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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by yorta2

  1. Any 'chicken friend', is a good chicken friend....
  2. I have spent the past 10 years visiting Kanchan., and have attended ANZAC Day Dawn Service at Hellfire Pass each year, followed by the main service in the main Cemetery. If you want great accommodation, but at a sensible price, stay at the Pong Phen Guesthouse (Google it). I always stay there, and it is right in the middle of the night action. First time I visited Kanchan I stayed at the River Kwai Hotel but then discovered Pong Phen.
  3. I picked up a severe strain of crapping in India in the early 70s when serving in the Navy. I was prescribed Lomotil by the Naval doctor on board, and it was suggested I immediately take 10 of them and see what happens.... They worked, but the other advice I got was that if I felt really dizzy and a bit spaced out, I was probably suffering early stages of atropine poisoning, but 10 tablets probably wouldn't do that. I was fine. I used these tiny tablets for years after that, if I found myself in the same state.
  4. As a casual visitor to Pattaya (only about once per year) but one who watches a few codes of football, I would recommend Witherspoons on Soi Bukhaow. It is almost opposite the top entrance to Soi Diana and has a large blue sign. Great coverage, good beer, and reasonable to good food.
  5. Thanks for posting those, Mate. A wonderful job!
  6. Thanks Jimbo, now I am totally put off frozen chips. I have been eating them when out for years - I think I'll just have to seek out natural ones.
  7. I just saw a temperature chart for Bangkok for the Christmas week. Is it much the same forecast for Pattaya? May need some winter woollies.... 7-day Forecast Dec 21, 2013 - Dec 27, 2013 During 21-25 Dec, cool to cold with light fog in the morning. Minimum temperature 14-17 C. Maximum temperature 24-29 C. During 26-27 Dec, cool to cold and 1-2 C drop. Minimum temperature 13-16 C. Maximum temperature 24-28 C.
  8. Have a look here: http://www.bangkokroughguide.info/forums/bangkok-accommodation-53/ I think you can access this without joining the forum but if you have to, Bangkok Rough Guide is a petty good site for info on Bangers.
  9. Good luck on the sale. I reckon it should be called Panther Piss.
  10. Sorry, but I wouldn't even go to Patpong these days. I know there are few good hotels very close by, but have found that the best ones for the best prices are around the best area - Sukhumvit.
  11. Hmm, I reckon that every good hiding place in every room in Pattaya is well know by everyone who may steal from someone. On the other hand, on my first night in Bangkok with a Newbie mate one year, he hid 15,000 Baht under the paper mate that sat below the tray with peanuts, crisps, chocolates, condoms etc. on it, and promptly forgot about it. When we were checking out after about 4 nights stay, I went into his room to have a look around to ensure he left nothing behind when I noticed a paper edge sticking out from under the tray. Yes, it was the 15,000 Baht - still there. He just thought
  12. I have done the night trip up to Chiang Mai (and only in the last few years). I took a 2nd class ride and enjoyed it immensely. The reason I chose 2nd class was that it gave an opportunity to meet all sorts of characters from a large range of countries, and my girlfriend of the time and I had a ball. If you are alone, get a bottom bunk - it is bigger and the view from the window is quite stunning in the morning. The top bunk is smaller and has no window, but it gets a bit more ventilation from the fans. My girl chose the top bunk, but there was enough room in the bottom one for her to cli
  13. Opey de Place is pretty good and in a good location. Your problem may be in the time of year you are visiting - many hotels/guesthouses booked out.
  14. Looks good - a pity the spelling on the map isn't a bit more accurate though. Thanks for posting the menu in full.
  15. Wow! The menu is looking good. Won't be back in town until start of May, but look forward to some great reviews, and also hope I can find you.
  16. Anyway, where do you sign up for that bar tour? I have met a few people that I would like to direct to it....
  17. Of course, there are worse signs around, not only in Pattaya:
  18. I was waiting for someone to post this, but alas, there was an article about just this issue here: http://www.pattayanewsflash.com/thaiworkforce/index.html Just go down the page and see that others are having the same issue.
  19. Thanks for all the info. I really appreciate the photos to figure out my bearings - usually I need them (I've lost mine).
  20. yorta2


    Aha, now this page is starting to get funny!
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