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For today's Easy R-Con open sewer project update found them working on where the pumps will eventually be installed.

And on the other end we have this. Live here any amount of time and you soon learn this is normal Thai construction method. Build it, then break it apart b/c they didn't plan ahead for whatever needs to hook up, or get installed.

On a side note. As a bicycle rider, I wish they wouldn't install sewer grates parallel to the direction of travel. These will be ok for mtn bike tires, but when I'm on my road bike with skinny tires they're a trap for the tire.

I'm now thinking this pump system is to help push more of the flood water into the drainage system. If that's the case then I'm left wondering how they'll keep the flood water from flowing back into the concrete sump via the large diameter concrete outflow pipe.

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Did a double take when I saw these guys. Acoustic leak detection maybe?

Enlarging the the storm water drains on the north end of Beach Rd. Read on another forum plans are afoot to dig up the length of Beach Rd, again, and install larger storm water drains.

Wat footpath and gutter on Pattaya Tai getting a cleaning.

Soi Pothole will soon be getting a new bar.

Edited by forcebwithu
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2 hours ago, forcebwithu said:

And on the other end we have this. Live here any amount of time and you soon learn this is normal Thai construction method. Build it, then break it apart b/c they didn't plan ahead for whatever needs to hook up, or get installed.

I certainly agree there!

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How long has it taken so far on the R-Con sewer project.....Coming up to 6 months? If you think that's bad where I work in the UK they've been installing a 200 metre long pipe trench for an effluent line and so far it's taken them 2.5 years and they're only just now welding the stainless steel effluent pipe.... Another fairly simple project of replacing one air compressor with 2 has been going on for 18 months....

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On 7/13/2019 at 7:59 AM, forcebwithu said:

Did a double take when I saw these guys. Acoustic leak detection maybe?

Enlarging the the storm water drains on the north end of Beach Rd. Read on another forum plans are afoot to dig up the length of Beach Rd, again, and install larger storm water drains.

Wat footpath and gutter on Pattaya Tai getting a cleaning.

Soi Pothole will soon be getting a new bar.

Another NW group offering?.

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7 hours ago, Butch said:

Another NW group offering?.

A youtuber offering. I set the start of his video as he begins walking down Soi Pothole to his new bar. He has a good shot of the current condition of the road.


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Opening a bar when the Sterling is at its weakest against the thb in its history, low season, increasing difficulties for ex pats to remain in country, decreasing visitor numbers and on a street which already has increasing competition. Utter madness.

he’s gambling on it getting busy on the back of the NW groups increased presence, and the increase in business in that area, but with the amount of bars in difficulty as I write this, perhaps rather than opening a new venue, maybe getting one already on its knees and doing a refurb and turning it around might have been a less risky option. Then again, I know Jack about running a bar, by my own admission.

i noticed the NW group icon in the corner of the video, so is the youtuber sponsored by the NW group or is this yet another NW bar but perhaps “under the radar” of the others. He mentioned that he’s going in with other bar owners from the “xtra bar” whomever they are.


thanks for the link FBWU, interesting viewing.

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They do that all over the world as its a great method of detecting leaks without tech.works just like a stethoscope or at least the one used by midwives.




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Regarding the guy opening a new bar on Soi Pothole.

In my opinion, it's too far down the Soi.

It's a So i known for massage, not bars.

IT'S too small, t the upstairs/overflow bar area, will never get used .

If he uses upstairs, as ST rooms, he's cutting his own throat.

Will it generate enough profit to satisfy him and his 2 or 3 partners.

Only time will tell.

Sorry for the thread fuck.





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A few pics of the Easy R-Con open sewer project from late yesterday. Forms and rebar going in for the concrete pad to join the box with Soi Buakhao. What will be interesting to see is how they'll match up the other side of the box to the existing road surface.

The part they ripped up earlier in the week is now being reconstructed.

Size and shape of the forms looks the same to what was there before, so no idea why they started over on this section of the box.

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Yes. A question I have been curious about. You'd think with all the rain they understand drainage.

I was curious about why the broke up what they already formed.

What do I know? I packaged high frequency military electronics, not storm drains.

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Easy R-Con open sewer project; concrete pad to Buakhao was poured last night. 
 The finished product this morning.
 Looks like the pumps have been delivered.

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That bloke in pic #1 walking barefoot in cement. I got chemical burns down the bottom of my leg from doing the exact same thing when wearing shorts years ago and the level went over the top of my boots. Wet cement has a ph of 12-14.

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11 hours ago, Butch said:

That bloke in pic #1 walking barefoot in cement. I got chemical burns down the bottom of my leg from doing the exact same thing when wearing shorts years ago and the level went over the top of my boots. Wet cement has a ph of 12-14.

I was thinking the same thing when I took that pic, and while watching a couple of others with no protection walking around in the cement soup. You would think they've suffered skin problems enough times they would learn to wear protection, but then again, TIT and you can't fix stupid.

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Buakhao is now connected to the Easy R-Con open sewer project with a new concrete road.

Wonder if the spec called for a textured surface for both lanes, but the crew working on the right forgot about that little detail.

Now working on cleaning up the work site. I see the pumps are still waiting to be installed.

Picture from the smelly end of the box. They're pumping water into the new box from the storm water system using an access shaft a few meters from the box. 

In this picture you can see the box has a connection to the storm water system, so it begs the question why are they now having to pump water from that same system.

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Had a look on the other side of the Easy R-Con open sewer project and see they finished laying the concrete road on that side. So what they've created on the end of the soi is a massive speed bump. What is even more curious is they built big storm water drains on top of the concrete box with none on the low point of the road leading into the box. It'll be interesting to see with the next big rain how they get water to flow uphill into the drains.

Pumps are still sitting on the side waiting to be installed. Also looks like someone forgot to measure how high the valves are before building the framework for the storm water grates. Result, in typical Thai fashion, rip it out and do over.

Edited to add: Looking at earlier pictures of the opening for the valves I see they had not started on the framework for the grates. So they are doing it right, noting the height of the valves and building the framework with the proper clearance.

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Anybody know a civil engineer who is looking for work? There seems to be a shortage of them in Thailand. ?

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Another Easy R-Con open sewer project update. Thanks to Zeb's heads up I took my camera with me yesterday evening to see for myself the "adjustment" to the valves. Sure enough, they've rotated the valves to make room for the stormwater grate. Fair enough solution to the problem, but if it were me I would have had them rotate both towards the center to give the person operating the valve more room to work.

Pumps are now installed. Note the garbage left behind sitting on the pump and floating around in the water.

This is a shot of the opposite side of the box I took on Sunday. I wondered then how they were going to handle the flood of water that will have nowhere to go once it hits the low end of the box.

The solution, a small channel was cut to divert water into the three existing small drains. 

This pic I took back in April after a heavy storm hit the area. This is the amount of water those small drains will need to handle. No way Jose will they be able to handle that volume of water.

Given all the screws up we've seen during the construction of the box, the latest being lack of clearance for the valves, I'm wondering if the biggest screw up of all was not digging down deep enough so the the top of the box and its large drains would be flush with the existing road surface.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Khao Talo is getting larger drains too.

Meanwhile at the Easy R-Con open sewer project, they're still working on the cover to hide the leaky valves.

Gotta love a Thai flood control project that leaves one of the storm drains in worse condition than before the project began.

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Noticed last night at the Easy R-Con open sewer project they were putting the final touches on the framework for the valve compartment covers. Made a point to get over there today to snap a few pics of the finished product and managed to catch them installing the final cover.

Almost in...

Uh oh, something doesn't look right...

Unfcking believable, they managed to screw up the cover size, again...

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