Herd, Fitz and Abigail - Just can't get enough


Black Box - Ride on time


Rui da Silva - Touch me


Ian Van Dahl - Castles in the sky


Pussycat Dolls - Buttons


BIG ANG feat Siobhan - Its over now


System F - Cry


Haddaway - What is love


DHT feat Edmee - Listen to your heart (uniting nations remix)


Of course it might not be dancy music your lookin for, if thats the case then none of the above apply!



Alex :D

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Alex, thats some list and I gotta say I mostly agree!!


I find it difficult to know what "Western" music the girls like, never mind dance too. I took my Nano Ipod speaker thingy with me last trip and of 3Gb (nearly 800 songs) the only songs any knew where The Cranberries song Zombie, though they called it "In your head" and I am embarrassed to say a few Ronan Keating songs that off coarse my wife had downladed onto my Ipod :chogdee :D But then off coarse it could just be me!!! I could have raised my score if I'de played The Eagles but thats hardly dance!!



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While I certainly appreciate trying to give your customers what they want its kind of an open ended question.


personally the only song that I recognized that I would play is buttons, but that is my personal taste.


It also depends on what you girls like and what makes them comfortable. Because we all know when they are comfortable and having fun the better off we are :bigsmile:


P.S. Id drink her bathwater



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I agree with you about the choice of music currently being played.


My preference is for music from the 60's, 70's and early 80's, but it has to be varied to suit all tastes.


People had no trouble to dancing to this type of music in the discos back in the 80's.



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Sack him and get a computer................


No Salary

No fucking YOUR staff

No breaking equipment



A decent computer system would cost less than a DJ's salary for 5 months and uploading the lastest music would cost peanuts per month!



Call me



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If I ran a Go-Go bar I'd play dance music, the Ibiza stuff not the Thai stuff, go to Hammers bar and listen to what they are playing at Sam's Bar. All the girls from the soi are dancing to it so much so that many of the bar owners turn of their sound systems.


Just my opinion but I think it works.

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On several nights in November I tipped the DJ in TQ2 to play some Doobie Brothers and the dancers there had NO TROUBLE dancing to it. And they were actually DANCING!


It's not a matter of what music is playing IMO. It's a matter of what the mamasan tells them is acceptable behavior that will govern their response to the songs played.


I might like rock 'n roll, but if the ladies are unhappy with it I'll defer to whatever puts them in a good mood.


I'll tolerate any music played as long as it is not so loud that I can feel it on my chest.




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  rockinjerry said:


Even a little country/ rock by old RJ? :D


Agree with the loud statement as it has kept me from going back to some bars that I enjoy but just can't tolerate the decible level!

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I still have a Tee-shirt that says


"if it's to loud"

"then your to OLD"

just go home and sing in the shower

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  H said:


Sack him and get a computer................


No Salary

No fucking YOUR staff

No breaking equipment



A decent computer system would cost less than a DJ's salary for 5 months and uploading the lastest music would cost peanuts per month!

Call me



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Alan, i have been involved with music and played in bands for over 30 years and live music is my thing, but in your situation a computer is the go.

you can then access every song you could ever think of.

have a backup with some cd's though, in case the computer ever does a wobbly.


if you have a friend or one of your girls is computer savvy, its simple.

if you have access to songs that punters like, that goes a long way for repeat business.

get your girls to write a list of what they like too.

if they like what they hear, they are more likely to liven up, perform and be happy.

us punters may be in your place for an hour or two but the girls have to tolerate the same repetitious drivel every night. give them some choices.

you can have request/theme nights, special songs for various girls etc (nok nok who's there!?)

i'd like to be there to witness 'nok's biggest tits' (tehe)


YOU are paying the baht!! take some control back mate.

nothing pisses me off more than seeing some gel headed, sullen, self indulgent, wanna be pop-star wanker DJ in the corner playing crap that HE likes at a stupid volume. nothing can kill the vibe of a place quicker.

the vibe is the first thing that hits you when you walk in to any venue.

take some control back!!!

see you in april


ps.. what about ' noking on heavens door?' 'nok three times?' 'nok on wood?' 'whos that noking on the door?'

sorry, i am getting silly now.

Edited by ozijeff
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Went into Living Dolls 3 weeks ago and got the royal treatment. Boss bought the ladies I was with 3 or 4 drinks each to "get them started" !!!!! and came back and bought me a drink or 2 later. Awesome! I naturally reciprocated by exploding my baht gun and it was more than worth it. Very righteous dude! I recommend a visit and don't hesitate to introduce yourself - you might be pleasantly surprised!!! :bigsmile:

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there is NO way to please every patron in a venue. what one guy loves may seriously chase out 15 others.

if everyone gets to hear a few songs they like, then they are usually happy to hang around and will be grateful that you listened to their requests.

the last thing you need is a loudmouth that demands you play HIS taste in music all night. thats what ipods are for.

i repeat, try and find songs that keep the girls moving and happy too.

they are what we come to see.

you run a gogo not a disco!

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Mr. RB:


Guess I am too old then!


But, as far as the shower goes, I would rather do it with a cute Thai lady than to sing in it! :D


I know loudness of music is a problem with a lot of us as I constantly read about it on the boards. I also know it is a concern of Alan Lad as he has a "decible gun" and checks the level alot.


I don't say it has to be "background music" as music is part of the happenings. But, it is nice when one can converse with the person sitting next to him without hollering or screaming.


My suggestion: Any type doable but forget Hip-Hop.

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